
隐私 Statement



作为一个全方位的通信平台,我们和我们的附属公司(统称为 "我们"、"我们的 "或 "我们的")提供广泛的解决方案,以改善开发人员、企业和您的目标受众的通信体验。为了提供这些服务、运营我们的网站以及开展日常业务,我们会处理个人数据。在本隐私声明中,"您"、"您的 "或 "客户 "均指您。"关联方 "是指直接或间接控制指定方,或由指定方控制,或与指定方处于共同控制下的任何实体。在本定义中,"控制 "是指直接或间接拥有主体实体百分之五十 (50%) 以上的投票权,或有权指导主体实体的管理和政策。


This privacy statement applies 到 use of our websites, the platform, and all products and services provided by us, and contains information about what personal data we collect, why we collect it, and how we process it so that you can make an informed decision before making use of our website, platform, and communications services.

Personal data refers to information that would allow any natural person to be directly or indirectly identified. Your use of our website, platform, or services may involve processing of personal data relating to three categories of individuals:

  • 与网站访问者有关的个人数据,这些数据符合 Cookie 同意管理器中的设置,或由您通过表格或其他方式提交。

  • 与客户或潜在客户有关的个人数据,称为 "客户账户数据 "或 "潜在客户信息"。

  • 与最终用户或服务接收方相关的个人数据,即通过我们的服务与您互动和/或通过我们的服务接收您发送的通信的个人,称为 "最终用户数据"(统称 "最终用户")。


如果您或您的任何最终用户位于新加坡,本隐私声明中提及的 "数据主体"、"数据控制者 "和 "数据处理者 "等术语应视为指 2012 年《个人数据保护法》("PDPA")中的 "个人"、"组织 "和 "数据中介 "等同等术语。

如果您或您的任何最终用户居住在加利福尼亚州,则本隐私声明中提及的 "个人数据"、"数据主体"、"数据控制者 "和 "数据处理者 "等术语应视为指 2018 年《加利福尼亚州消费者隐私法案》(经《加利福尼亚州隐私权法案》修订)("CCPA")中的 "个人信息"、"消费者"、"企业 "和 "服务提供商 "等同等术语。

无论国籍、地理位置或数据来源,我们都对所有个人采用类似的数据保护标准。作为一般原则,个人数据只有在必要时才会被使用,以达到目的,数据所涉及的个人已被适当告知,并且有法律依据这样做。所有涉及个人数据的活动都将根据欧盟 GDPR 或其他适用法律进行检查。

1. 关于我们的个人数据处理做法

我们只会在必要的范围内处理个人数据,以实现您提交个人数据的特定目的,除非我们有法律义务要求处理个人数据。本隐私声明第 2.2 节概述了可能适用于您的不同目的。导致我们处理您的个人数据的一些基本行为举例如下:(a) 订阅我们的时事通讯;(b) 通过我们的网站注册服务并接受一般条款和条件("条款");或 (c) 通过订单注册服务。在适用法律允许或要求的范围内,您将有机会明确同意我们收集、使用、披露和共享您提供的个人数据。


1.1 角色与职责


数据控制者 "决定个人数据处理的目的(为何)和方式(如何),并对正确处理数据主体的个人数据负最终责任。在实践中,数据控制者通常是个人(或数据当事人)直接向其提供个人数据的公司。

数据处理者 "是向数据控制者提供服务的公司,从数据控制者或代表数据控制者接收个人数据以执行这些服务。举例来说,当我们的客户通过我们的通信平台发送营销活动时,我们会从客户处接收个人数据,如目标收件人的电话号码或电子邮件地址,以便提供服务。在这个例子中,我们充当客户的数据处理者,而客户则充当该个人数据所属个人委托给它的电话号码或电子邮件地址的数据控制者。数据处理者仅根据数据控制者的指示并按照其自身的法律义务处理个人数据。这些指示通常在数据控制者和数据处理者之间的专门数据处理协议中规定。





2.1 处理的合法性

我们处理的所有个人数据仅在有法律依据的情况下进行处理。我们处理个人数据的法律依据是(a) 同意,(b) 履行合同,(c) 遵守法律义务,以及 (d) 合法利益。


  • 数据主体的明确同意。例如,当您想下载产品信息时,在我们网站上的方框内打勾,或提交表格以便我们的销售部门与您联系。

  • 合同的履行。这不仅包括提供服务,还包括为获得服务而进行谈判和签署合同。

  • Compliance with legal obligations applicable to us. For instance, preventing misuse of our services, cooperating with formal 披露请求, and retaining customer account data and financial data.

