RESTful API版本管理的最佳实践。为什么v1是第一的

RESTful API版本管理的最佳实践。为什么v1是第一的

RESTful API版本管理的最佳实践。为什么v1是第一的

May 24, 2017



Chris McFadden

Chris McFadden






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RESTful API Versioning Best Practices: Why v1 is #1

Breaking Changes Bad!  API Versioning Good!



We introduced v1 of the API three years ago and did not realize that it would be going strong to this day. So how have we continued to provide the best email delivery API for over two years but still maintain the same API version? While there are many 不同意见 on how to version REST 应用程序接口, I hope that the story of our humble yet powerful v1 might guide you on your way to API versioning enlightenment.


SparkPost应用程序接口起源于我们还是消息系统公司的时候,那时我们还没有开始云计算。当时,我们正忙着为Momentum 4 测试版的推出做最后的准备。这是我们市场领先的内部 MTA 3.x 版本的重大升级。Momentum 4 包括全新的用户界面、实时分析,以及最重要的用于邮件注入和生成、管理模板和获取邮件指标的全新 Web API。我们的愿景是采用 API 优先架构--甚至用户界面也将与 API 端点互动。

One of the earliest and best decisions we made was to adopt a RESTful style. Since the late 2000s representational state transfer (REST) based web APIs are the de-facto standard of cloud APIs. Using HTTP and JSON makes it easy for developers, regardless of which programming language they use – PHP, Ruby, and Java – to integrate with our API without knowing or caring about our underlying technology.

Choosing to use the RESTful architecture was easy. Choosing a versioning convention was not so easy. Initially we punted on the question of versioning by not versioning the beta at all. However, within a couple months the beta was in the hands of a few customers and we began building out our cloud service.  Time to version. We evaluated two versioning conventions. ǞǞǞ first was to put the versioning directly in the URI and the second was to use an Accept header. ǞǞǞ first option is more explicit and less complicated, which is easier for developers.  Since we love developers, it was the logical choice.


With a versioning convention selected we had more questions. When would we bump the version? What is a breaking change?  Would we reversion the whole API or just certain endpoints? At SparkPost, we have multiple teams working on different parts of our API. Within those teams, people work on different endpoints at different times. Therefore, it’s very important that our API is consistent in the use of conventions. This was bigger than versioning.

We established a governance group including engineers representing each team, a member of the Product Management team, and our CTO. This group is responsible for establishing, documenting, and enforcing our API conventions across all teams. An API governance Slack channel also comes in handy for lively debates on the topic.


  • 一个新的资源或API端点

  • 一个新的可选参数

  • 对一个非公开的API端点的改变

  • 在JSON POST正文中的一个新的可选键

  • 在JSON响应体中返回一个新的密钥


  • 一个新的必要参数

  • POST机构中的一个新的必要键

  • 删除一个现有的端点

  • 删除一个现有的端点 request method

  • 一个API调用的内部行为有实质性的不同--比如对默认行为的改变。


当我们记录和讨论这些约定时,我们也得出了这样的结论:避免对API进行破坏性的修改符合每个人(包括我们!)的最佳利益,因为管理多个版本会增加相当多的开销。我们决定,在提交 "v1 "版本之前,我们应该修复我们的API的一些问题。

Sending a simple email required way too much effort.  To “keep the simple things simple” we updated the POST body to ensure that both simple and complex use cases are accommodated.  The new format was more future-proof as well.  Secondly we addressed a problem with the Metrics endpoint. This endpoint used a “group_by” parameter that would change the format of the GET response body such that the first key would be the value of the group by parameter. That did not seem very RESTful so we broke each group by into a separate endpoint. Finally we audited each endpoint and made minor changes here and there to ensure they conformed with the standards.


It is important to have accurate and usable API documentation to avoid breaking changes, of the deliberate or unintentional kind. We decided to use a simple API documentation approach leveraging a Markdown language called API蓝图 and 在Github中管理我们的文档. Our community contributes and improves upon these open source docs.  We also maintain a nonpublic set of docs in Github for internal APIs and endpoints.

Initially, we published our docs to 养蜂场, a great tool for prototyping and publishing API docs. However, embedding Apiary into our website doesn’t work on mobile devices so we now use 杰基尔 to generate static docs instead.  Our latest SparkPost API文档 now load quickly and work well on mobile devices which is important for developers who are not always sitting at their computer.




It is only fair to admit that there have been times where we have not lived up to our “no breaking changes” ideals and these are worth learning from. On one occasion we decided it would be better for users if a certain property defaulted to true instead of false. After we deployed the change we received several complaints from users since the behavior had changed unexpectedly.  We reverted the change and added an account level setting – a much more user friendly approach for sure.


There are rare cases where we made the serious decision to make a breaking change – such as deprecating an API resource or method – in the interest of the greater user community and only after confirming that there is little to no impact to users. For example, we deliberately made the choice to alter the response behavior of the Suppression API but only after carefully weighing the benefits and impacts 到 community and carefully communicating the change to our users. However, we would never introduce a change that has a remote possibility of directly impacting the sending of a user’s production email.

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