WhatsApp API 信息模板和会话信息的最佳做法

WhatsApp API 信息模板和会话信息的最佳做法

WhatsApp API 信息模板和会话信息的最佳做法

Mar 18, 2021










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WhatsApp API 信息模板和会话信息的最佳做法

Best Practices for WhatsApp API 信息模板 and 会议信息

WhatsApp消息模板使您能够与您的客户积极沟通并建立有吸引力的体验。 You can send templated support messages, notifications, account updates, alerts, and 双因素认证 codes.

If it’s your first time using the WhatsApp API, then be aware that WhatsApp enforces stronger rules and restrictions than other messaging channels. We’ve put together guidelines and best practices to help 确保批准你的模板信息 — from getting started to sending out WhatsApp消息模板:

  • 信息模板与会话信息

  • 允许使用的信息格式WhatsApp API

  • 开始发送WhatsApp消息模板的规则

  • 防止你的邮件被拒绝的最佳做法

  • 开始用MessageBird发送WhatsApp信息模板

信息模板与会话信息WhatsApp API

ǞǞǞ WhatsApp API allows you to interact with your customers in two ways: 

  • 会议信息。 These are responses from your business to a customer, when a 客户发起的 a conversation with your business on WhatsApp.

  • 信息模板。 These are templated outbound messages you send to customers, that require 客户选择加入。


ǞǞǞ biggest difference between message types is what WhatsApp calls the 客户关怀窗口. The Customer Care Window is a 24-hour timeframe that allows you to communicate with your customers and respond to their queries — it starts when your customer sends their first message.

Session Messages

会话信息包括媒体附件(图片、视频、GIF等)。 and help you provide better and faster customer support.

You don’t need to get these messages pre-approved as long as you follow WhatsApp商业政策 and WhatsApp商业政策.

MessageBird 的WhatsApp API 允许会话信息采用以下格式:

  • Text messages (supports formatting such as bold, italic, strikethrough & code)

  • Text messages with URL (can enable preview URLs & all URLs are clickable)

  • Send/receive media messages (audio, document, image, sticker & video)

  • 发送/接收地点

  • 纽扣(即将推出!)。


您只能向已选择接收您的信息的用户发送模板信息。 These templated messages are typically used for transactional notifications like purchase confirmations, delivery alerts, etc.

由于模板信息是在24小时客户关怀窗口之外发送给用户的, they are required to be highly structured and paid for (费率因国家而异).

Here is an example of a WhatsApp模板信息:

在他们的文件中, WhatsApp解释说,您不允许通过模板信息发送促销材料. However, WhatsApp has recently started beta testing non-transactional notifications in Indonesia and Mexico. These new notifications templates include promotional and marketing messages. 

Talk to our 销售团队 if you want to be part of the beta program.


The most recent WhatsApp API update allows you to send the following content types: text, message templates, images, documents and audio. 


  1. 短信

  2. 媒体信息

  3. 信息模板

  4. 其他信息类型

Regardless of the content type, 你必须在上线前得到你的信息的预先批准 — and don’t be surprised if your first message(s) get rejected by WhatsApp. Our MessageBird team has developed the following guidelines and best practices to help prevent your WhatsApp 信息模板 from rejection.





  • 账户更新。 Give customers updates about changes to their accounts.

  • 警报更新。 Send notifications on order updates or delivery services.

  • 任命更新。 Send appointment reminders and confirmations.

  • 自动回复。 Send automatic messages during your Holidays or outside of work hours.

  • 问题解决。 Respond to questions, issues or information customers need from you.

  • 付款的最新情况。 Confirm that payments were successfully processed.

  • 个人财务更新。 Update customers on personal finance queries.

  • 预约更新。 Keep customers up to date with their reservations. 

  • 航运更新。 Send shipping updates on new purchases or orders.

  • 门票更新。 Confirm and send ticketing update status.

  • 运输方面的最新情况。 Update customers on transportation related tickets.


Misspelling and grammatical errors can automatically flag your messages as spam or untrustworthy. 请确保在提交信息之前检查--并反复检查--信息的拼写。

Your 信息模板 must also match the language you’ve selected. If you are sending a message in Bahasa, but you’ve selected 英语 as the message language, your message will be automatically rejected. 以下是一份清单 of supported languages by WhatsApp.



  1. 模板的命名: The name of your message template can only contain lowercase alphanumeric and underscores (e.g. account_update_1) Make your message template name clear. 

  2. 模板的尺寸: The message has a limitation of 1024 characters and can not include new lines, tabs or more than 4 consecutive characters.

