构建具有转化价值的电子邮件的 6 个技巧

构建具有转化价值的电子邮件的 6 个技巧

6 Tips for Building Conversion-Worthy Emails

Don’t let your emails go unread. Boost your conversion rates, drive retention, and start a real conversation with these 6 email best practices.

“Email is dead” couldn’t be further from the truth. There are over 42 亿电子邮件用户 as of 2022, representing a massive crowd waiting to hear from you. 

And email marketing continues to stand strong as an industry pillar: A vast majority (81%) of marketers use email marketing to track content performance. 

Successful email marketing requires eye-catching designs and relevant messaging. Enter Bird: an easy-to-use, visual designer that transforms the way businesses craft compelling emails. It’s a tool that helps you create emails that readers don’t just open, but act upon.

In this guide, we’ll reveal best practices for creating emails that delight and inspire. From subject lines to segmentation, we’ll cover how to build a conversion-worthy email marketing strategy that drives measurable results. 


ǞǞǞ design of your email is more than a final coat of paint; it’s the foundational framework for building successful email campaigns. Well-designed emails capture your reader’s attention and guide them seamlessly from subject line to call-to-action, increasing your conversion rates. 


您的电子邮件需要在杂乱无章的inbox 中脱颖而出。设计是吸引读者眼球的第一要素,决定着邮件的命运:您的电子邮件是会被打开阅读,还是会被直接删除或忽略?

A well-thought-out design goes beyond aesthetics to make your reader’s journey flow more effortlessly. It organizes your information in compelling ways, involving strategic use of colors, fonts, images, and layout to lead your reader’s eye to key messages and CTAs. 




Bird 是您的盟友,不仅能在您的电子邮件campaigns 中保持品牌一致性,还能在您的所有营销channels 中保持一致性。我们的平台具有以下功能,使您发送的每封电子邮件都能与您的品牌外观和感觉保持一致:

  • 设计块 Pre-designed, customizable blocks in Bird can save time while keeping your branding consistent. Create a library of blocks that fit your brand’s color scheme, font and style, which you can then easily insert into any email template.

  • 全渠道营销: Craft one template and adapt it to SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger and email, strengthening your brand identity across 您的所有营销channels

  • 丰富的互动内容 Add buttons, custom-designed images and graphics into your emails to reinforce your branding. 

Email design is more than making things look pretty; it's a strategic tool that can elevate your message, strengthen your brand identity, and drive conversions. 

撰写转化电子邮件的 6 个技巧


First impressions matter, and the subject line is arguably the most critical element of your email, as the first thing email recipients see. 关于 三分之二的电子邮件收件人 (64%) decide to open emails or not based on their subject lines. 


主题行是您的钩子:简短、醒目、吸引眼球。副标题或在inbox 预览中显示在主题行之后的一行,可提供更多的背景信息并说服读者打开邮件。




Including the recipient’s name or other personal details can make the email feel more tailored and relevant, and more likely to be opened. A subject line is more likely to resonate personally with the recipient if it addresses them directly, or hints at how it’s specifically relevant to them. 


Incorporating visuals into your emails isn’t just about aesthetic appeal; it's a strategic move to enhance readability and engagement. Large blocks of text can be overwhelming and may lead to a lower read-through rate. Breaking up text with visuals can keep the reader interested and guide them through the content in a more digestible manner. 

以下是将视觉效果有效融入电子邮件的一些最佳实践campaigns :


Pull readers in with a first visual that grabs their attention and encourages them to keep reading. Complement the first impression established by your subject line and subheading with a strong visual cue that gives additional context. Convey emotions, reinforce your message, or strengthen your branding with a well-chosen image that aligns with the email’s intent. 


Use high-quality visuals that look professional and are visually appealing. Using many poor-quality, irrelevant or off-brand images can negatively impact brand’s credibility, and have the opposite effect from what you want by losing the attention of your email recipients. Your visuals should complement and enhance your email’s message, not detract from it. 






3.通过可操作的 CTA 吸引读者采取行动

每封营销电子邮件都旨在通过 "行动呼吁"(CTA)将兴趣转化为预期行动。您的 CTA 是电子邮件成功与否的关键,它衡量着您的电子邮件说服读者采取行动的程度。有说服力的 CTA 的力量在于它能将被动的读者转化为主动的参与者,从而推动转化率并实现电子邮件营销活动的最终目标。

制作一个能引起共鸣并促使人们采取行动的 CTA,需要将清晰度、紧迫性和相关性融为一体。以下是一些制作不容忽视的 CTA 的提示和技巧:


Your CTA should leave no room for ambiguity about what you want the reader to do. Keep it short and sweet, as a lengthy CTA can lose the reader’s interest. For example, copy like “Start Your Free Trial,” “Get 50% Off,” and “Download the Report” reads clearly as to what the reader gets from clicking on your CTA. 

