如何制作吸引人的 WhatsApp 模板

如何制作吸引人的 WhatsApp 模板

How to Craft Engaging WhatsApp Templates

Learn how to engage customers and boost sales with our tactical guide to building excellent WhatsApp templates.

With more than 二十亿 pairs of eyes scrolling through WhatsApp each day and a staggering 1.75 亿人 engaging with business accounts daily, it's clear that WhatsApp isn't just for “hello”s and “how are you”s anymore. It’s a catalyst for e-commerce growth, boasting a 98% 的打开率 that makes email marketers green with envy.

Whether you’re sending a quick update or a promotional blast, your business messages on WhatsApp need to be sharp, engaging, and, above all, clickable. And that's what we specialize in creating here at Bird: WhatsApp message templates that your customers will not only read, but engage with. 

This isn't just about writing; it's about strategically crafting messages that cut through the noise and turn chats into checkouts. Short, actionable, and result-focused, 本指南 will help you convert your customer's WhatsApp inbox into fertile ground for personalized marketing. 

电子商务品牌何时以及为何要使用 WhatsApp 模板?

In a bustling online marketplace, your business hinges on communications that spark a connection, build relationships, and drive sales. That’s where WhatsApp templates come in, serving as your brand’s handshake, smile, and first impression, all rolled into one. 


To initiate conversations 



Once the customer replies, you have a 24 小时对话窗口 to engage with authentic, meaningful free-form messages. At hour 25, that window closes and you can no longer respond to a user’s message. That 24-hour period is your improv stage, where timeliness and applicable replies matter most. Here, templates take a back seat. 

Instead, tailor your responses to customer inquiries, or just have a casual chat that keeps the connection warm and the conversation going for up to 24 hours. ǞǞǞ freedom is all yours. 

让 WhatsApp 远离垃圾邮件

模板不仅仅是一种便利,更是一种质量控制措施。WhatsApp 强制执行模板审核流程,以确保平台无垃圾信息,对用户和企业都有价值。Meta 必须批准您想与客户使用的每一个消息模板。该审批流程确保每条模板消息都比消费者已经学会忽略的随机垃圾消息高出一个等级。

对于企业来说,您的模板既要有宣传性,又要有个性化;既要有诱惑力,又不能咄咄逼人。精心制作的模板会尊重收件人的时间和注意力,为他们提供相关和有用的信息。正是这种相关性使 WhatsApp 成为用户和企业都信赖的渠道,让客户期待收到您的信息。

WhatsApp 模板是您提供个性化客户体验的工具包--而不会越界成为侵入性的。它们不仅仅是信息,更是开启与客户进行无缝、相互尊重且有利可图的对话的钥匙。

创建 WhatsApp 模板 101

WhatsApp 模板是经 Meta 批准的预设格式信息,旨在通过遵守公司严格的信息政策来简化沟通。模板可包括文本、表情符号和可变占位符,并可根据收件人进行定制。但这还不是全部:模板还可以包含图片、文档、视频和 GIF 等媒体,以丰富客户体验。

With templates, savvy brands send out welcome messages, order confirmations, shipping updates, promotional offers, and more at scale, while complying with WhatsApp’s brand guidelines. 

WhatsApp 模板有哪些类别?

As of 2023 年 10 月 30 日, WhatsApp separates templates into three distinct categories based on the purpose of the messages:

  1. 公用事业: Follow up with customers after specific behavior or requests, i.e. sending opt-in confirmations, order or shipping updates, or feedback surveys. 

  2. 市场营销: Engage, promote, and sell. Your brand voice shines here, whether in announcing a new product, or just nurturing the customer relationship with personalized content. Learn more about WhatsApp for marketing in this guide.

  3. 认证: Send one-time passcodes that allow your customers to securely access their accounts via two-factor authentication.

You’ll need to categorize each message template that you submit for approval into one of these three buckets. You’ll also need to decide whether you want to allow WhatsApp to automatically re-categorize templates if approval fails because your content does not match the selected category. 

WhatsApp 模板需要吸引眼球并具有可操作性,鼓励客户在他们的旅程中迈出下一步--无论是购买、利用促销活动,还是仅仅与您的品牌互动。有了 MessageBird,您可以对这些体验进行微调,使每个模板都让人感觉是为个人精心设计的,而不仅仅是发送给大众。

通过以下步骤批准您的 WhatsApp 模板

在您精心制作的信息到达受众之前,它们必须通过 WhatsApp 的把关--模板审批流程。


WhatsApp 对所有模板的审核流程保证了大量发送给用户的信息是高质量的,而不是垃圾信息。为了保持平台的完整性和用户体验,这种审查是必要的。因此,每次您提交模板时,WhatsApp 都会检查该模板是否符合其指导方针,包括信息格式和内容标准。