  3. 必须是基于文本的: letters, digits, special characters, emojis, and WhatsApp specific formats.



The Message Template uses numbered placeholders '{{x}}' for each variable in the message. Each variable can be replaced with text that contains letters, digits, special characters, or spaces. 

For our example, {{1}} is the name or the customer, {{2}} is how frequently the company is sending 到 customer, {{3}} is the training ID of that specific client.

Here is how it would need to submitted for approval in our 沙盒:

"你好{{1}}!谢谢你开始你的个人训练计划。我们将向您发送一份{{2}}更新,其中包括您的新时间表。您可以使用您的训练ID {{3}}在线登录。保持健康!"


"你好,安娜!谢谢你开始你的个人训练计划。我们会向你发送每周更新的新时间表。你可以使用你的训练ID 1234在线登录。保持健康!"

For additional help writing your WhatsApp messages, check out 本指南.


WhatsApp recommends sending links or URLs from your business domain. For example, if you are sharing a product link, you should share the full URL: https://bird.com/channels/whatsapp-marketing

We don’t recommend using 短链接 or third party URL shortener such as Bitly: https://bit.ly/3t8RDEj


Understand how the 24小时客户服务窗口 works and follow the rules of engagement. You can chat with a person for up to 24 hours after a customer first initiates a chat with you. Outside of the Customer Care Window, you should 只通过批准的信息模板发送信息。 Sending other types of messages can lead to your account being flagged or blocked.


You must receive 明确选择加入 from the end user before you can start sending WhatsApp Template messages. 选择加入不能被假定,必须得到最终用户的批准。 The opt-in must 

  • 明确说明对方选择接收你通过WhatsApp发送的信息

  • 清楚地说明你的企业名称


"要接收(电子发票和交货通知)到(+31 XXX XXX)从MessageBird,请回答是"

Violating this rule can lead to your account/number being blocked. If you are still unsure, read 我们的WhatsApp指南 for customer opt-in.


WhatsApp is slowly rolling out new promotion and marketing message templates starting in Indonesia and Mexico; however, if you are sending messages outside of those regions we recommend avoiding upselling, coupon codes, cold-call messages or sending links with polls to collect customer data otherwise your account could be flagged or blocked. 


您可以使用chatbots 和聊天自动化在客户服务窗口内进行回复,但您必须设置明确而直接的升级路径,以便与人工座席联系。


  • 聊天中的人类代理转移

  • 电话

  • 电子邮件

  • 网络支持(在企业网站上)

  • 店内访问(例如:访问零售店、银行分行)。

  • 支持表格


WhatsApp tracks the 质量 of your messages as 低(红色)、中(中等)或高(绿色)。

If you are not able to improve the quality rating of your messages from low to medium within a 7-day period, WhatsApp will disable your templates and prevent you from sending new messages or even reject other ones. 


There are a 若干原因 as to why 信息可以被拒绝. We wanted to share some examples of messages that were rejected so that you don’t make the same mistake:

  • 促销优惠券。 你好{{1}}。谢谢你购买你的鞋子。使用此优惠券代码{{2}},下次购买可获得5%的优惠。这是您的登机牌,有座位分配和登机口信息。如果您想为您的机上晚餐节省5%的费用,请通过我们的应用程序订购您的膳食。

  • 错误的格式。 Hi {{1}} | Order Information: {{2}}

  • Mix of languages: 你好{{1}}!这里是Shoe Co, Gracias por comprar tus zapatos.

  • 敏感信息。 你好!请分享你的完整银行账户号码以处理你的任务

  • 调查。 你好,我们很想知道你对某些食物类别的感受。你介意参与调查吗?

  • 冷门电话。 现在不是谈话的好时机吗?谢谢你的关心。我们现在能谈谈吗?

For additional examples, please refer to our guide "为什么信息模板被拒绝?".


MessageBird的WhatsApp商业API connects you to your customers on the world’s most popular messaging app via our powerful 应用程序接口, tools like Flow Builder and Inbox,, or native integrations like Zendesk. 我们的客户使用WhatsApp进行客户支持,发送提醒和通知,甚至是 双因素认证.

MessageBird的WhatsApp商业API offers:

  • 易于整合。 Send and receive WhatsApp messages without having to host, manage or take care of software updates.

  • 端对端WhatsApp加密。 All your information is secure.

  • 丰富的信息传递。 CTA and quick-reply buttons, share and receive images, locations, files, audio, and inbound videos.

  • 24/7支持。 Our offices around the world provide unparalleled support in every time zone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

今天加入 and start sending WhatsApp Message Templates for your business!

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.