


Jul 5, 2017










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Why Attestations Are Just One Part of Your Cloud Security Program


An 根据定义,证明, is an indication that makes something evident. In the case of the security, specifically security programs it means to certify in an official capacity.

People often ask me what makes a good security program. As much as I would like to point to one aspect of my security perimeter to use as an example, there are multiple items to highlight. ǞǞǞ industry relies on attestations and certifications to measure your security defenses. Engineers and operators will tell you that your actual security perimeter and threat assessment capabilities define your security program. I will tell you it is both compliance attestations as a measurement and the operational capabilities of your security team that define your program. Though attestations alone are not an accurate benchmark to measure a program.

Attestations are an industry necessity to ensure compliance with federal, local and state statutes as well as industry best practices. ISO, NIST or DoD standards form the baseline of most attestations. NIST, for example, publishes a set of standards and technical guides to help organizations build perimeter defenses that are “acceptable” 到 government. As I will outline however, just because the standards are set doesn’t mean implementation is always stellar.




I recently left one such organization that “built” their own intrusion detection system from open source tools. Auditors were told the system was a “fantastic tool”, and even given examples of traffic. When I dug deeper into the telemetry the tool was providing, I realized that traffic was not being analyzed at all. Rather, passing through the sensor as it was not configured to capture any traffic or alert at all. Furthermore, the credentials used to administer the tool were set up by a previous employee and were never updated after his departure. So essentially, the tool was sitting idle for months without any human intervention. Not only does this put the company at risk, but it also compromises the perimeter.

一个精明的审计师不会发现这个问题,因为认证并不寻找所有系统的 "运行 "信息--标准实际上是一层层的问答。事实上,大多数证明只是衡量工具是否存在,而不是操作的可行性。此外,大多数审计师的技术水平不足以辨别一个功能性的IDS/IPS和非功能性的IDS/IPS。审计的主要内容是依靠公司把他们最好的一面展现出来,而不是回答棘手的问题。审计员在审计过程中还必须涵盖大量的控制措施,所以时间是影响他们分析质量的一个重要因素。




I make it a matter of course to evaluate every vendor and partner from the perspective of access to company data. Meaning if the partner or vendor manages company data, they’re subject to more scrutiny than a vendor that does not. Keep in mind the business purpose when evaluating a security program. I review the business purpose and type of information involved, then evaluate from that perspective, rather than handle all partners and vendors the same. When in doubt, always ask for more information.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

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