个性化您的WhatsApp Marketing

个性化您的WhatsApp Marketing

14 Ways to Personalize Your WhatsApp Marketing

Unlock the secrets to personalized, people-focused marketing on WhatsApp with these 14 bespoke strategies.


Suddenly, one vendor catches your attention—not because they're louder, but because they remember you. They recall your love for ripe mangoes, and this time they’re offering you a mango smoothie. 


In the digital bazaar of today's marketing, sending a generic batched message is like shouting in a crowded market. Your message might be received, but it won’t be remembered. Personalized marketing, on the other hand, is like the vendor who remembers you; their message resonates and results in a richer customer experience. 

Leading brands are waking up 到 value of 1:1 WhatsApp conversations and relationships. Through WhatsApp, businesses can send targeted messages, offers, and updates directly to individual customers at scale, making it a highly effective platform for personalized marketing.

个性化的基础知识WhatsApp marketing

将WhatsApp marketing 视为一门策划短信的艺术,它精巧而具体,让人感觉这些短信是专为每位客户精心制作的。以下是个性化WhatsApp marketing 的 14 个必知策略:



并不是每个人都关心同样的事情,你如何定制信息也应反映出这一点。例如,你可以提醒 Z 世代的顾客注意在 TikTok 上疯传的热门商品的补货情况,但千禧一代的买家可能对你久经考验的产品的折扣更感兴趣。



细分是根据共同特征或行为将受众划分为不同群体的过程。通过将用户群划分为 "常客"、"新用户"、"高价值 "或 "休眠用户 "等细分群体,您可以更有效地集中营销工作。

Using WhatsApp, new subscribers could receive a series of welcome messages, introducing them to your brand's offerings. Meanwhile, dormant users might appreciate a special "we miss you" discount to rekindle their interest. 



Sending thousands of tailored messages? Sounds impossible, or, 在 very least, incredibly time-consuming. But that’s the kicker; you don’t have to draft each tailored message manually. 

这就是动态变量发挥作用的地方。通过注入个性化字段,如[姓名]、[上一次 Shopify 购买],甚至[上一次购买类别],您可以制作一个自动适应每个收件人的邮件模板。就是这么简单:使用占位符字段创建一次,然后自动设置您的消息。

By using dynamic variables in conjunction with message templates, a message like, "Hi [First Name], we noticed you loved our [Last Shopify Purchase]. How about trying our new [Latest Collection]?" becomes "Hi Sarah, we noticed you loved our summer dresses. How about trying our new fall coats?" 

You can even take it a step further and dynamically pull in links to specific store products you know they’ll love. 

Bird 您只需花费很少的精力,就能在后台创建这些个性化的变化。有了动态变量,即使受众不断增加,您所发送信息的亲和力也将保持不变。


Timing is everything when it comes to marketing, but not enough people talk about that. It's not just about what you say, but when you say it. ǞǞǞ right message, if delivered 在 wrong time, either won’t land or will go ignored. 

因此,找到客户旅程中的关键时刻,并将其作为 WhatsApp 沟通的触发点,自然会提高信息发送的效果。让我们深入探讨一下如何确保您的个性化信息恰到好处地适时触发。



如果您发现大部分用户在下午 6 点到 8 点活跃在 WhatsApp 上,那么请将您的促销信息安排在这个时间段。这不仅能增加您的信息被阅读的机会,还能防止您的信息被淹没在其他通知的海洋中。记住,要在受众最专注、最愿意参与的时候抓住他们。



考虑一下放弃购物车的用户。如果他们只是忘记了,几小时内自动发送的 WhatsApp 消息可以提醒他们结账。另一方面,购买后的即时 "感谢 "或关于购物体验的快速调查可以加深他们与您品牌的联系。

此外,通过 WhatsApp 消息确认里程碑,如用户的生日、首次购买周年纪念或新的忠诚度等级,可以提供发送庆祝消息或独家优惠的机会。从本质上讲,事件触发器让您的品牌与上下文相关,确保您的互动具有有机性和及时性。



让我们来探索一些尖端技术,让您的WhatsApp marketing 更上一层楼。


ǞǞǞ word “chatbot” might evoke imagery of frustrating, robotic interactions. However, with the advancements in AI and natural language processing, modern chatbots powered by modern LLMs like OpenAI can provide deeply personalized, excellent experiences. Especially on platforms like WhatsApp, where quick responses are expected, chatbots can simulate human-like conversations while providing instantaneous solutions.

