

What are the Differences Between US and UK Marketing 电子邮件s?

Aug 20, 2018










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虽然美国和英国使用相同的语言,但两国在email marketing 中使用语言的方式却大相径庭!因此,在以美国和英国客户为目标时,必须考虑到两国在不同电子邮件策略中表现出的明显和细微的文化差异。有时,将 "soccer "改成 "football "可能很容易,但有时必要的改动可能更难确定!幸运的是,我们整理出了美国和英国营销电子邮件的 4 大差异,请看下文:


Emails sent from American companies tend to use an upbeat tone and direct language. By contrast, British emails are typically longer and make customers work a bit harder to find the call to action. British marketers beware– when it comes to sending emails to American customers shorter is better. Conversely, American marketers should create messaging that mirrors the verbose nature of British marketing emails when sending messages 到 UK.

Typically British customers like to read evidence before making a decision with a particular preference for third party reviews. For British brands, including customer testimonials, links to reviews and encouraging customers to leave their feedback is important for creating a conversion. While this certainly won’t hurt a marketing campaign targeted towards Americans it is an absolute must for British email marketing.

American email marketers often use celebrity endorsements in email notifications to customers. ǞǞǞ American political arena uses this approach particularly well, especially when it comes to raising funds. For instance, the Obama campaign used tailored emails from celebrities to encourage supporters to donate to their cause. Across the pond however, this technique is used sparingly. Rather, British political emails typically only use political candidates or party leadership as the sender.

As mentioned, American emails tend to be shorter than those from the UK. What may be surprising is that this actually applies 到 length of words used in American and British emails! While it is not rare to see an American marketing email employ abbreviated language like “OMG” or “FTW”, this is actually uncommon in marketing emails from the UK. That said, when sending emails to British customers, when in doubt spell it out!


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