盒装活动:WhatsApp Marketing 电子商务

盒装活动:WhatsApp Marketing 电子商务

Campaign in a Box: WhatsApp Marketing for E-commerce

A one-stop guide to building a revenue generation machine

Your customers don’t want to be bombarded with marketing content. 


想要证据?WhatsApp 的 B2C 消息趋势就是最好的证明:

  • WhatsApp users send 1.75 亿条信息 to businesses every day;

  • Messages sent from businesses to customers have a 75% 的打开率;

  • 自 2021 年以来,WhatsApp 上的 B2C 活动总体增长了 80%。


WhatsApp 等信息平台正在利用人工智能和其他自动化技术加强基于文本的交流,从而创造出能提供更好体验的真实性和响应性。

WhatsApp 不仅仅是另一种发送短信的方式。只要使用正确的策略和工具,您的电子商务品牌就能将 WhatsApp 信息转化为创造销售额和加强客户关系的利器。


  • 为什么说 WhatsApp 是会话商务的有效平台?

  • 如何鼓励选择加入并由此引发 WhatsApp 对话

  • 在 WhatsApp 上表现出色的不同营销策略

  • 如何衡量 WhatsApp 活动是否成功

设置 WhatsApp,成功开展电子商务

WhatsApp uses AI-powered automation, strict quality assurance controls, and a suite of powerful features to deliver a more personalized user experience that prequalifies leads and increases your lead generation opportunities. 

由于 WhatsApp 有严格的质量保证协议,因此您的企业必须按照 WhatsApp 平台的要求精心策划对话campaigns 。

为什么选择 WhatsApp 进行电子商务?

WhatsApp 看起来像是另一个版本的短信,但其用户体验和内置功能使其成为独一无二的营销工具。

Messages can be used to share not only text-based communications but also images, videos, PDFs, stickers, and location information. AI chatbots and automation tools can be used by Bird products to trigger a wide range of 对话式营销行动 such as recovering abandoned carts and checking inventory for customers.

有了 WhatsApp,企业可以创建吸引眼球的消息和对话,这些消息和对话可以针对消费者的个性化需求,满足他们的兴趣,并通过自动化快速发送。同时,WhatsApp for Business 还能让您实时了解营销活动的效果,从而了解客户的喜好并改进您的营销方式。

这些强大的功能帮助Bird 客户实现了高达 80% 的 WhatsApp 转换率。

获取 WhatsApp 企业认证

在Bird 开始使用 WhatsApp 非常简单。首先,您需要在Bird 账户的Channels 库中安装 WhatsApp:

  • 点击Channels 图标 in the Bird nav bar on the left side of the screen.

  • 从Channels 列表中选择 WhatsApp. On the right side of the screen, click the “Install WhatsApp” button.

  • 添加 WhatsApp 号码 to be used by Bird, or opt to purchase a new one via the Number by Bird connector. Keep in mind that this number can’t be connected to an existing WhatsApp account—it will be dedicated to this platform.

  • 将您的 WhatsApp PIN 码与Bird 账户共享 if you have already registered a number with the platform.

  • 选择独特的频道名称 that you can easily recognize and reference.

一旦您在Bird 上设置了 WhatsApp,您就需要获得 WhatsApp Business Verified。在您的帐户通过验证之前,您的企业帐户只能执行有限的功能,包括您可以给客户发送信息的硬上限和您每天可以发送的信息数量。

Visit the 元业务帮助中心 for instructions on how to verify your business.

为您的品牌获取 WhatsApp 消息的选择权

WhatsApp 平台的优势之一是它有许多防范垃圾邮件和不受欢迎的通讯的措施。对话式营销需要与受众建立个人联系,如果受众被可疑链接和来自陌生账户的不请自来的消息轰炸,就很难做到这一点。

Using WhatsApp for e-commerce marketing is a privilege. To preserve that privilege—and, let’s face it, to make sure you’re delivering a good customer experience—your business needs the right tools and tactics to discover your target audience and 获得他们的主动同意 to receive WhatsApp messages. 

提高您的品牌在 WhatsApp 上的知名度

在消费者选择接收您品牌的 WhatsApp 消息之前,您的企业需要创建推荐channels ,让用户发现您的 WhatsApp 号码,并通过该平台与您的企业建立联系。

以下是一些企业可以用来推广 WhatsApp 影响力的策略:

  • QR 码 A QR code can be easily featured on your business website and other channels across both desktop and mobile devices. This code can refer desktop users 到 WhatsApp mobile app, where they can send a pre-written message to your number providing explicit consent to receiving messages.