  • 合法利益。这适用于(在某些司法管辖区)针对现有客户的直接营销活动。当我们以合法利益为依据时,我们已评估处理风险不高,不涉及特殊类别个人数据的处理,并且不会侵犯基本的人类隐私权。


2.2 目的

ǞǞǞ purposes for which we process personal information depend on your relationship with us. For starters, you will be required to submit personal data related to you and the business you represent when creating an account. In addition, we may also require personal data in order to enable you and your End-User’s (as applicable) to make use of our services. In other circumstances, we may process your personal data to conduct and expand our day-to-day business, for analytical improvements 到 service, support, sales, marketing, to fulfill our statutory legal obligations, and for legitimate business purposes. Personal data can also help us improve the quality of our services and to develop new functionalities to fit the needs of our customers, such as product and experience personalization. In 第 3.4 节 of our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) we refer to these purposes combined as ‘legitimate business purposes’.



  • 根据您的营销偏好,分享我们产品和服务的相关信息,包括关于服务的重要通知。

  • 创建一个与你和你代表的公司有关的账户。

  • 为了核实你的身份。

  • 根据条款规定,为获取和使用服务提供便利。

  • 用于财务和账单目的,包括履行纳税和确保发票支付等财务义务。

  • 提供客户支持,并就您的账户和服务使用情况与您沟通。

  • 分析我们产品和服务的使用情况。

  • 用于通过服务传输信息;定义通信处理优先级、路由配置和优化基础设施。

  • 执行对条款和适用法律的遵守。

  • 确保我们的网站、您的账户和服务安全可靠。

  • 检测、预防和打击欺诈或非法活动。

  • 为了保护我们、您、我们的其他客户或任何其他第三方的权利、财产或安全。

  • 履行法律义务,包括遵守有效的法院命令、披露要求、传票和其他适当的法律机制。

  • 进行问卷调查,以便为您、我们的其他客户和最终用户提供更好的服务;但您参与和完成任何问卷调查均属自愿行为。

  • 根据您的 cookie 同意管理设置应用 cookie。


我们收集的个人数据的具体类型取决于我们与您的关系以及适用于您的处理目的。.在我们的网站上应用您的 cookie 管理设置、订阅时事通讯、下载营销材料、要求我们的销售团队与您联系、创建账户或使用我们的任何产品和服务,这些都是您所采取的行动的例子,这些行动要求您与我们共享特定互动的某些个人数据。

3.1 直接从你那里收集的个人数据


  • 个人标识符. When you create an account and make use of any of our products and services, you are required to provide us with personal identifiers. Personal identifiers submitted as part of account creation or use of products and services are referred to as “Customer Account Data”. Customer Account Data consists of your name, contact details such as business address, phone number, and email address, financial information, photo (optional), bio description , and signature (subject to our business interactions). Additionally, when you request product related information, to be contacted by our sales team, or attend events, we may request personal identifiers from you such as your name and contact details.

  • 就业或专业信息. ǞǞǞ information we process about you that relates to your employment or profession, the company you work for, and your job title.

  • 财务信息. The payment and billing information we require you to share with us or directly with a payment-service provider, such as billing name and related address, bank account number, or credit card information.

  • 商业信息. Commercial data relates to your interest in products, your use of services, platforms, and account dashboards, and any of our web pages you visit.

  • 互联网活动信息. When you interact with our websites, marketing emails, and services, data is collected about your device and browser, time zone setting, web pages visited, products you view or search for, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, use of cookies, pixels, or similar technologies.

  • 位置相关信息. The use of our services and products involves the processing of location related information. The type of data involved will differ depending on the service you use but location related information may include your and/or your End User’s IP地址, business address, and service traffic related metadata such as the routing path and terminating carriers.

  • 支持互动信息. When you interact with our Customer 支持 team over phone or email we process the phone number or email address that you use, and the content of your query. In case of a phone call we will inform you that the call may be recorded in accordance with applicable laws.


