

Introduction To Email Authentication

Email authentication is a technical solution to preventing phishing and forged emails. It’s essential that SaaS product teams understand how to use email authentication to protect their apps’ email notifications. In this article, you will learn:


Email authentication is a technical solution to proving that an email is not forged. In other words, it provides a way to verify that an email comes from who it claims to be from. Email authentication is most often used to block harmful or fraudulent uses of email such as phishing and spam.

在实践中,我们使用 "电子邮件验证 "一词来指使这种验证成为可能的技术标准。最常用的电子邮件验证标准是 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC。这些标准是用来补充 SMTP(用于发送电子邮件的基本协议)的,因为 SMTP 本身并不包含任何验证机制。



  1. 发送电子邮件的企业或组织会制定一项策略,定义对来自其域名的电子邮件进行验证的规则。

  2. 电子邮件发送方配置其邮件服务器和其他技术基础设施,以实施和发布这些规则。

  3. 接收电子邮件的邮件服务器根据域名所有者定义的规则检查传入电子邮件的详细信息,从而验证所接收的邮件。

  4. 接收邮件的服务器会根据验证结果发送、标记甚至拒收邮件。

As these steps make clear, in order for this process to work, the sender and the receiver both must participate. That’s why technical standards for email authentication are so important: they define a common approach to defining the rules for email authentication that any organization can implement. Bear in mind that email sender authentication provides recipients of a message some level of certainty that the email message actually originated from the represented source. This ultimately generates trust and confidence in recipients, which is why understanding how to authenticate email is crucial to organizations.



  • SPF allows senders to define which IP addresses are allowed to send mail for a particular domain.

  • DKIM provides an encryption key and digital signature that verifies that an email message was not faked or altered.

  • DMARC unifies the SPF and DKIM authentication mechanisms into a common framework and allows domain owners to declare how they would like email from that domain to be handled if it fails an authorization test.

这些电子邮件验证标准是对用于发送电子邮件的基本协议 SMTP 的补充,大多数现代电子邮件系统都支持这些标准。所有这三种标准都利用无处不在的域名系统(DNS)来实施。DNS 就像网络上的电话簿,通过严格的分析和验证过程来确定域名的合法性,先进的电子邮件发送者利用电子邮件域名验证作为安全性和可送达性的基本组成部分。

电子邮件验证对任何 SaaS 应用程序都至关重要

如果您的 SaaS 应用程序发送电子邮件--几乎每个现代应用程序都会这样做--您肯定需要实施一种或多种形式的电子邮件验证,以核实电子邮件确实来自您的产品。

将其视为数字身份证:它可以保护您的品牌、身份和声誉。正确配置 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC 等电子邮件验证标准是保护应用程序声誉的最重要步骤之一。




正确配置电子邮件验证是 SaaS 公司的关键步骤。它有助于确保您应用程序的域名不会在电子邮件中被伪造。这对保护用户至关重要。

采取适当的电子邮件验证措施还有另一个好处:它们有助于提高将通知和其他重要产品电子邮件发送到用户收件箱的能力。这是因为电子邮件身份验证有助于使您电子邮件的 IP 地址和发送域更有可能得到接收邮件服务器的信任。

电子邮件验证可保护您 SaaS 产品的品牌和域名声誉免受垃圾邮件发送者和欺骗者的侵害。它还能提高用户看到应用程序发送的信息的可能性。这对您和您的用户来说都是双赢。

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