好消息是什么?这个过程通常很快,通常在 48 小时内完成,有时甚至几分钟就能完成。尽管如此,我们还是建议品牌尽早将模板提交审批,以防 WhatsApp 拒绝您的模板,这样您就有足够的时间编辑模板并重新提交。

为加快审批速度,请创建清晰、必要且对收件人有价值的模板。避免在第一条信息中出现促销内容,因为 WhatsApp 对未经请求的营销特别敏感。遵循这些原则,当您的模板通过 WhatsApp 的审核时,您就更有可能获得快速点头批准。


Here’s a step-by-step guide to 在 MessageBird's Studio 中创建 WhatsApp 模板.

  1. Log into Studio and select 创建新项目

  2. Under Project Type, select 信息模板. Follow the steps to choose WhatsApp, and which connected WhatsApp account to link this template to. 

  3. 为模板选择合适的类别,以及是否允许自动重新分类。

  4. 设置内部使用的项目名称。MessageBird 将据此生成 WhatsApp 模板名称,WhatsApp 将能看到该名称。

  5. Add content blocks in the visual editor either via the 概述 panel or directly in the Studio canvas. With WhatsApp-approved templates, you can add a header, body, footer, link button, and reply button.

  6. 自定义字段、添加图片和文本,并确保添加可变占位符以实现个性化。图片或视频等媒体也可作为占位符;您无需提交您将使用的准确图片以供审批。

  7. Click 保存为草稿 to save your changes. 

  8. Click the 预览 button 在 top of the screen to see how the template will appear to recipients. 

  9. Hit 出版 to automatically send your completed template to WhatsApp for approval.

  10. 提交模板后,您可以在 MessageBird 中查看其批准状态。

And there you have it—a streamlined process that assists in crafting, editing, and managing your templates in alignment with WhatsApp compliance policies, all within Bird. We take the guesswork out of the process, so you can focus on fine-tuning your messaging and engagement strategies.


Template creation is really a balancing act between crafting messages that resonate and adhering to WhatsApp’s rules. As we’ve discussed, you’ll need to navigate WhatsApp’s guidelines with precision to pass the platform’s approval process. 

以下是如何让您的 WhatsApp 模板每次都能击中目标并获得批准的方法。


First and foremost, make sure to follow WhatsApp's 商业政策 and 商务政策 到 letter. Failing to do so will land you with rejected templates and could potentially flag your account for compliance review.


  • 无垃圾内容: Avoid overly promotional language that could be considered spam. Your templates should provide value and relevance, not a sales pitch.

  • 无欺骗行为: Your message content must be honest and transparent. Misleading information, baiting, and false promises are strictly prohibited.

  • 质量和清晰度: Ensure that your templates are well-constructed, delivering clear messages that are free of grammatical errors.

  • 隐私合规: Be mindful of data protection laws. Don't include sensitive information in your templates, and confirm that all users have opted-in to your communications.

  • 禁止内容: WhatsApp has a detailed list of the kinds of content you can’t broadcast, including illegal products or services, drugs, firearms, and more. Your content also must not discriminate against any identity or personal characteristic.

Stay up-to-date on any changes to WhatsApp 的政策. What works today may not be compliant tomorrow, so it’s critical to stay informed.


如前所述,WhatsApp 的质量标准很高,因此您的模板必须符合这一高标准,否则就有可能被拒绝。以下是一些帮助您的模板在第一次尝试时就获得批准的最佳做法:

  • 校对: Grammatical errors or typos make your business look unprofessional and can cause your templates to be rejected.

  • 正确包围: Use the designated {brackets} for variable parameters correctly to indicate where personalization will occur. Make sure all brackets are closed properly, with no missing brackets.

  • 语言一致性: Stick to one language per template to maintain clarity and coherence. Localization is great, but mixing languages can confuse your audience and may violate WhatsApp’s guidelines.

  • 正确连接: Link to your website, not any other domains. Don’t use link shorteners like bit.ly, which hide the destination URL; these can look spammy and risk template rejection.

  • 合理命名: Choose clear and descriptive names for your templates, like “order_confirmation” or “winter_sale_2024” instead of “template_42.” 

  • 遵守模板指南: Reserve templated messages for their intended purposes. Don’t try to circumvent WhatsApp's policies by shoehorning irrelevant content into a template. Keep all content aligned with the message’s intended purpose. 

  • 明确的行动呼吁(CTA): Whether you're prompting a reply, a click, or a call, make it obvious what you want the recipient to do next.


