


Jan 26, 2018










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Legitimate vs. Spam Messages: Breaking Down Microsoft’s Rating System


每个电子邮件营销人员都很想知道如何将邮件直接发送到收件人的邮箱inbox 。然而,大多数营销人员,尤其是那些已经做了一段时间的营销人员,都知道这项工作有多么复杂和棘手。

互联网服务供应商偶尔会向我们提供一些他们的秘密成分,但互联网服务供应商使用的大多数扫描和过滤工具都不会公开共享,这是有原因的!没有人希望垃圾邮件出现在他们的inbox 中!如果垃圾邮件发送者知道所有的秘密,他们就可以规避它们。但是,对于需要将电子邮件发送给要求收到其邮件的人的合法发件人来说,有时会很沮丧。

One of the clues Microsoft gives us into how they measure the legitimacy of your email message lies in the headers. In the last few years, they’ve introduced a rating system that determines how spammy or phishy they believe a message to be as well as how likely the sender is to generate spam complaints.

Microsoft’s Anti-Spam Message Headers: SCL, PCL & BCL

As soon as an email message hits Microsoft’s servers, their proprietary Exchange Online Protection (EOP) filtering service scans the message and then inserts an anti-spam report into the message headers. You can read more about all of the different fields and filters they use here, but the three fields that I’m going to focus on today that have helped us understand how messages are being processed are:

SCL = 垃圾邮件信任度
PCL = 钓鱼网站的信心水平
BCL = 批量投诉水平



SCL - 垃圾邮件信任度


-1 = A special value that means the message is a safe sender and is not spam. This score tells Microsoft to put the message in the inbox.
0-1 = ǞǞǞ content of the message was scanned and determined to not be spam. These two scores also tell Microsoft to deliver the message 到 inbox.
5-9 = Starting with a score of 5 the message is suspected to be spam and is increasingly suspect 到 highest score of 9 which indicates there’s a high confidence it’s spam. Any rating between 5 and 9 means the message should be sent to the Junk folder.


For more information, refer to 微软关于SCL的官方文档.

BCL - 批量投诉水平


0 = Indicates the message is not from a bulk sender.
1-3 = This bulk sender generates few complaints.
4-7 = This bulk sender generates a mixed number of complaints.
8-9 = This bulk sender generates a high number of complaints.

For more information, refer to 微软关于BCL的官方文档

PCL - 钓鱼网站信任度


0-3 = Not likely to be phishing.
4-8 = Likely to be phishing and marked as suspicious content.

For more information, refer to 微软关于PCL的官方文件.


那么,我们能从这些评级中得到什么启示呢?如果您在微软的任何一个域遇到垃圾邮件折叠问题,请检查您的 SCL、BCL 或 PCL 评级。如果其中任何一项较高,都可能是垃圾邮件折叠的原因。微软没有透露他们如何分配这些评级的具体标准,但查看这些评级可以让您知道您可能需要改进电子邮件发送的哪个方面,以获得更好的inbox 放置,无论是邮件内容还是您的发送实践。

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