  • 弹出式窗口 Pop-up widgets can be created through Bird Studio to submit information that signs the user up to receive messages from your business. A QR code can also be featured in this pop-up widget.

  • 短信/电子邮件: If you are already communicating with consumers through SMS or email, these channels can help you promote your WhatsApp presence. Redirects to a landing page, the WhatsApp mobile app, and replies 到 email or text message can all help you obtain opt-ins.

  • 嵌入流程flows : Keep an eye out for process flows in your e-commerce experience where WhatsApp opt-ins can be easily integrated. ǞǞǞ checkout process, account notification settings, new account registration, email newsletter opt-ins, and other process flows may offer effortless opt-in opportunities with your customers.


WhatsApp 强大的用户体验有两个主要特点,一是无广告平台,二是垃圾短信率极低。这使您的品牌信息更容易与目标受众建立联系。

However, this quality assurance results in a high CPM for businesses targeting their messages to specific audiences. For this reason, we recommend that e-commerce brands target their WhatsApp messages to highly engaged audiences who are likely to participate in a conversation. 


  • 通过 WhatsApp 发起对话的客户。 These users have demonstrated their interest in communicating via WhatsApp messaging, so the likelihood of engagement is high.

  • 重新定位。 Consumers who have engaged with your website, abandoned a shopping cart, or made a past purchase are a natural messaging target.

  • 非常接近转化的消费者。 WhatsApp messaging can support bottom-of-funnel engagement to drive sales and revenue.

  • 转换后的跟踪。 A thank-you note, questions about their shopping experience, and other communications can help your business retain customers and strengthen brand loyalty.


Bird 可以轻松创建一个全渠道弹出式小工具,部署在网站的任何位置。然后就可以在弹出式表单中添加预建的 "管理 WhatsApp 订阅 "流程,以管理选择接收 WhatsApp 消息的用户。

Use our simple guide to 创建自定义注册表单 for your business website. Once your form is created, select Omnichannel Widget in your Inbox settings on Bird. Click on the “Notifications & Popups” tab and select “Create new pop-up message” to create your pop-up sign-up form. 



哪些顾客可能想买裤子?可能是之前购买过短裤的客户。这是一个简单的概念,但它需要一种集中的方法来收集 WhatsApp 联系人的属性并将其情景化。


Bird Contacts offers a centralized location for consolidating contacts, managing customer data, and creating audiences to target with WhatsApp messages. 

A key tool in this process is Bird Connectors, which provides integrations with external e-commerce tools to synchronize customer data and make it available for audience targeting and other automated marketing processes.

Connectors 可用于促进自动触发器发送各种信息。例如,被遗弃的 Shopify 购物车可以触发一条提示信息,说明购买尚未完成。发货集成可以让客户随时了解订单何时到家。

简单的模板可以根据客户属性的任意数量的动态字段为受众创建有针对性的信息。所有这些复杂的数据管理都在Bird 后台进行,为电子商务营销人员提供了简化的端到端体验。


In just a few clicks, your business can install a connector and begin synchronizing third-party customer data with the Bird platform. 

在Bird 的 "联系人 "选项卡下,找到并点击 "安装第一个连接器 "按钮。在连接器市场中滚动查找要连接的应用程序,然后点击 "安装 "并按步骤操作。

设计完美的 WhatsApp 受众

Once Connectors are sharing customer data in Bird, your business can create a custom audience through the platform’s Contacts solution. Contacts is a powerful audience builder capable of targeting a precise consumer segment with personalized messaging. 



Bird Contacts 提供了一个简单、基于规则的界面,可为任何营销活动创建自定义受众。通过创建特定条件来定义受众,通过 WhatsApp 发送的个性化信息可实现更高的转换率和更大的创收。

Bird users can choose between a list of 预设模板条件 to define their audience, or they can create their own. 

设计您的第一批 WhatsApp 受众

将您的 WhatsApp 消息与目标受众相匹配是关键。了解活动目标和信息类型后,请访问Bird 的 "联系人 "部分,开始创建自定义受众。

After clicking “Create audience,” use the drop-down tools to define your audience based on relevant attributes and events. You can add as many conditions as you want to create a highly targeted, granular audience. 



在您的WhatsApp marketing 战略中,向您选择的受众发送的信息是最重要的。高质量的创意对这一营销渠道的成功至关重要--不仅要符合 WhatsApp 的质量保证标准,还要满足目标受众的期望。

幸运的是,您的企业拥有强大的工具和资源来创建能推动对话的信息。文字、图片、GIF 和表情符号都任您使用。BirdStudio 配备了各种功能,可以帮助您创建高质量的信息,赢得 WhatsApp 的认可和受众的参与。


与短信或其他通信方式相比,WhatsApp 的个性化内容和响应式自动化可实现更多互动channels 。这种互动可以采取多种不同的形式,为客户创造价值,为企业带来收益,其中包括

  • 产品目录集成。 User behavior, including past browsing history on your e-commerce site, can be used to dynamically insert products into your WhatsApp messaging to make that content more relevant to the user. Instead of blasting out messaging highlighting a single product to your entire audience, each user receives messaging around a product chosen specifically for them.