例如,在 WhatsApp 上,如果用户询问特定产品的供应情况,聊天机器人不仅可以检查您的库存,还能在客户喜欢的产品缺货时提供补充建议。此外,WhatsApp 上的chatbots 可以使用动态变量提及用户的姓名、购买历史,甚至根据上下文理解以前的聊天线程。

还有一个优势:客户无需点击链接进入您的网站、访问他们的购物车等等,一切都直接在 WhatsApp 中进行。当对话和购买都在一个地方进行时,您会看到更高的转化率和品牌忠诚度,因为成为您的客户感觉很轻松。

简而言之,chatbots 可让您实现大规模自动化,同时又不失个性化的人性化服务。


每一次与客户的互动都是一个洞察宝库。通过挖掘客户产生的用户数据--从购买历史到共享反馈--您可以制作出真正能引起共鸣的 WhatsApp 消息。

In practice, this could look like noticing how a group of your customers purchase exclusively eco-friendly products. You could then send them tailored promotions about your brand's sustainable initiatives or new eco-friendly product launches to engage them more effectively. 


8.进行 A/B 测试

在 WhatsApp 的动态环境中,用户参与度至关重要,成功的信息传递是一项持续不断的工作。A/B 测试或拆分测试可以证实或否定您的对话式营销假设。通过向 WhatsApp 受众的不同子集发送两种不同的信息,您可以确定哪个版本更能引起共鸣。

也许你想知道哪种类型的媒体对 X 世代最有效,或者你正在权衡 WhatsApp 消息中表情符号的影响。把这些都扔到墙上,看看什么能粘住。通过分析哪个版本获得了更多的阅读、回复或链接点击,您可以不断完善平台的信息策略。

对于 WhatsApp 营销人员来说,A/B 测试能让您在建立更牢固的关系时既有创意又以数据为导向,从而为企业带来更多收入。


Your customers are all over the Internet, engaging with their loved ones and favorite brands across multiple platforms and touchpoints. From emails to social media to messaging apps, your customer jumps around. 


9.将 WhatsApp 与其他营销工具同步channels

不连贯的品牌体验会让用户感到不适。试想一下,当您收到一封促销电子邮件,但当您在 WhatsApp 上咨询时,聊天机器人或支持代表却不知道这件事。在channels 上同步您的营销活动,您的客户将获得更加完美的客户体验。

例如,将 WhatsApp 与您的 CRM 系统集成,可确保在一个平台上收集的任何用户数据都能立即在另一个平台上使用。此外,将您在电子邮件、社交媒体和网站上的所有营销工作连接起来,可以实现跨渠道促销。您甚至可以将 WhatsApp 与客户支持服务台、Salesforce 等连接起来,以获得更加统一的体验。

例如,用户通过点击 WhatsApp 发送的链接访问您的网站时,会收到一封电子邮件提醒继续购物,反之亦然。通过同步 WhatsApp,您有机会在大多数客户已经喜爱和使用的渠道上与他们建立联系,并提供最新信息。


WhatsApp is a lively platform. People are used to messaging casually, sending images, GIFs, videos and emojis. Yes, text messages still have their place, but personalizing your messages with multimedia elements adds depth and richness, enhancing their impact. It also makes your marketing more engaging and memorable. 

因此,在用户生日或周年纪念日向他们发送个性化的视频问候。或者,如果用户最近浏览了您网站上的某个类别,向他们投放一张 GIF 或图片,突出介绍该类别中的新产品,从而吸引他们了解更多信息。

Remember, people process visuals 比文本快 60,000 倍. By integrating multimedia into your personalized WhatsApp marketing strategy, you're not just sending messages; you're crafting experiences.

WhatsApp 个性化营销的指标和关键绩效指标

WhatsApp 是一个相对较新的营销渠道,因此了解如何衡量个性化互动的成功与否至关重要。为了确保您满足了受众的需求和偏好,您需要密切关注受众的参与度以及个性化努力带来的实际回报。



  • 可送达性: How many people did you target with a specific campaign? And how many of those users actually opened or read your message? With Bird, you can 跟踪打开率和阅读率

  • 点击率 (CTR): If you include links in your messages, CTR will tell you how many recipients were intrigued enough to click. This gives insight into the effectiveness of your calls-to-action (CTAs).

  • 答复率: On a platform like WhatsApp, two-way communication is crucial. Monitoring what percentage of recipients reply to your messages can indicate the level of interest your customers might have.

  • 辍学率和转换率: You can track what users do at each level of interaction with WhatsAppchatbots. Where do users tend to drop off? Where do they tend to convert? 



  • 归因跟踪: If a WhatsApp user visits your website and then completes a purchase, you can attribute that revenue to WhatsApp personalized marketing. 

  • 客户终身价值 (CLV): Personalization aims to build deeper connections with users. By measuring CLV over time, you can understand if your efforts are truly resulting in longer-lasting and more profitable customer relationships.