通过对比突出你的 CTA

使用与电子邮件设计其他部分形成鲜明对比的颜色来突出 CTA 按钮或链接。这种视觉区分会吸引读者注意 CTA。


您的 CTA 应与电子邮件内容的其他部分自然衔接,让读者感觉下一步是顺理成章的。例如,如果您的电子邮件是关于一款名为 "Magic Canvas "的新软件功能,那么 CTA 可以是 "立即试用 Magic Canvas"。


In an age where attention spans are seemingly shorter than ever, email content needs to hit a sweet spot between brevity and engagement. We have to create messages that are clear enough to be understood at a glance, concise enough to be digestible, yet captivating enough to hold attention. 

Personalization is one way to make emails stand out, immediately relevant 到 recipient, and deliver more value with less effort. 

Personalized emails are tailored 到 recipient’s interests, preferences and behaviors, increasing the likelihood that they’ll engage and convert. They also improve the customer experience, as 客户的忠诚度更高 to brands that put in the effort to personalize their communications.  

Bird simplifies the personalization process by empowering you to leverage customer data in your email campaigns. With its user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface, you can design customized emails to send based on customer variables such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and personal preferences. 


连接您的email marketing campaigns to your e-commerce storefronts such as Shopify or WooCommerce unlocks massive opportunities for customization, such as: 

  • 自动细分受众: Create highly targeted email campaigns based on customer’s purchasing history, preferences, or engagement levels. 

  • 动态内容插入: Automatically include products, offers, and content relevant to each individual recipient based on their data.

  • 基于触发器的电子邮件: Send automated emails based on specific customer actions, like abandoning a cart or browsing a particular product category..




In order to segment your audiences, find a granular audience builder like Bird that can pull in data from e-commerce platforms like Shopify. This integration allows you to access a wealth of customer data to then target audiences based on preference, purchasing history, location, and more. For example, you could create segments of customers who frequently purchase certain products, or those with high lifetime value, or customers who have high click-through rates. 

Through segmentation, you can send emails that hit the mark every time, fostering a stronger connection with your customers and driving conversion rates. 




  • 认识: Introduce your brand and provide valuable content that addresses the initial interests or pain points of your leads.

  • 考虑因素: Offer more detailed information about your products or services, highlighting benefits and differentiators.

  • 决定: Present compelling calls to action, customer testimonials, or special offers to encourage the final step of making a purchase.

如何创建Email Marketing 漏斗 101

创建一个有效的email marketing 漏斗需要进行规划并了解受众的需求。以下是一个基本纲要:

  1. 识别 your audience.

  2. 分段 your audience.

  3. 制定明确的目标 for each stage.

  4. 裁缝 content that speaks to your audience at each stage.

  5. Automate your sequences to send on a schedule.

  6. 测试和优化 your email sequences for better engagement.

请记住,一个执行良好的email marketing 漏斗不仅能促进销售,还能通过提供每一步的价值来建立关系。通过自动化这一流程,您可以持续、高效地培育潜在客户,提高转化的可能性,同时节省宝贵的时间和资源。

通过email marketing 取得最大成功Bird

从引人入胜的主题行到具有说服力的 CTA,在创建具有转化价值的电子邮件时,每一个元素都很重要。您需要采取细分、个性化和自动化的战略方法,将email marketing campaigns 从单纯的信息提升为促进转化的工具。

Bird emerges as a powerful ally in this endeavor, offering a suite of features that are both sophisticated and user-friendly. Its ability to integrate seamlessly with e-commerce platforms, coupled with advanced personalization and segmentation capabilities, makes it an invaluable tool for any email marketer looking to make a real impact.

Now, it's your turn to take these insights and translate them into action. Dive deep into the features and capabilities of Bird. Harness its full potential to craft emails that not only capture readers’ attention, but drive their meaningful engagement and conversions. 

请记住,在email marketing 的世界里,每一个细节都很重要,而Bird 就在您的指尖,您完全有能力让每一次活动都取得圆满成功。

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

ǞǞǞ right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.