


Sep 1, 2017










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Ready to see Bird
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A Guide to Using SparkPost with Node.js


As a Developer Advocate for SparkPost, I write a lot of sample applications. My background is mostly front-end development, therefore my strongest language is JavaScript. Thanks to Node.js, I’m a decent backend developer as well. Does this mean I’m a full stack developer now? Anyway, it was important for me that we had an awesome SparkPost client library for Node.js. So, I dove right in and became a contributor (甚至在我被录用之前).


Installing & Setup

I’m going to assume that you have 安装了Node.js. Because we follow the Node.js长期支持(LTS)时间表, you’ll need to be running version 4 or higher. You can see which version you’re running using the `node –version` command in your terminal window.


> mkdir sparkpost-test > cd sparkpost-test > npm init --yes

这将创建一个新的项目并接受所有的默认值。你也可以运行`npm init`并回答所有的提示。

Now we can install node-sparkpost:

> npm install sparkpost --save


const SparkPost = require('sparkpost') const client = new SparkPost('YOUR API KEY')

It’s good practice to avoid putting your API key in code. We highly recommend storing it outside your code, so we set up the client library to detect the SPARKPOST_API_KEY  environment variable.



client.transmissions.send({ content: { from: 'test@your-sending-domain.com', subject: 'Hello from node-sparkpost', html: '<p>Hello world</p>' }, recipients: [ {address: 'someone@somedomain.com'} ] }) .then(data => { console.log('Woohoo! You just sent your first mailing!') console.log(data) }) .catch(err => { console.log('Whoops! Something went wrong') console.log(err) })

Note: This example uses Promises, but don’t worry. We also 支持回调函数.

There are more options available with transmissions, including specifying stored templates or recipient lists, cc and bcc, adding attachments, specifying a campaign, using substitution data, and much more. Check out the examples, 传输资源的文档, and the 传输API文档 for more info.


联网邮件系统 is a popular library for Node.js that make sending email “easy as cake.” For those of you choosing to use this library, we created a 用于Nodemailer的SparkPost传输. You’ll need to install the nodemailer  and nodemailer-sparkpost-transport packages in your project.

> npm install nodemailer nodemailer-sparkpost-transport --save


const nodemailer = require('nodemailer') const sparkPostTransport = require('nodemailer-sparkpost-transport') const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(sparkPostTransport({ 'sparkPostApiKey': process.env.SPARKPOST_API_KEY }))



There are several options that can passed into the SparkPost transport, like campaign id and whether or not the message is transactional. Take a look 在 README.md for all the options.


transporter.sendMail({ from: 'test@your-sending-domain.com', to: 'someone@somedomain.com', subject: 'Hello from nodemailer-sparkpost-transport', html: '<p>Hello world</p>' }, (err, info) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { console.log(info); } })


We all know that email is king of communication but sometimes you want to be able to reach people via multiple channels. notif.me is a Node.js library for sending all kinds of transactional messages. Whether you want to send an email, sms, push, or webpushes, you can do it with ease. It also has built in fall and round robin strategies for multiple providers. We recently worked with the creators to build a SparkPost provider. You’ll need to install the `notifme-sdk` package in your project.

> npm install notifme-sdk --save


const NotifmeSdk = require('notifme-sdk').default const notifmeSdk = new NotifmeSdk({ channels: { email: { providers: [{ type: 'sparkpost', apiKey: process.env.SPARKPOST_API_KEY, }] } } })

同样,我们从环境变量中提取API密钥。我们已经说过三次了--它就是这么重要。 🙂


notifmeSdk.send({ email: { from: 'test@your-sending-domain.com', to: 'someone@somedomain.com', subject: 'Hello from the SparkPost notif.me provider', html: '<p>Hello world</p>' } }).then(console.log)

It’s really easy to use and I recommend looking 在 其他特点。



Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

ǞǞǞ right message ->right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

ǞǞǞ right message ->right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.