

A Marketer’s Guide to Collecting SMS Opt-Ins

Gathering opt-ins from your customers isn’t only a nice gesture. In many cases, it’s the law. Read on for our tips to make sure you’re doing it right.

SMS marketing 是一个强大的渠道,但许多组织却对此望而却步。收集选择接收短信的挑战通常有两个方面。


第二个障碍:短信通信监管的加强。世界各地不断完善的消费者保护法为SMS marketing制定了更加严格的准则,尤其是在获得明确同意方面。

But don’t let these challenges keep you away from SMS. With the right approach, you can start reaping the many benefits of a 正确的选择进入策略.

  • 提高投资回报率(ROI): More opt-ins means fewer spam complaints and unsubscribers. It also means more prospects who say “yes” to your brand. Once they opt into SMS, they’ll soon be opting into your products and services.

  • 优化打开率和点击率(CTR): When your audience opts in, that signals a high-intent prospect that wants to actively keep the conversation going via content, offers, and discounts.

  • 减少客户投诉: ǞǞǞ difference between spam and a genuine conversation is a willingness between two parties. Prospects that opt into your messaging don’t view it as spam, they view it as value.

  • 加强合规性: Opt-ins serve as an explicit, virtual moment in time where your audience gives you consent to correspond with them. This ensures that your brand upholds industry-standard compliance protocols.

  • 简化信息传递: SMS marketing is a single-path communication channel that gets delivered straight to your prospects’ handheld devices. This gives you a reliable way to skip complex prospect journeys and also measure performance with confidence.  

不要让不确定性阻碍您通过 SMS 提升客户体验。在本指南中,我们将介绍选择加入的基础知识、选择加入的重要性以及如何快速建立 SMS 列表。



A typical SMS campaign sees message open rates of 百分之七十五—higher than most email campaigns. But a high open rate depends on delivery to a target audience that has chosen to receive those messages. To gather this consent, businesses have three distinct processes to choose from.



许多企业会被单次选择加入所吸引,因为这是建立SMS marketing 列表的最快、最有效的方法,尤其是当这一过程符合您所在行业的合规标准时。


双重选择进入采用单次选择进入流程,然后发送后续短信,要求消费者确认同意。这条双重选择进入短信可能会要求号码所有者回复 "是 "或 "确认 "以验证同意。

ǞǞǞ most significant benefit of a double opt-in is that it confirms that the phone number received is real. In some fillable forms, consumers may enter fake phone numbers to avoid SMS communications with your brand, and this can lead to messages being delivered 到 wrong number, or the number being inactive. When you request a double opt-in, you end up with a cleaner SMS list. 



The rules of soft opt-ins are more complex than single and double opt-ins, and regulations can vary by region. While existing customers who have made purchases or conversions in the past are often eligible for a soft opt-in tactic, many countries permit soft opt-ins for consumers who submit their phone numbers as part of a checkout process but end up abandoning their cart. 



SMS messaging is subject to far more stringent regulations than email and other types of marketing communications. In the United States, the 电话消费者保护法 has instituted sweeping regulations on SMS messaging practices—including 新短信法 adopted in spring 2023.





The best form of consent is explicit and written. Filled forms, checked boxes and double opt-in confirmations all provide explicit, documented consent that will satisfy most regulations concerning SMS opt-ins. 




In many countries, a link to your company’s terms and conditions, your privacy policy, a notice about applicable text messages and data rates, and 选择退出说明 are either required or recommended. Along with this information, you should make sure your brand name is clear so consumers know who will be sending the messages.

考虑时差和当地的 "安静时间

When SMS campaigns are delivered to a global audience, 时间安排. Many countries have rules governing when SMS marketing messages are allowed. 

例如,在美国,TCPA 限制在晚上 9:00 至早上 8:00 之间发送短信或拨打电话。在法国,SMS marketing ,禁止在周日发送。不遵守这些规定可能会导致信息发送延迟和/或被当地监管机构处以高额罚款。



This is particularly important when sending messages to a global audience. 法律 review can flag instances where your SMS opt-in strategy is out of compliance with country-specific regulations, allowing your business to make adjustments that avoid regulatory trouble. 