WhatsApp 是一个灵活、人性化的平台,因为它能够整合有说服力的文案、视觉效果和互动元素。这些元素将简单的信息转化为引人入胜的体验,促使人们采取行动,并与客户建立更深层次的联系。


We live in a visual world. A well-chosen image or video can convey mood, tone, and information, often far more eloquently and quickly than text alone. In WhatsApp messaging, the visuals you choose are more than embellishments; they’re compelling storytellers in their own right. 

Here are some tips for choosing winning visuals: 

  • 相关性: Choose images that reflect your brand and pertain 到 message. For example, sending a personalized recommendation for boots along with a picture of those boots makes a lot of sense.

  • 质量 Use high-resolution images that will display clearly and appear visually appealing, but keep the file size low (under 5 MB) for a faster load time.

  • 格式化: We recommend sending square images with 800 x 800 pixel dimensions, or images with a dimension ratio of 1.91:1 for best viewing by recipients.

  • 多样性: Spice it up with a variety of visual elements, like videos or maps, depending on what feels most relevant and useful. 



说到为 WhatsApp 写作,简洁是智慧的灵魂。该平台专为快速、随身沟通而设计,因此您的信息必须简洁明了,但又引人注目。

要想在 WhatsApp 上写出好文章,请养成以下四个习惯:

  • 写作时要简洁明了: Keep your messages short and to the point. Avoid long paragraphs that can overwhelm the reader.

  • 设计一个强有力的开场: Grab attention with a strong hook. Your first few words should tell the recipient why they should keep reading.

  • 以价值为导向: Make sure each message offers value. Whether it's an update, a tip, or a special offer, it should be immediately clear what's in it for the customer.

  • 使用亲切的语气: Use a conversational tone that matches your brand’s voice and resonates with your audience.



Reply buttons allow users to respond and open a conversation with just one tap, using predefined options that you set. Use these to streamline decision-making for recipients and help them navigate conversation flows. Link buttons will typically direct customers to a web page, product, or a map location. 

When writing copy for these interactive elements, keep your instructions clear. For example, “Tap 获取优惠 to receive your 15% off coupon code.” Use language that prompts immediate action, like “Don’t miss out! Hit 了解更多 to visit the sale now.”

By combining visuals, succinct copy, and interactive elements, your WhatsApp templates can deliver an immersive experience that drives action. 


Customers are demanding personalization, with 65% 的消费者 saying personalized experiences now earn their loyalty. By integrating WhatsApp templates with your e-commerce platforms, you can harness detailed customer data to create those personalized experiences that customers crave.


Connectors如 Shopify 或 WooCommerce 的集成,可让您将电子商务数据与 WhatsApp 消息同步campaigns 。这样的集成为根据每位客户的个人偏好和行为定制对话提供了巨大的潜力。


  • 产品个性化: Automatically populate templates with product details, images, and pricing based on past browsing behavior or purchase history.

  • 订单更新: Send order confirmations, shipping updates, and delivery notifications to keep your customers informed.

  • 废弃购物车恢复: Remind customers of items they left in their carts, incorporating images and details directly from your product database to tempt them to complete their purchase.

  • 客户支持。 Access customer purchase histories and preferences to provide informed support that feels personal and proactive, directly through WhatsApp.

connectors 所提供的个性化服务可提升客户体验,同时提高营销工作的效率。


拥有一份详细的收件人名单对于开展有针对性的营销至关重要。通过Bird ,您可以创建和管理收件人列表,并根据您的营销需要对其进行微调campaigns 。


  • 分割: Use data from your e-commerce connectors to segment customers based on their behaviors, preferences, and purchase history. Send messages that are highly relevant to each segment. For instance, you could try sending a special offer on pet-related products to customers who have previously purchased pet supplies.

  • 动态列表: Create dynamic lists that update automatically as customer data evolves. This keeps your messaging relevant to customers as their interests and behaviors change over time.

  • 基于偏好的目标定位: Leverage customer preferences for product categories, communication frequency, and even preferred times for receiving messages to maximize engagement and minimize opt-outs.

通过利用电子商务平台的丰富数据,您可以知道,通过 WhatsApp 发送的每条信息都不会是广播,而更像是与受众进行的有意义的一对一对话。

利用 WhatsApp 模板的潜力Bird

WhatsApp 模板可实现有针对性的、个性化的和出色的客户互动,从而提高打开率和参与率。

Bird is your WhatsApp messaging partner, offering robust tools for crafting, personalizing, and deploying WhatsApp templates with ease and scalability. And WhatsApp’s potential goes far beyond just templates. You can even build automated, end-to-end e-commerce experiences in-thread, so customers don’t need to leave WhatsApp to drive sales. 

Dive deep into the 全方位功能 that Bird offers for WhatsApp template creation and implementation. Together, we can craft messages that matter and create customer experiences that count. 

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

ǞǞǞ right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.