3.2 从其他来源收集的个人数据

我们收集从您以外的来源获得的个人数据("第三方数据")。第三方数据可能包括但不限于:(a) 个人识别信息;(b) 就业或专业信息,如公司名称、公司描述和网站、公司(估计)收入和员工范围、公司行业、就业角色和头衔、资历、全名和电话号码。我们从其他来源收集的关于您的信息与业务相关,但即使在业务关系中,某些信息也可能被视为个人数据。


  • 商业信息的第三方服务提供商. We obtain business data such as employment or professional information from third parties. This information includes email addresses, the company an individual works for, job titles, phone numbers, and URLs of LinkedIn profiles. We obtain this information to expand our business through direct marketing, targeted advertising, and event promotion. Third Party Data may be combined with personal data that you provide to us. Information can be used to develop our business by updating, expanding, and analyzing our customer relationship records.

  • 第三方社交媒体提供商. Depending on your and/or your End Users' privacy settings, third party social media service providers such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook can provide us with information about you or an End User, as applicable. However, if you or an End User connects to a social media page you may (depending on the platform) be presented with the option to decide whether or not you would like to share that information with us. Third Party Data may be combined with personal data that you provide to us. Information can be used to develop our business by updating, expanding, and analyzing our customer relationship records.

  • Third party services & connectors. We make connectors available on our platform that will allow our services to be used in connection with third party services through 应用程序接口 or other connectors. For the sole purpose of enabling and facilitating the connector, your information may be made available to or shared by our services with the relevant third party service (and vice versa). Personal data that we may receive from the third party service provider on your behalf are contact data, activities and event data. Activities and event data may include personal data in case you as a customer include such information in the use case that you apply to the use of the services.

    • Google API & Connectors: When you as a customer are making use of a connector service that involves the use and transfer of information received from Google API to any other application, you are required to ad这里 to 谷歌应用程序接口服务用户数据政策, including the Limited Use requirements mentioned t这里in.

  • Resellers & 合作伙伴. In the event you purchase our services through an authorized reseller, the reseller may exchange information with us, and vice versa, for the sole purpose of the Reseller Sales Agreement and the Terms. In the event you purchase services from us following a referral from an authorized partner or you purchase the consultancy services of third party partners (such as implementation services) in respect of our services, limited information can be shared with us by the partner, and vice versa, solely in connection with the referral and discharging any referral fee payments owed by us to the Partner, or solely to assist you in procuring the third party consultancy services in respect of our services.

  • 为贵公司工作的其他人. Colleagues of yours can provide us with personal data about you such as your name, job title, email address, or phone number.

如果您不再希望我们的销售和营销团队与您联系,您可以通过 support[at]bird.com 联系您的客户经理或我们的支持团队,取消订阅电子邮件。












Identification and contact data (name, email address, and other demographic and segment data provided by you as the customer). 

信息技术信息(IP 地址、使用数据、cookies 数据、在线导航数据、位置数据、浏览器数据)。通信内容。

(Local Numbers, Short Codes, Programmable Numbers API)


Please take the additional service into account that is used in combination with the Numbers service, such as 语音 or 短信 to get the correct understanding of personal data involved, as applicable to you.




Email address, phone number, or channel ID contained in 流程建设者 invocations created by the customer, service/channel specific data



  • 会议日期

  • 会议描述

  • 会议审查(可选)

  • 会议总结(可选)

  • 会议的音频和/或视频记录(可选)


  • 客人姓名

  • 访客电子邮件

  • IP地址

  • 访客电话(可选)



(WhatsApp for Business, Google Business Messages, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Line, Twitter, Viber, WeChat)


(Pusher RTC Channels Service and Pusher Beams Service)



姓名、电子邮件地址、工作职位、IP 地址

* Traffic data is data that is processed for the purpose of transmitting communications, such as routing data, and data about the date, time, and duration of the communication. 

** Location related data is data with which the geographical position of the carrier or the communication equipment can be determined on the basis of the supplier used.




