

How to 分段 Your Email Audience for Optimal Results

Market smarter, not harder. Get our guide to cutting-edge segmentation strategies that elevate your marketing game.

In the bustling inbox party, where countless emails vie for one individual’s attention, email segmentation is your secret weapon to stand out and be heard. 

Segmentation cuts through the noise and divides a lively swarming crowd into smaller, more focused groups of VIPs based on specific criteria. 



在本指南中,我们将探索电子邮件细分的复杂世界。从了解基础知识到实施高级策略,我们将深入探讨细分如何将您的email marketing 工作转化为促进参与和转化的强大工具。


In the quest to make email marketing a precise and personal experience, it’s crucial to lay the groundwork for effective email segmentation. 



电子邮件细分是指根据设定的标准,将更广泛的电子邮件列表划分为更小、更具体的组别。 This contrasts with traditional email campaigns where you would send one message 到 entire list. 



ǞǞǞ key to effective email segmentation lies in identifying criteria that are both meaningful to your business and highly relevant to your audiences. 

This involves understanding your customer base, and taking segmenting them based on characteristics, preferences, or behaviors that align with your marketing goals. 


  1. 分析客户数据: Dive into your customer data to identify common characteristics and behaviors. Look for trends in purchasing patterns, product preferences, or service feedback.

    例子。 If data shows that a particular region has a high demand for certain products, you can segment your market geographically and tailor your marketing to fit those local preferences.

  2. 欢迎客户反馈: Engage with your customers through surveys or feedback forms. Direct input from customers can provide valuable insights into their preferences and needs.

    例子。 A post-purchase survey surfaces opinions that many customers are seeking more variety in nail polish colors, specifically pinks and blacks, leading to a new segment focused on color-driven marketing.

  3. 开展市场调研: Stay informed about broader market trends and consumer behavior in your industry. This can help identify new segments or emerging opportunities.

    例子。 By analyzing industry reports, you might discover a growing trend in healthy living among your target customer base. You could then create a segment targeting health and wellness enthusiasts, promoting products like organic snacks or fitness gear.

  4. 测试和迭代: Experiment with different segmentation criteria, including A/B testing, and monitor the performance of your campaigns. Analytics can reveal which segments are most responsive and profitable.

    例子。 Suppose you run an A/B test on two different age groups with the same product but different messaging. One uses a more traditional approach, while the other uses modern, trendy language. ǞǞǞ results could show a higher engagement rate with the younger demographic for the trendy messaging, indicating a profitable segment to focus on.




  1. 直接来自源头: Since this data comes straight from your customers, it’s highly accurate and reliable. It reflects their current interests and preferences without you needing to do guesswork.

  2. 建立信任和透明度: By asking customers to explicitly agree to provide their information and preferences on how they want to be contacted, you show that you value their input and respect their privacy.

  3. 增强个性化: With zero-party data, you can tailor your content more precisely, leading to more relevant and engaging email communications. This can increase open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions.

Collecting zero-party data requires a strategic approach where the value exchange is clear—customers share their data in return for more personalized and relevant experiences. 



While zero-party data comes directly from customers, first-party data comes from your interactions with customers and prospects. This includes data from your websites, apps, CRM systems, email interactions, and any other direct engagement with your audience. 



  • 数据集成: Integrate data from all touchpoints (website, CRM, email automation tools, etc.) to get a comprehensive view of your customers. The more first-party data you have, the more accurate and dynamic segmentation you can perform. For any business that sells products or services online, it’s critical to 将您的电子邮件工具与您的电子商务店面连接起来, whether that’s Shopify, WooCommerce, or another platform.

  • 根据用户行为进行分类: Create segments based on behavioral data such as most viewed products, frequency of purchases, or average spend.

  • 个性化内容: Use first-party data to tailor product recommendations or content in your emails. Customers are more likely to engage with emails that resonate with their past behaviors and preferences.


Once you've gathered and understood both zero-party and first-party data, the next crucial step is to put your data to work and your segments into action. 

执行电子邮件细分策略 effectively means structuring your segments in a way that aligns with your audience's data and behaviors, and then tailoring your messaging to these distinct groups.

细分电子邮件受众的 11 种方法

  1. 人口细分

根据年龄、性别、职业或教育水平等人口统计数据划分电子邮件列表是细分受众的最直接方法之一。例如,一个服装品牌可能会根据性别细分为男装和女装发送不同的电子邮件campaigns 。

  1. 地域细分


  1. 行为细分


  1. 心理细分


  1. 顾客旅程阶段


  1. 购买历史

Segment customers based on past purchases, which can reveal patterns and preferences to indicate items they’re most likely to buy next. For example, customers who frequently purchase a specific shade of nail polish might want to receive an email letting them know when it’s back in stock or on sale. 