  • Chatbots. AI-powered chatbots can engage in a conversation with users to check product inventory, offer recommendations, and provide other basic services on a 1-to-1 basis. These chatbots can help keep the brand experience centralized on WhatsApp instead of referring users to your website and leaving it up to them to find what they’re looking for. Bird Flows can be created to facilitate these experiences and automate conversations with your target audience.

  • 基于触发器的信息传递。 Abandoned carts and other consumer actions can trigger a WhatsApp message that offers a discount, a reminder, a recommendation, or lead nurturing tactics.

  • 单一信息的动态变化。 Bird’s platform lets you seamlessly create multiple versions of a single message to tailor WhatsApp interactions for different products, geographies, languages, and other differences—without having to create new messages from scratch.

  • 与客户支持解决方案集成。 Through customer care integrations like Zendesk, WhatsApp messaging can facilitate customer service queries related to order status and other customer-initiated questions.

创建一条 WhatsApp 消息并通过以下方式发送Bird

By designing a custom WhatsApp message and connecting it to an audience, you can create and launch your first WhatsApp campaign. 

Under the Create Content tab in Bird, click on “Create new message project” and follow the prompts. You can then choose the text and visual elements of the message and adjust other settings, such as support for additional languages and any variables to enable the use of dynamic data. 

一旦您的信息获得 WhatsApp 批准,请查看活动详情,确保您的信息收件人设置为适当的列表或受众。如果这些细节正确无误,您的信息就可以发送了!


您的第一次 WhatsApp 营销活动可能不会取得创纪录的效果。不过,无论该信息表现如何,您都可以依靠出色的活动数据来深入了解您的 WhatsApp 策略以及受众对该策略的接受程度。

In some cases, those results can arrive quickly—within hours, if your messaging is 发送给大批量消费者. Once you have a solid base of campaign data, you can analyze those results to calculate messaging ROI and identify strategic changes that may improve your next campaign’s results.

分析WhatsApp marketing 结果

WhatsApp performance data takes a few different forms, all of which offer valuable insights regarding customer engagement and revenue generation. 

以下是评估 WhatsApp 性能数据的三种方法:

  • 信息可送达性。 What percentage of your target audience opened and/or read your message? How many engaged the message by responding or clicking a referral to your website? These key performance indicators (KPIs) provide some baseline insight into how compelling and/or relevant your message was to your audience.

  • 点击后收入归因. It’s easy to calculate ROI for a conversation, purchase or other action that takes place entirely within the WhatsApp experience. ǞǞǞ tougher question is: how does a WhatsApp message contribute to engagement and/or revenue that occurs outside of the WhatsApp platform? By tracking and connecting this activity between WhatsApp and your website, you can build a more comprehensive view of your message’s true ROI.

  • 聊天机器人的参与和资格认证。 Chatbot ROI can be measured from multiple different perspectives. On the one hand, customer service chatbots create time savings for e-commerce employees who don’t need to handle these queries themselves. At the same time, deeper chatbot engagement can offer insights into a customer’s level of engagement and where they drop off if they don’t follow through with a conversion.

回顾首次 WhatsApp 活动的成果

Bird’s 分析 Performance tab offers excellent tools and visual reporting features to help you understand your campaign’s performance. 

评估您的首次营销活动本身的表现,以及与其他campaigns 上运行的任何其他channels 的比较。收件人总数、送达率、打开率和点击率等指标可让您快速、清晰地了解您的信息与受众之间的联系有多有效。

随着时间的推移,您可以改变这些campaigns 中的某些元素,以测试新的信息元素是否会改变您的营销活动效果。A/B 测试将成为优化 WhatsApp 战略和发挥该平台作为创收机器潜力的重要工具。


BirdWhatsApp 的成果不言自明。

With its engaging user experience, reliable analytics, and ability to integrate with powerful automation tools, WhatsApp is an indispensable channel for connecting with your e-commerce audience. 

Everything you need to build WhatsApp success is available on the Bird platform. 

您已经知道如何从头到尾创建一个活动。现在有趣的事情开始了:是时候利用您所学到的知识,制作新的 WhatsAppcampaigns ,提供比之前更多的影响力和收入潜力。


Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.