  • (电信)通信服务提供商

  • 第三方服务和技术供应商

  • 支付服务提供商(PSP)

  • 我们的合作伙伴

  • 我们的附属机构

  • 政府当局,当法律要求这样做的时候



4.2 第三方服务和技术供应商

We share personal data with third party service providers, like analytics, data science, and fraud prevention service providers, cloud hosting providers, and third parties used to set up the connectors that a customer wants to make use of. We never share information with a third party without vetting them in advance and having the required contractual, technical, and organizational safeguards in place. An overview of third party service providers that process personal data can be found via the section ‘获批准的加工厂’ of this privacy statement.

4.3 支付服务提供商(PSPs)

When you (pre)pay for our products and services, PSPs provide you with two ancillary services in addition to the basic provision of payment services: (a) Saved Payment Methods and (b) Auto Recharge. Airwallex, Stripe, Braintree, Mollie, and Adyen are the PSPs that collect, process, and store all of your payment requests and do so as data controllers in their own right. The privacy policies of these Payment Service Providers can be found on their respective websites. 

  • 为方便起见,"保存付款方式 "功能允许客户在同意的基础上保存特定付款方式的财务信息。提供这项服务所需的信息因所选支付方式(如信用卡、iDeal 或 Paypal)而异。对于信用卡,您需要提供信用卡卡号的最后四位数字、有效期和持卡人姓名。对于 iDeal,您需要提供 IBAN/BIC 号码和账户名称。对于 PayPal,唯一需要提供的信息是您的 PayPal 账户电子邮件地址。

  • 自动充值功能允许您在账户余额低于您预先设定的最低限额时自动充值。您可以通过切换按钮启用这项辅助服务,从而同意我们和我们的 PSP 使用您的支付信息为您的余额自动充值。在您使用自动充值功能之前,您首选的银行可能会要求您进行额外的身份验证。


4.4 我们的合作伙伴


4.5 我们的附属机构

为了在全球范围内开展业务,我们可能需要在关联公司之间共享个人数据。这可能适用于客户支持协助、国际销售活动,或为了促进服务的提供。我们和我们的关联公司将仅在本隐私声明、条款和 DPA 中所述的范围内使用个人数据,并且仅在适用法律允许的范围内使用。

4.6 政府主管部门

We will not share your information with third parties outside of those outlined in this privacy statement or without your permission, except when we’re legally required to do so and in accordance with our 披露请求政策. We will provide you with a notice in case a governmental authority requests information from us about you or your customers, unless this is explicitly forbidden by law. If authorities do not want us to notify our customers, we require them to explicitly reference the legal grounds that would prevent us from doing so in the disclosure request. We push back on any disclosure request to the extent we have a reasonable legal basis to do so. The 披露请求政策 addresses circumstances in which we are legally obligated to respond to official government requests for disclosure of information, and the requirements for government requests to be processed in accordance with our policy and law.



作为一家基于云的全球服务提供商,使用我们的服务往往涉及将个人数据传输给欧洲经济区("EEA")内外的接收方和第三方。我们也是一家国际雇主,员工可以在不同的地理区域工作。一个实际的例子是,我们在客户支持实践中采用 "跟随阳光支持 "的方式,无论何时何地都能提供持续不断的支持。我们注意确保我们的合作伙伴(无论位于何处)都有足够的保障措施,能够按照我们的数据保护和信息安全标准妥善处理和保护您的个人数据。


The Data 隐私 Framework & 美国信息鸟 Inc.

MessageBird USA Inc ("MessageBird USA") complies with the EU-U.S. Data 隐私 Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data 隐私 Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF), (together “DPF”), as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. MessageBird USA has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data 隐私 Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from the European Union and the United Kingdom in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF.  MessageBird USA has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF.  If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern.  To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program, and to view our certification, please visit https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/.

