Verhoog de betrokkenheid van de shopper en stimuleer online verkoop met omnichannel berichtgeving

Verhoog de betrokkenheid van de shopper en stimuleer online verkoop met omnichannel berichtgeving

Verhoog de betrokkenheid van de shopper en stimuleer online verkoop met omnichannel berichtgeving

Mar 26, 2020

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Omnichannel berichtgeving

Omnichannel berichtgeving

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Ready to see Bird
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Increase shopper engagement and drive online sales with omnichannel messaging

In 2019, the ecommerce retail industry saw 3,5 biljoen dollar in global sales. Needless to say, online retail is one of the world’s fastest-growing markets, and the competition for customers is fierce. As businesses modernize their online shopping experiences with smoother payment processes, intelligent product suggestions, elevated brand strategies, and the like, the way they talk to customers must advance as well. In a world where more than 50% of customers feel that companies don’t make it easy to contact them, being active on the communication platforms your customers use and love is an easy way to differentiate your online shopping experience from the competition.

Bird works with retailers like Hugo Boss and Rituals to integrate intelligent communications into their shopping experiences that drive faster sales and build long-term brand loyalty. We’ve collected some of the most compelling use cases below to help you elevate your online shopping experience.

Verkoop stimuleren met Abandoned Checkout Recovery

Any ecommerce business is unhappily familiar with the pains of abandoned shopping carts. With a staggering cart abandonment rate of 75.5%* globally, targeting (and converting) shoppers who have drifted away during the payment process is a surefire way to drive sales. 

Of course, building strategies to reduce cart abandonment is nothing new, but businesses often rely on email to do the heavy lifting. Bird is helping customers leverage SMS to drive higher conversions and faster sales. If we compare the average SMS open-rate of 90%* naar de average 45%* open-rate of cart abandonment emails, the choice is obvious. SMS enables businesses to bypass the clutter of an email inbox to land straight on customers’ phones—reminding them of that beautiful juicer they're two clicks away from owning, or the free tote bag they’ll receive with their order.

Not to mention, customers are increasingly moving from desktop to mobile to do their shopping. Case in point: in 2018, Shopify reported that 77% of traffic and 67% of orders came through mobile, whereas 2019 saw mobile generate 81% of traffic and 71% of orders*. By reaching customers directly on their mobile devices, whether it’s through SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, WeChat or Line, brands are better positioned to deliver cohesive, engaging experiences.

Deliver impactful campaigns with an omnichannel marketing approach 

Effectieve marketing is gebaseerd op het begrijpen van je klanten. Zoals elke marketeer je zal vertellen, hoe persoonlijker en contextueler een interactie met een klant is, hoe groter de kans dat ze zich engageren. Bekijk het zo: het is één ding om een klant via een onpersoonlijke e-mail te vertellen dat je een uitverkoop hebt. Het is iets heel anders om een klant te berichten over een uitverkoop van een artikel in zijn specifieke maat, in de kleur die hij mooi vindt, in de dichtstbijzijnde winkel.

Bird is helping brands build these types of personalized, seamless communication experiences at scale. With Bird’s oplossingen voor e-commerce, retailers can automatically trigger restock notifications that default to a customer’s preferred messaging app, or run click-to-message campaigns that put you in direct contact with potential customers straight away.

De truc is het aansluiten op cloudcommunicatiesoftware die de aankoop- en interactiegeschiedenis van elke klant op één plaats centraliseert. Wanneer bedrijven gemakkelijk toegang hebben tot hun hele interactiegeschiedenis met een klant, verbetert dat de klantervaring en wordt het klanttraject verlengd.

Modernize your customer support with Bird Inbox

Whether a customer is looking to return a faulty product, check in on an order, or lodge a complaint, every support interaction is an opportunity to turn a potentially dissatisfied customer into a brand loyalist. And if support teams count on one weapon to combat customer dissatisfaction, it’s context. 

Empowering your support agents by centralizing every customer’s interaction history in a simple, accessible conversation thread is the easiest way to drive faster ticket resolutions, build smarter support processes, and boost NPS and CSAT scores. With tools like Bird Inbox, retailers are not only delivering better customer support—they’re creating more efficient processes, automating repetitive manual tasks, and shifting towards engagement patterns that meet and exceed customer expectations.

Merkentrouw opbouwen met moderne communicatieoplossingen

Shoppers willen hun loyaliteit weerspiegeld zien in een gepersonaliseerde, naadloze klantervaring die rekening houdt met hun unieke relatie met uw merk. Retail is niet simpelweg een transactie-ervaring die begint en eindigt bij het verkooppunt - het is een relatie. Het opbouwen van merkloyaliteit hangt af van een sterke band met uw klanten, het begrijpen van hun behoeften en hen tegemoet komen waar ze zijn.

Bird is empowering retailers around the world to do exactly that with easy-to-use, omnichannel solutions that reduce shopper dropoff, drive sales, increase campaign engagement, and maximize the impact of your communications. Meer informatie over onze e-commerce oplossingen or bereik ons vandaag nog to see how you can transform your online shopping experience with cloud communications.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

De right message -> naar de right person -> aan de right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

De right message -> to the right person -> aan de right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Privacyverklaring.