  1. 被遗弃的购物车


  1. 生命周期状态

根据客户的生命周期阶段对客户进行细分,例如新用户与活跃客户、过期客户。针对每个阶段定制相关邮件,从针对新用户的欢迎邮件到针对失效客户的再接触邮件campaigns 。

  1. 参与程度

根据受众参与电子邮件的方式对他们进行分类。分类可以包括经常打开和点击邮件的活跃用户、偶尔阅读的用户以及很少参与的非活跃用户。据此定制您的内容,或许可以向不活跃用户发送重新参与campaigns 。

  1. 购买频率和价值


  1. 事件触发式分段

使用特定操作或事件触发细分电子邮件campaigns 。这可以基于注册特价、生日或下载应用程序等行为。


Once your audience segments are clearly defined, the next step in your email segmentation strategy is to develop the creative elements that will resonate with each specific group. By thoughtfully crafting creative elements for each audience segment, you create more personalized and compelling email content. 



设计针对不同群体的主题行和标题,以吸引注意力并承诺相关内容。通过 A/B 测试测试不同的变体,看看什么最能引起每个群体的共鸣。

Remember that the exact copy of each message should be tailored 到 relevant audience. The point of segmentation is to deliver more personalized, relevant messaging, and that comes down to the words your email contains. 




Design offers and promotions that appeal specifically to each segment. For example, you might offer exclusive discounts for high-value customers. Similarly, you could offer a first-time purchase discount for new subscribers. 

在提供优惠时,使用能营造紧迫感或排他性的语言和策略,如限时折扣或 VIP 专享。融入投票、测验或可点击的 CTA 等互动元素,根据每个细分市场的兴趣量身定制,以提高参与度。


实施分段电子邮件campaigns 后,对其性能进行监控和分析至关重要。跟踪每个细分列表的打开率、点击率、垃圾邮件投诉和转换率等关键指标可提供有价值的见解。这些指标有助于了解您的细分策略的有效性,并指导您为未来的campaigns 做出基于数据的决策。


  • 打开率: This measures the percentage of recipients who opened your email. High open rates generally indicate that your subject lines are resonating with the segment and that the timing of your emails is effective.

  • 点击率: The click-through rate assesses the percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links contained in your email. This metric is crucial for understanding how engaging your email content is and whether your CTA’s are compelling.

  • 垃圾邮件投诉: Keep a close eye on the number of spam complaints your emails are generating. A high number in a particular segment could indicate that your content is not relevant or that recipients did not willingly opt into your emails.

  • 转换率: Perhaps the most critical metric, the conversion rate measures how many recipients completed the desired action (such as making a purchase or signing up for an event) after clicking a link in your email. This metric directly correlates to the ROI of your email marketing efforts.

  • 退订率: Monitor how many people are opting out of your emails post-campaign. A high unsubscribe rate in a segment can signal that your content is not aligning with the interests or needs of that group.

  • 跳出率: Track both soft and hard bounces to understand email deliverability issues. A high bounce rate may indicate problems with your email list quality or issues with email servers.


  • 分部业绩比较: Compare the performance of different segments to identify which criteria and approaches are yielding the best results.

  • A/B测试: Continuously test different elements (like email subject lines, content, design, and CTAs) within your segments to see what works best, and optimize accordingly.

  • 反馈回路: Encourage and analyze feedback from your subscribers. Direct feedback can provide actionable insights and help in fine-tuning your segmentation.

  • 重新审视细分标准: Based on performance metrics, revisit and adjust your segmentation criteria. As your audience evolves, so should your segmentation strategy.

通过仔细跟踪这些关键性能指标,您可以深入了解您的细分电子邮件campaigns 的性能如何。这种持续的分析对于调整和完善您的方法至关重要,可确保您的email marketing 持续提供最大的参与度和转化率。


在email marketing 的世界里,确保遵守法律和道德标准不仅是最佳做法,也是必要之举。在对受众进行细分和定位时,您还需要了解数据隐私法规和道德考量。这包括尊重客户的偏好,并提供明确、直接的退出营销传播的途径。

  • 熟悉与受众相关的隐私法, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States. 

  • 提供取消订阅或退出营销通信的选项. By tracking and managing your opt-outs, you keep your marketing campaigns compliant with privacy law requirements, reducing the risk of legal consequences and fines. 

  • 确保获得明确同意 to collect and use data, especially for segmentation. Regularly review and update your consent collection practices to keep them in line with legal requirements.

Above all else, respecting your customers’ preferences is key to maintaining a positive brand image and building trust. Once a customer opts out, your responsibility is to make sure they no longer receive marketing messages, or else risk frustrating them and damaging your reputation. 


It’s easy to 管理退订 and opt-outs within Bird. Automate the opt-out process by including an easily accessible, compliant unsubscribe link in every email. When a recipient opts out, Bird automatically updates your email lists for you so that you don’t accidentally send emails to unsubscribed users. 

Opt-outs aren’t a bad thing; they make it easier for you to segment audiences more effectively. You can separate opted-out individuals from your active audience, and create targeted campaigns based on user engagement levels. You’ll be sending relevant emails only to those who are genuinely interested. 


电子邮件细分可将普通电子邮件变成更加个性化的对话。利用Bird 的全部潜力,毫不费力:

  • Segment your audience based on rich, multidimensional customer data.

  • Create tailored, impactful email campaigns that speak directly to diverse customer groups.

  • 连接 your e-commerce platform to your email marketing for more personalized campaigns.

It's time to move beyond the one-size-fits-all approach and step into the era of personalized email marketing with Bird, today.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.