对于源自欧盟、英国和瑞士的个人数据的所有向后转移,包括向后转移责任条款,美国信鸟遵守DPF原则。美国信鸟负责处理其根据 DPF 接收的个人数据,并随后转移到代表其作为(子)处理器或代理的服务提供商。美国信鸟要求其披露个人资料的第三方和服务提供商使用与美国信鸟所要求的基本类似的标准保护个人资料,并至少达到DPF和本隐私声明所要求的相同隐私保护水平。如果其服务提供商以不符合DPF原则的方式处理此类个人数据,除非该组织证明其对造成损害的事件不承担责任,否则根据DPF原则,美国信鸟仍将承担责任。



In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, MessageBird USA commits to refer unresolved complaints concerning our handling of personal data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF to the Data Protection Authority that is relevant for you. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your DPF Principles-related complaint from us, or if we have not addressed your DPF Principles-related complaint to your satisfaction, please visit the  website of the 欧盟/欧洲经济区成员国数据保护机构; 英国信息专员办公室 (ICO) or 直布罗陀监管局(GRA); or the 瑞士联邦数据保护和信息专员 for more information or to file a complaint. The services of the DPAs are provided at no cost to you.

Under certain conditions, more fully described on the Data Privacy Framework website available here, you may be entitled to invoke binding arbitration after other dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted. Additional information is available here for EU/EEA and UK (and Gibraltar) individuals and here for Swiss individuals.

为了有效保护数据,必须采取适当的安全措施。我们的措施以最高保密标准为前提。我们拥有多项信息安全认证,包括 ISO27001 和 SOC 2。



数据安全对我们来说至关重要。为了最大限度地降低安全风险,我们投资于最先进的技术,对我们的基础设施和员工进行全面的安全检查,并采用符合行业标准的安全措施。此外,根据您使用的平台、服务和产品,我们还拥有多个全球公认的信息安全管理体系标准,如 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 和 SOC 2 Type II 合规性。我们的所有托管服务提供商也都符合 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 和 SOC 2 Type II 标准。

由于访问我们平台服务的所有账户都受密码保护(可选择双因素验证),因此您应该是唯一可以访问您账户的人。您有责任保护自己账户的凭证。如果您的登录信息被盗或在未经您允许的情况下被使用,您必须立即通知我们,以便我们采取措施保护您的账户。您可以发送电子邮件至 security[at]bird.com,主题为 "紧急:账户凭证",通知我们您的账户有任何未经授权的使用。

If you want to know more about the measures we take to keep your data secure, please take a look at our public 安全概述 and the 技术和组织安全措施. These web pages contain information about the industry standard, administrative, technical, physical, and organizational safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access and use of your personal data.




7.1 短信和语音服务

Personal data related to the use of SMS and Voice services have a default retention period of six (6) months. The retention of personal data related to those services are necessary (a) to fulfill our legal obligations to ensure the integrity and security of our services, and prevent misuse of telecommunications services, (b) for the transmission of information over the services, and (c) to ensure we are able to fulfill our legal obligations to assist formal governmental authorities. For more information on disclosure requests please review our Disclosure Request Policy. In other jurisdictions, retention obligations for telecommunication service providers can be for an extended period of time and may be up to two years.

7.2 电子邮件服务

电子邮件服务包括三个产品类别:设计、发送和送达。设计产品不需要处理个人数据。这些产品不为发送电子邮件提供便利。发送产品(如电子邮件云发送)需要处理个人数据,即收件人电子邮件地址。这些个人数据会被短暂保留 10 天,之后会通过单向哈希值对数据进行保护。邮件事件的备份会保留 30 天,然后自动删除。在邮件被发送或退回后,我们不会存储邮件正文(即邮件内容)。送达或退回通常在几秒钟内发生。但是,从注入到退回,邮件在重试队列中的停留时间可能长达 72 小时。我们无需处理个人数据。Inbox Tracker 和Competitive Tracker 也不需要处理个人数据。

7.3 全渠道通信服务

For all other communications services, features, and products personal data is retained for the duration of our contract with you,  our provision of the services to you, or where possible for a different period as agreed upon with you as the customer. In addition, we provide certain ancillary services which include, but are not limited to, the ability to maintain an online address book ‘Contacts’ for your convenience, and insights into account specific communication usage and transmission history. The personal data related to those ancillary services will be retained for the duration of our contract with you or our provision of the services to you. You acknowledge and agree that any end-user/communication recipient personal data, such as phone numbers, email addresses, etc, are controlled by you and any data protection rights exercised by your End Users must be actioned by you. It is your responsibility as a data controller or acting on behalf of a data controller to ensure compliance with your obligations towards End Users whose personal data you control.

