

Getting Started With 电子邮件 Notifications

Jun 12, 2018










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Product Emails in the User Lifecycle


除了这些纯粹的功能需求外,通知还是一种宝贵的沟通工具,能让产品团队直接与客户互动。通知是一种具有说服力的工具,可以吸引用户重新使用他们可能已经遗忘的应用程序。它们有助于提供良好的用户体验,是产品管理团队推动转化、留存和增长的最有影响力的工具之一。此外,也许最重要的是,它们还能加强用户对服务的信任,帮助 SaaS 企业与其客户建立长久的关系。



激活的电子邮件 are sent as soon as a new user creates an account. It’s the first email notification your users will receive, and is a critical path step towards user activation. For many services, users very literally cannot use the app until an account has been activated by clicking a link in the email.Activation emails serve to verify that the email address the user provided is valid and working. They also remind users that they chose to sign-up for your product, an important step in making the difference between a genuine user and a “drive-by” signup.

欢迎和入职信息 are sent once a user has verified their email address to activate a new account. Most often, a welcome message is sent as soon as an account has been activated. Welcome messages reinforce a service’s core promises, set the tone for future interactions, and say thanks for joining.One or more onboarding messages are sent to help users explore and get started with the product. Whether timed or triggered by specific actions, these emails provide information and prompt users to get up and running—and to accelerate their pace to become active, engaged users.

用户的邀请和分享 are are a core email for consumer and B2B apps alike. Both contribute to viral, word-of-mouth growth. Explicit invitations asking colleagues to join a project team are essential for many categories of services and are a notification example that product teams must consider implementing.Although shares are very often associated with social networks and similar consumer services, they also have a place in many B2B contexts. Document sharing and other forms collaboration are common examples. It is worth noting that shares also play the role of an implicit invitation to join when sent to a new user.

活动通知 are an important tool for alerting users to changes in workflows and for integrating in-app activity with many users’ primary environment, their email inbox. They also are an effective way of reengaging passive users who might not be using the app on a regular basis.These messages can be triggered by explicit events or sent on a scheduled basis, depending upon the context. Typical examples include reminders to complete a task or a summary of missed social media notifications.

报告和仪表板 are especially important for B2B services. ǞǞǞ information they contain is essential for users and their teams to keep tabs on the business processes they manage.Like other forms of activity notifications, these messages reinforce engagement for users who may not be active in the app itself. And well-designed reports and dashboards are an effective way of explicitly reminding users and their executive decision-makers of a service’s value.

密码重设和双因素认证 are examples of utilitarian notifications that every app must implement reliably. Like activation emails, they’re quite literally the sort of product email can make or break a user’s ability to use a service.

Security and account alerts are an essential aspect of helping users to protect their accounts. They’re a crucial bulwark against fraud, misuse, and the theft of sensitive information and credentials.



但这仍然给产品团队留下了一个问题。决定从哪里开始发送通知可能是令人生畏的。重要的是要对发送哪些通知以及发送频率做出战略性选择。通知和提醒帮助你的用户把握他们的 "成败 "时刻,是你的产品必须发送的基本邮件。

通知和提醒帮助你的用户浏览他们的 "成败 "时刻,是你的产品必须发送的基本邮件。

识别你的产品的关键 "成败 "时刻是一个好的开始。关于这些点的通知和提醒是你的产品可以发送的最基本的邮件之一。这种通知可以帮助保持用户的参与度,或者有可能失去他们,导致一个应用程序被遗忘。密码重置或更新产品的提示是这种类型的通知的重要例子。两者都需要用户采取行动来继续使用一个应用程序,如果不正确和快速地发送,可能会导致业务的永久损失。


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