


Dec 31, 2018










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S/MIME Part 2: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered through SparkPost


  • 安装一些简单的命令行工具来签署和加密电子邮件

  • 获取你的发件人密钥/证书进行签名

  • 通过SparkPost发送一个签名的信息,并查看收到的信息

  • 可选择获取你的收件人证书进行加密

  • 通过SparkPost发送一个经过签名和加密的信息,并查看收到的信息

  • 试试一个方便的独立工具 "mimeshow "来查看电子邮件文件的内部结构。



ǞǞǞ demonstration tools are in Github 这里, complete with installation instructions. You might notice the “build passing” logo – 袚芯褉芯写褋褌胁芯胁邪薪薪褘泄 and pytest automatically check the build status. Note these tools are not officially supported by SparkPost, but I’ve tried to make them robust and easy to use.

If you have some acquaintance with Python and pip, installation should feel pretty familiar. ǞǞǞ Pipfile takes care of the external dependencies automatically for you. Once it’s done, you can check everything’s installed by running

./sparkpostSMIME.py -h


2. 获取你的发件人密钥/证书进行签名


a) 自签的测试密钥/证书(不具有外部效力)。

If you’re just testing, you can make “self signed” certificates and keys for an email address using the command line tool openssl on Linux,  following a procedure such as 这个. At the end of that process, you’ll have a smime.p12  file. Rename this file to match your sending identity, including the @ sign, for example, alice@example.com.p12 .


b) 外部有效的钥匙/证书

If you want to get externally valid keys / certificates that enable you to sign, t这里’s a list of providers here. I found 科莫多 works well (free for non-commercial use), and it’s easier than the self-sign procedure above. Follow the sign-up process, receive your validation mail, and be sure to open the link in Firefox. Go to Firefox Preferences / 隐私 and Security. Scroll to Certificates / View Certificates:

Select your certificate, and use the “Backup” option to save as a file in PKCS12 format (add the file extension .p12 to your filename) which carries the private key and the public certificate chain.




现在我们需要像这样生成独立的公钥和私钥文件--用你自己的电子邮件地址代替例子中的地址。(Mac OSX和Linux)。

openssl pkcs12 -in alice\@example.com.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out alice@example.com.crt openssl pkcs12 -in alice\@example.com.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out alice/@example.com.pem

You’ll need to enter the password you provided earlier. Note those backslashes \ are used to 逃避 the @ sign – not separating the names of a directory path (that’s a forward-slash / on Mac OSX and Linux).

If you’re using Windows, there are openssl implementations available such as the MINGW64 one built into the Git命令行工具, but I found it tended to just lock up. You’ll probably find it easier and quicker to do this on Linux and then copy your files over. Those same Git tools for Windows come with a nice ssh client you can use to login to a Linux box, such as an 亚马逊EC2 instance.

2.1 签署一份邮件


cd tests .../sparkpostSMIME.py example_email1.eml --sign


To: Bob <bob@example.com> From: Alice <alice@example.com> Subject: A message MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; smime-type=signed-data; name="smime.p7m" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7m" MIIKXAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIKTTCCCkkCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCCAQoGCSqGSIb3DQEH AaCB/ASB+VRvOiBCb2IgPGJvYkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbT4NCkZyb206IEFsaWNlIDxhbGljZUBleGFt : :

You can’t actually send emails from example.com via SparkPost unless you own that domain, so the next step is to use your own key and send a signed message from your own domain.


Now let’s use a real sending domain, set up as per the SparkPost 新用户指南. We have the sender certificate and key files in the current directory:

steve@thetucks.com.crt steve@thetucks.com.pem

The file tests/declaration.eml is included in the project. It’s just a text file, so you can customize the From: address to suit your own sending domain and the To: address to suit your test recipient. The beginning of the file looks like this:

To: Bob <bob.lumreeker@gmail.com> From: Steve <steve@thetucks.com> Subject: Here is our declaration MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Language: en-GB When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary …


export SPARKPOST_API_KEY=<<Put your API key here>>


./sparkpostSMIME.py tests/declaration.eml --sign --send_api


Opened connection to https://api.sparkpost.com/api/v1 Sending tests/declaration.eml From: Steve <steve@thetucks.com> To: Bob  <bob.lumreeker@gmail.com> OK - in 1.15 seconds