7.4 营销和销售


7.5 遵守企业和财务方面的法律义务








作为网站访问者,您可以更改 cookie 管理设置,在适用情况下撤销对我们处理您的数据的同意,控制和审查您的个人数据,在基于合法利益的法律基础上反对处理个人数据,或在必要时根据适用的数据保护法限制数据处理。


8.1 行使您的数据保护权利:控制您的个人数据。


如果您没有我们任何产品或服务的账户,因此无法访问隐私仪表板,您可以向 privacy[at]messagebird.com 发送请求,行使您的个人数据权利。

8.2 撤回对我们处理您个人数据的同意


8.3 反对和限制数据处理


8.4 数据主体请求的处理时间

在正常情况下,我们会尽快处理您的请求,但最迟不会超过收到请求后一 (1) 个月。如果申请比较复杂,或者我们在特定时间内收到太多申请,我们的答复时间可能会延长,最长可达收到申请之日起两(2)个月。我们会通知您是否需要两(2)个月的回复时间。当您选择删除您的个人数据时,我们可能会保留完全匿名和汇总的数据。如果我们这样做,这些匿名和汇总数据将无法以任何方式识别您的个人身份。如果我们因法律原因需要保留您的信息,我们会在回复您的请求时告知您。具体到加利福尼亚州的个人,消费者不得因行使 CCPA 规定的权利而受到歧视。


9.1 饼干类别的类型。 Our websites primarily use four types of cookies; Strictly necessary, Analytics, Functional, and Advertising cookies. These include first and third party cookies: first party cookies are set and controlled by us, while third party cookies are set and controlled by a third party tool or service provider. The duration for which a cookie is set varies. Session cookies disappear from your computer or browser when you logout of your account or close your browser, while persistent cookies are stored even after you have closed the page. The retention periods for cookies are specified below. With the exception of strictly necessary cookies, cookies will only be placed on your device and/or browser after you confirm or update your preferences through the cookie management settings.


  • 严格必要。 These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in, or filling in forms.

  • 功能性 These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation such as the website content being provided in the preferred language for your location. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages.

  • 性能。 These cookies allow us to measure visits, traffic sources, and engagement so we can improve the performance of our site. They help us learn which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

  • 市场营销。 These cookies allow advertising parties to uniquely identify your browser and internet device. These cookies have the capability to either alone or in conjunction with others uniquely identify a person directly or indirectly. They may be regarded as personal data under the relevant Data Protection Legislation.




9.2 更改您的cookie设置. When you visit one of our websites for the first time, you can either allow us to place all the cookies we use on your browser, decide to accept specific cookies, or deny all cookies that are not strictly necessary. You can always change your preferences either in your browser settings or in the cookie settings on our website. Within our cookie management settings, we outline each cookie type in use on our site and provide an explanation of the implications of accepting each cookie type.

9.3 从你的浏览器管理cookies. Find out more on how to update, activate, deactivate, or remove cookies using your browser by visiting the links below:

全球隐私控制 Global Privacy Control (GPC) is a technical specification that you can use to inform websites of your privacy preferences in regard to ad trackers. To set up GPC, you can visit the Global Privacy Control page. Please note that this may impact the functionality of our websites or your account.

禁止跟踪. Currently, our systems do not recognize browser “do-not-track” requests. You may, however, disable certain tracking as discussed in this section (e.g., by disabling cookies).


我们的服务和产品并非针对或面向 18 岁以下儿童。我们绝不会有意收集和/或处理 18 岁以下儿童的任何个人数据。如果我们发现我们在未经父母或法律同意的情况下收到了儿童的个人数据,我们将采取合理措施尽快删除这些信息。如果您认为我们有任何来自儿童或关于儿童的信息,请发送邮件至 privacy[at]bird.com 联系我们,邮件主题为 "儿童"。




如果您对我们的隐私保护措施有任何争议,请发送邮件至 privacy[at]bird.com 联系我们的法律团队,邮件主题为 "争议"。如果我们无法通过电子邮件达成谅解,请参阅条款,其中说明了我们之间如何解决争议。在使用我们的任何产品和服务之前,请务必查看本条款。


An overview of the third-parties used for the processing of personal data can be found here. In addition, the Help Center page contains a ‘subscribe’ button that allows you to subscribe to notifications of changes to our use of third-party (sub)processors.





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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.