You’ve addressed the thorny challenges of ensuring compliance for your SMS opt-ins. Now it’s time to figure out how to make those opt-ins happy. From building awareness for your SMS list to incentivizing sign-ups, here are some tactics we recommend:  


在客户决定是否注册短信时,给他们一个明确的 "为什么"。您是否在利用短信促销独家折扣?发送个性化信息?分享有用的内容,如季节性购物指南?

当消费者知道他们能从这一通信渠道获得什么时,你就能更容易地吸引他们选择加入--特别是如果你的品牌短信体验能提供他们从其他通信渠道(如电子邮件和社交媒体)channels 。






弹出式窗口小部件可以在网站上推广SMS marketing ,而无需对每个网页进行单独更新。这些弹出窗口还可以为注册提供奖励,例如,一旦消费者的号码被添加到列表中,就会向其发送短信折扣代码。

MessageBird的工作室可轻松创建可添加到您网站的引人注目的弹出式表单。这是一种简单、有效的方法,可改善您的网站体验,同时为您的 SMS 策略收集选择订阅。


Shortcodes gather SMS opt-ins by asking consumers to text a keyword to a 五或六位数代码 set up for your SMS marketing program. A floral company, for example, might ask consumers to text “FLOWERS” to a shortcode used by the brand’s SMS strategy. 

通过发送代码,消费者选择接收公司未来的信息。它们是收集选择加入信息的快速、便捷的选择,在不能使用 URL 推荐或可填写表格时尤其有用。例如,电视广告和音频广告可以与受众分享简码和信息,然后受众可以自行启动短信选择加入。

这种策略的一个局限是,在向全球受众营销时,简码通常无法翻译。在许多情况下,您必须为尝试这种选择进入策略的每个国家设置独特的简码。这既增加了复杂性,又增加了成本,因为您的企业必须为其创建的每个独特的简码pay 。


简码选择加入策略中使用的关键字可以用来展示您的品牌声音,培养更有吸引力的客户体验。例如,与其让消费者输入 "YES "来收集选择加入信息,不如选择一些具体而有趣的关键词,让客户更容易记住。

It’s a small detail, but it can help create consistency across your branded experience. 


Spread the word on your SMS strategy however you can. Promote it on social media. Share a referral link in your email campaigns. 

通过在收银机上放置 QR 码,甚至在平面广告中推广您的简码,从而跳出数字channels 。能贴上 SMS 注册信息的地方越多,随着时间的推移,您就能获得越多的注册信息。


客户选择接收短信的原因是希望获得更好的客户体验。但是,如果您的 SMScampaigns 不能兑现这一承诺,您就会看到您的 SMS 列表随着客户选择不再接收信息而缩水。



Don’t suddenly increase the frequency of your messages—it’s an easy way to send SMS subscribers fleeing. If you want to send more frequent messages to your customers, consider creating a new list around a specific theme and asking existing subscribers to opt into those messages as well. 



Use first-party customer data to 创建定制信息 based on their preferences and interests. Product recommendations, cart reminders, birthday messages, and other personalized content allow SMS marketing to leverage 1-to-1 communication for a more engaging customer experience.

You can also segment your SMS list to tailor messages around shared interests, or to target ads to customers with similar backgrounds and shopping behaviors. MessageBird allows your business to 创造多种受众 to enhance the quality of your personalized messaging.


短小精悍的短信效果很好。让您的信息直接切题。在允许使用 URL 的国家,使用缩短的 URL 来进一步压缩信息。

除了客户体验方面的优势外,缩短短信长度还可以降低短信成本:如果短信长度超过最大 160 个字符,您就必须pay 两条短信,而不是一条。


Discounts, VIP deals, flash sales, and exclusive content offer tangible value that will help keep some customers opted into your SMS campaigns. 

为了达到最佳效果,请使用 SMS 发送其他channels无法提供的优惠和促销信息 - 否则,您有可能创造出一种多余的 SMS 体验,从而增加选择退出的风险。



Everything you need, you can get through MessageBird. From opt-in forms to pop-up widgets to built-in controls for global compliance, MessageBird’s platform can help you design, implement, and manage an SMS opt-in strategy that lifts your customer experience to new heights.

没有理由害怕SMS marketing.


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