大约过了一秒钟,电子邮件到达鲍勃的inbox 。Thunderbird 在信封上显示了一个红点,表明发件人签名有效。




Bag Attributes   friendlyName: s COMODO CA Limited ID #2   localKeyID: 32 84 AB 9C 56 5C 80 C6 89 4D 40 46 DD D4 7C 71 E8 CD ED C1 subject=/emailAddress=bob.lumreeker@gmail.com issuer=/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Client Authentication and Secure Email CA -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- looks like random characters in here -----END CERTIFICATE-----

在测试目录中,有一个用于bob@example.com 的假收件人证书,所以你可以在拥有真正的证书之前用它来练习。

cd tests .../sparkpostSMIME.py example_email1.eml --sign --encrypt


To: Bob <bob@example.com> From: Alice <alice@example.com> Subject: A message MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name=smime.p7m Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7m MIIRwQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIRsjCCEa4CAQAxggKlMIICoQIBADCBijCBhDELMAkG :

You’ll notice the length of output is quite a bit longer than with an 加密的 message because it carries a lot of 额外信息 as well as the scrambled message itself.

4.1 通过SparkPost发送加密的签名信息

Let’s send an encrypted message to a real email address. You can follow the same process as before (self-signed or a provider such as Comodo) to get a public key / certificate for your own recipient addresses. You only need the .crt file – the recipient does not ever need to give you their private key (.p12 and .pem files).

I have the file bob.lumreeker@gmail.com.crt for my intended recipient – matching the From: address in my file.


./sparkpostSMIME.py tests/declaration.eml --sign --encrypt --send_api


Opened connection to https://api.sparkpost.com/api/v1 Sending tests/declaration.eml From: Steve <steve@thetucks.com> To: Bob <bob.lumreeker@gmail.com> OK - in 1.168 seconds

邮件在Thunderbird中显示了 "红点 "签名图标和 "挂锁 "的加密图标。

You can send complex HTML-based email with links and images just as easily, such as the one shown in Part 1. Some clients such as Thunderbird ask for permission to display external links and images within encrypted S/MIME messages, but 只签名的 messages display well in clients including Thunderbird and Gmail:

注意下拉菜单显示 "已验证的电子邮件地址"。

Further thoughts & things to be aware of



为了确保邮件通过SparkPost时不发生变化(这可能会破坏签名),该工具为 "事务性 "邮件设置了API选项,禁用打开和点击跟踪。

如果你使用加密,请记住,该工具会拾取单一的To: 地址来进行加密。其他收件人只有在拥有收件人私钥的情况下才能解码邮件正文。如果你只是用次要的收件人作为已交付的记录,例如,这可能是OK的。


That’s our quick overview of how to sign, seal and deliver S/MIME messages through SparkPost. Quick reminder: the demo project is in Github here, I’ve tried to make it easy to install and use.

额外功能:用 "mimeshow "显示MIME部分

RFC822 MIME多部分文件的内部结构对人类来说是相当复杂的。该项目包括一个独立的工具,以使其更容易,称为mimeshow。


./mimeshow.py testcases/img_and_attachment.eml


To Bob <bob.lumreeker@gmail.com>

From Steve <steve@thetucks.com> 

Subject Testing attachments etc 

MIME-Version 1.0

Content-Type multipart/mixed; boundary="------------7D48652042860D0098C65210"

Content-Language en-GB

 Content-Type multipart/alternative; boundary="------------58C0BF87598336550D70EB95" 

   Content-Type text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

   Content-Transfer-Encoding 7bit

   Content-Transfer-Encoding quoted-printable 

   Content-Type text/html; charset="utf-8"

 Content-Type application/pdf; name="sparkpost-datasheet-tam-technical-account-management.pdf" 

 Content-Transfer-Encoding base64

 Content-Disposition attachment; filename="sparkpost-datasheet-tam-technical-account-management.pdf"

You can also use as a filter to give a human-readable summary of sparkpostSMIME  output:

./sparkpostSMIME.py tests/declaration.eml --sign --encrypt | ./mimeshow.py


To Bob <bob.lumreeker@gmail.com> 

From Steve <steve@thetucks.com>

Subject Here is our declaration 

Content-Language en-GB

MIME-Version 1.0

Content-Type application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name=smime.p7m

Content-Transfer-Encoding base64

Content-Disposition attachment; filename=smime.p7m


To recap – we’ve installed some simple command-line tools for signing and encrypting email (the Github repo is here, complete with installation instructions).


最后,我们尝试使用方便的独立工具 "mimeshow "来查看电子邮件文件的内部结构。


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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.