如何grow 您的 WhatsApp 订阅者列表

如何grow 您的 WhatsApp 订阅者列表

How to grow your WhatsApp subscriber list

In this article, we’ll explore organic list building, paid list building, and most importantly—ways to maximize your opt-in rate. 

Picture this: you're in the middle of something important when your phone buzzes. 


According to research, you likely do. 

In fact, 90% 的短信在 3 分钟内被阅读完毕. That's a direct line straight to your audience. But how do you build a list in the first place? 


In this article, we’ll explore organic list building, paid list building, and most importantly—ways to maximize your opt-in rate. 


Add WhatsApp opt-ins to all of your existing lead-gen and outreach platforms, and watch your list expand naturally. 


pop-up on landing page asking for whatsapp opt-ins

Using a WhatsApp chat widget makes the process even more streamlined. With MessageBird 的全渠道小工具、 you can provide instant messaging access to subscribers while keeping everything centralized in one inbox that houses all your conversations. 

Consider this: more than a decade ago, Pew conducted 研究 asking Americans how they preferred to communicate. Back then, 31% of users preferred texting to a phone call. Fast forward to 2023, and the choice is clear for Millennials and Gen Z. They would rather 将对话转为文字 every time. 




  • 邀请你的社交媒体追随者加入你的WhatsApp名单以获得独家信息

  • 在你的社交资料中包括你的WhatsApp联系号码

  • 使用二维码,让观众在旅途中轻松注册

  • 向您的电子邮件列表发送关于您的新WhatsApp消息功能的公告并邀请他们加入

If you already use general SMS messaging as part of your strategy, you can use this method to alert users 到 opportunity for WhatsApp conversations and special offers.  

SMS message to user asking them to opt-in to whatsapp marketing messages

You can also lean on short codes to generate your WhatsApp list via SMS. (Short codes or feature codes are a mobile device communications channel that’s traditionally used for customer support, but have fantastic marketing applications as well.) While short codes are dependent on the mobile carrier network your prospects use, you can use the 简码 associated with this type of communication to drive traffic to WhatsApp.


Additionally, you can use interactive voice response (IVR) for customer support, meaning that customers can opt-in to WhatsApp messaging during an interaction by pressing a designated key on their dial pad. For example, you can add a menu option so that users can “move” the conversation to WhatsApp. 

“To talk with an agent, press 1. 



You may be surprised by how many users choose to move the conversation to a text-based option. It provides those who are otherwise engaged (i.e., 在 office, in a meeting, multitasking at home) a way to keep the discussion moving without waiting on hold or spending time on the phone with a customer service operator. 

WhatsApp conversation between customer and business asking the customer if they would like to opt-in


https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/business-policy/?lang=enAdding a paid growth strategy is simply the icing on the cake when collecting WhatsApp subscribers. ǞǞǞ more budget you have available, the farther your potential reach. If you must pick and choose where your dollars are going, it’s best to spend where your audience is most likely to reside. Here’s a breakdown of options in the paid-tactics arena.


这通常等同于在Facebook和Instagram等平台上投放在线广告。你很幸运,Facebook、Instagram和WhatsApp都是由Meta公司拥有的,这使得交叉推广非常方便。当客户点击广告上的 "发送消息 "按钮时,他们会被自动发送到你的WhatsApp频道,开始对话。


Paid ad on Facebook with option to message the business directly on WhatsApp


也许你的受众更愿意接触传统新闻媒体。以非传统的营销方式进入传统媒体,可能会以最好的方式颠覆一切;您将创造新的好奇心。例如,您可以在海报或杂志广告中加入 WhatsApp 注册页面的二维码。

Ad on magazine with QR code with the option to chat 到 business on WhatsApp





如何为您的WhatsApp marketing

WhatsApp 的选择加入政策 ensures businesses get permission for each type of message they send to customers. For example, if a customer opts in to receive shipping notifications, you can’t send them product recommendations. 





Landing page pop-up where user can add details to get shipping updates via WhatsApp

ǞǞǞ same can be said for paid ads, SMS messaging, chatbots, and it’s even an option within an existing WhatsApp thread. Wherever you decide to share your WhatsApp capabilities, make sure to use the opportunity to directly ask for permission to send communications to new subscribers. It’s a seamless way to introduce this new option where your customers are already active. 

WhatsApp conversation between user and business asking for data usage and the business takes the opportunity to ask for WhatsApp marketing opt-in



如果您已将传统的印刷、公关或媒体购买作为整体营销计划的一部分,您还可以使用这些channels ,通过 QR 码、短信或易于记忆的网页登陆页面鼓励用户选择加入。

Storefront with QR code and WhatsApp message from business asking user to opt-in


Honesty and transparency are the tickets to maximizing subscriber opt-ins. The goal is for consumers to understand what they are signing up for and make the choice that best suits their needs. Then, if they do sign up, you’ve got an optimal lead in your funnel. 


  • 选择清晰度。 State clearly what your business is, what type of messages they’ll receive, and how often they’ll receive them.

  • 解释好处。 Make sure the consumer knows why it’s beneficial to them to sign up for your WhatsApp list. This may include opportunities they wouldn’t normally have access to if they’re not on your list, such as special promotions, offers, and exclusive sales.

  • 具体一点。 Explain what types of communication are available to the customer, like shipping notifications or promotional messages.

  • 保持简单。 Provide easy-to-follow directions. If you require too many form fields,  you’ll lose your audience.

  • 提供出口。 Making the user aware of their right to opt out of certain types of messaging empowers them to make the right choice—which ultimately is what you want when collecting qualified leads.

增加您的 WhatsApp 订阅者列表,直接与客户联系

Starting your WhatsApp subscriber list is the first step to getting in conversation with your customers. Gain subscribers through organic and paid methods, and stay honest with them throughout the process with a clear opt-in permissions. That way, once you add customers to your list, you’ll already be well on your way to earning their trust and loyalty in the years to come. 

Are you ready to learn more about growing your WhatsApp subscriber list? 我们可以帮助您 get started. Alternatively, 在此查看我们的 WhatsApp 商务功能.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.