  • 递增收入: Compare the revenue generated from personalized campaigns against non-personalized ones. This difference can highlight the direct monetary impact of personalized WhatsApp marketing.

  • 节约成本: Automated personalization often reduces the need for headcount. Be sure to calculate the savings in terms of time and resources.

个性化的障碍WhatsApp marketing

Despite being a highly effective channel for personalized marketing, WhatsApp marketing is not without its data privacy and compliance challenges. Thankfully, some solutions can make sure that your personalization efforts keep pace with your business growth. 



WhatsApp has strict compliance policies in place to avoid spam and keep the platform spam-free. Therefore, the platform sets a high barrier to entry, evaluating every brand on the quality of its messages. Brands need to earn the right to advertise on WhatsApp. 

品牌需要保护自己的方法之一是保证收到信息的客户都表示 "同意 "接收通信。如果没有选择加入,您的品牌可能会被罚款,您的质量得分也会下降。值得庆幸的是,MessageBird 代表您处理客户选择,以保护您的品牌免受任何合规标志的影响。

在 WhatsApp 上吸引那些会根据您的信息采取行动的人也很重要。请确保您的信息只针对接近转化的潜在客户、访问过您网站或曾经购买过的客户,或交易使用案例,如自动订单确认和发货通知。这些客户已经希望收到您的信息,因此请将精力集中在这些客户身上,以促进更多销售,避免被视为垃圾邮件。



  • 自动化流程: Tools like chatbots, dynamic content generators, and automated workflows can handle a larger volume of personalized interactions without compromising on quality.

  • 有效分段: Instead of hyper-personalization for each individual, consider segmenting your audience into groups based on behavior, preferences, or demographics. This allows for relevant messaging without the need for one-to-one customization.

  • 培训您的团队: As you scale, you may need more hands on deck to approach conversational marketing more thoughtfully. Ensure that all team members understand the importance of personalization and are equipped with the tools and knowledge to execute it effectively.

  • 定期审查和调整: As you scale, some strategies might become less effective. Continuously monitor your efforts, gather feedback, and adjust your approach accordingly.

Matahari 和 Expert 在个性化方面取得的成功WhatsApp marketing

没有什么比真实的成功案例更能凸显战略的有效性了。以下两家企业不仅采用了 WhatsApp 个性化服务,还从中获得了令人难以置信的收益。

Matahari 接触尚未开发的受众,将转换率提高 2.5 倍

Matahari, a department store chain that’s 139 stores strong and the largest retail platform in Indonesia, saw its marketing campaign engagement rates start to drop. Despite having 1.75 million customers, SMS and email marketing campaigns simply weren’t delivering results. That’s when they saw the potential of WhatsApp, the most popular messaging app in Indonesia, as a way to breathe new life into their marketing efforts. 

By implementing WhatsApp marketing and chatbots, Matahari’s conversion rates jumped to 6.5%, nearly 2.5 times higher than the industry average of 2.6%. The company found that WhatsApp customers are almost three times more likely to convert than those acquired through traditional online channels. The company also was able to identify and target its most profitable customer segment and send them exclusive offers to capture additional revenue. 

专家通过大规模个性化支持实现了 80% 的转换率

A Netherlands-based consumer electronics company with locations all over Europe, Expert found it difficult to field customer questions coming from online channels in a personalized, knowledgeable way. That personal service that Expert’s customers came to expect would be better found from local store experts. Yet, as online sales began to scale, Expert needed a way to translate its approachable, informed customer experience to its messaging channels—particularly WhatsApp.

Expert added a WhatsApp button to each product page on their online storefront and built a concierge service so that customers with inquiries could be connected for a real-time chat with one of Expert’s 225+ agents. WhatsApp, with its one-on-one messaging format, effectively transferred the in-store experience to an online channel. Meanwhile, Expert was able to quickly capture inbound leads through WhatsApp and convert 80% of those leads into sales. 


WhatsApp marketing lies at the unique intersection of personalization and brand, offering businesses the intimacy of having a conversation right inside a customer’s inbox. You get to be the vendor that remembers your customers and cuts through the noise by talking to them one-on-one. 

WhatsApp is more than another marketing channel; it’s a direct line to your audience. In regions like Asia and Europe especially, it’s a lifeline for brands to nurture a one-on-one relationship with their customers and centralize the customer experience all in one place. 

By making every interaction feel tailored and personal, brands can truly position themselves as a trusted companion in the customer's journey. Remember: Personalization isn’t a mere tactic; it’s the root of genuine, meaningful engagement. 

Meet your audience where they are, and you’ll build relationships that can’t help but last. To get started at your organization, 联系我们的团队 of experts at Bird today.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.