通过 6 个步骤提高客户忠诚度SMS Marketing

通过 6 个步骤提高客户忠诚度SMS Marketing

6 Steps to Boost Customer Loyalty Through SMS Marketing

Today’s consumers are less loyal to brands than they used to be. Find out how SMS marketing can improve customer engagement and increase retention.



Among U.S. consumers, smartphones have become the most popular device for shopping online. More than 百分之九十 of Americans aged 18 to 49 now make purchases on their smartphones. But mobile devices are favored across the customer experience: 百分之六十 of global shoppers say they prefer to use their phones when engaging with brand loyalty programs.

Brands can’t afford to take customer loyalty for granted. If they do, they run the risk of losing customers, which isn’t hard to do; more than a quarter of all consumers have 戒购 from a specific business within the past year. But with a more engaging brand experience on mobile, your business can turn back the tide of declining brand loyalty and give your customer retention rates a much-needed boost.

Through personalized engagement and alignment with your brand’s loyalty program, SMS messaging can foster 加深客户关系 that increase revenue, reduce churn, and convert casual shoppers into loud advocates for your brand.




如果您制定了SMS marketing 战略,持续不断地为订阅者提供价值,那么您的大多数忠实客户都会热衷于将对话进行下去。

But first, you’ve got to get those customers opted-in to receiving messages. 


Since you’re building an SMS list among existing customers, you have options regarding how you collect explicit consent for your messaging campaigns. 

Email and social media can be used to promote your new SMS-based loyalty program—and incentives such as a discount code or other gift can sweeten the deal. Likewise, your website can 推动选择加入 through a simple pop-up widget where consumers can add their phone numbers. (Make sure all of your promotional content is mobile-friendly since you’re trying to impress customers by offering a better mobile experience.)

Your business can also take advantage of soft opt-in strategies to add current customers to your SMS list. While soft opt-in rules are more nuanced than single and double opt-ins, this tactic can be used to opt-in customers who have given your business their phone number—such as through a lead gen form or an 电子商务结账流程.




New customer acquisition is 六七次 more expensive than existing customer retention. ǞǞǞ probability of a prospective customer purchasing your product or service is significantly lower than that of a repeat customer: only five to 20 percent of prospects, on average, will actually buy, compared to 60% 至 70 of existing customers.

通过使用SMS marketing 来提高客户忠诚度,您可以实现更高的客户保留率,从而稳定您的创收,帮助您的企业负担得起旨在扩大客户群的营销策略。



You want to keep your customers and encourage them to spend more money with your brand. Monetary rewards, such as escalating discounts and rewards points that can be spent like cash, have long been cornerstones of these loyalty programs. 

However, today’s consumers are increasingly attracted to loyalty membership 非货币福利, such as increased personalization and an improved customer experience. To deliver meaningful value, your business must align your loyalty strategies with the customer audience you’re trying to retain. 


在设计基于短信的忠诚度战略时,应找出并解决阻碍满意客户提高忠诚度并进而成为品牌拥护者的障碍。评估流程的第一部分应确定当前忠诚客户对品牌的喜爱之处。在此基础上,您可以对 "忠诚度较低 "的客户进行评估,以了解您的企业如何为他们提供更好的服务。



  • 非忠诚客户中常见的人口和/或行为趋势是什么?

  • 我们目前提供哪些忠诚会员权益?我们忽略了哪些策略?

  • 我们可以提供哪些忠诚度福利,以最低的成本为企业带来最高的价值?


一旦您确定了提高客户参与度的可能忠诚度策略,您就可以开发 SMScampaigns ,对这些新方法进行测试。



SMS marketing 有一个很小的机会窗口来展示其信息的价值。入职或欢迎互动是品牌教育用户如何最大限度地利用其忠诚度会员利益的绝佳机会。

Timely, strategic communications are key. Well-designed messaging, combined with 基于触发器的自动化, can solidify SMS subscriptions and create more value for your customers, and therefore, your business.




Early on, your welcome series should include some sort of a heads up of what they can expect from future text messages: flash sale alerts, personalized offers, early notice of new products, and any other information you’re planning to deliver via SMS. Bird’s Journeys gives customer-focused marketers a way to automate hundreds of messaging series and trigger SMS delivery on an individual schedule for each new sign-up.



这种基于触发器的 SMS 方法很容易通过Bird 等工具进行设置,它通过个性化通信和强化忠诚度会员的好处来提升客户体验。


简化入职流程将为您的忠诚度计划取得长期成功奠定基础。但是,您的 SMS 策略必须随着时间的推移不断向用户证明其价值。



Trigger-based SMS messages can remind customers of items left in their cart, refer them back to products they recently viewed, and remind them of an online sale that’s about to expire. Bird Connectors can integrate ecommerce tools like Shopify right into your SMS platform to use customer data in your messaging strategy.



A strong post-purchase experience sets the stage for repeat conversions. Automated post-purchase messages can demonstrate your brand’s commitment to a strong customer experience. 






Plan for spring break, holiday sales, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and other relevant seasonal events in your SMS marketing strategy. 

Bird offers templates to quickly design effective SMS and MMS messages. You can even organize and manage these seasonal efforts 与其他信息传递策略一起 to make sure you’re not spamming your customers. Along with big ecommerce events on the annual calendar, consider seasonal events and opportunities that might be specific to your business.


Flash sales, VIP offers, limited product releases, and special members-only events all can build loyalty through exclusivity. Customers feel valued (and loyal) when they feel like they’re part of something special. 



如果您企业的客户忠诚度正在下降,SMS 是一条重新建立联系的途径,可以提醒客户他们曾经对您企业的喜爱。




Instead of flash sales and VIP offers, engage your lapsed customer base through messaging that highlights your brand mission and brand values, as well as stories of your brand making a positive difference in the world. 

在您的移动优化网站上将客户重新导向长篇故事,可以为您的品牌提供更多空间和时间来影响目标受众。测试其他信息策略,找出适合您受众的内容:购物指南、产品教程以及解决客户常见痛点的教育内容。顶尖的 SMS 营销人员会精心制作能促使客户采取行动或建立品牌亲和力的信息。想方设法拉回流失的客户。



要提高客户忠诚度,首先要采用更好的方法与客户互动。SMS marketing 并非向客户发送促销短信的单向渠道:相反,它可以实现双向互动和响应式信息传递,从而大规模加深客户联系。

Your customers have been clear about what they want: mobile-first experiences, personalized interactions, and consistent engagement from the brands they love. Bird SMS Marketing 解决方案 can offer all of that and more.

短信只是Bird 支持您的忠诚度战略的一种方式。我们的一体化平台为您的业务提供了强大的工具,可用于创建高质量的短信、定义和定位客户受众、启动多渠道campaigns 以及设置无数自动化功能,从而轻松管理您的细分市场。

此外,我们还提供全球运营商连接网络以及内置的安全和合规控制。Bird 处理SMS marketing 的技术问题,因此您的企业可以专注于打造卓越的客户体验。

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ǞǞǞ right message ->right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.