WhatsApp Marketing 值得吗?

WhatsApp Marketing 值得吗?

Is WhatsApp Marketing Worth It?

不用再怀疑了。本文将解开WhatsApp marketing 性能这个黑匣子,并为您提供评估其潜力的工具。


我应该在 WhatsApp 上运行campaigns 吗?看似简单的 CPA 计算。遗憾的是,到目前为止还没有那么简单。


And as you start putting things together, you’ll soon come to realize there are various factors that play a role  in forecasting what you can expect. Are you running inbound or outbound campaigns? What countries are your subscribers in? And what does “quality” content mean?

Wonder no longer. In this article, will unpack the black box that is WhatsApp marketing performance and provide you with the tool to assess its potential.


  • 通过扩大范围

  • 通过改善数据采集以实现更好的个性化

  • 通过提高转换率和参与率

  • 通过促进快速的实验速度









With Google 计划逐步淘汰第三方cookies, the way we are used to market will stop working. 



ǞǞǞ answer is customer-first data, information collected directly from customers. 

Through conversations, WhatsApp gives you a direct entry point to consumers’ mobile phones. 

Marketers can ask questions and collect data directly from their customers. These can, for example, be qualification questions to better understand your customer's preference, but also opt-ins to ensure you can keep re-engaging customers with proper consent. 


除了会话中收集的数据外,WhatsApp 还为所有消息提供已读回执。这意味着直接从源头获得 100% 的准确打开率(与您可能习惯的其他channels 不同)。

OVO能源公司,英国领先的公用事业公司之一, for example, increased their marketing opt-ins by 128% when prompting their customers after a good experience.



WhatsApp is a channel that is generally used for communication with your closest friends and family. But now that it has opened up to marketers, it presents us with a wealth of untapped potential. 



我们在 WhatsApp 上看到的基本打开率是 58%。换句话说,如果您什么都不做,将您的电子邮件campaigns 转移到 WhatsApp 上,您可以预期打开率会提高 2 倍以上。


For Matahari,一个领先的电子商务平台 that sent tens of millions of promotional messages that materialized to around 2.5x the conversion rate they saw from emails. 



Supplementing your basic text messages with interactive content formats like images, videos, carousels, stickers, and buttons allows you to create experiences that captivate consumers and stand out from a sea of advertisers. 

So what kind of engagement can you realistically expect? 

For interactive outbound campaigns, we generally see down-funnel conversion improvements anywhere in the range of 3x-10x compared to email. This largely depends on the level of personalization of the content and friction in the conversion funnel. 


Inbound messages already indicate a certain degree of quality which results in very high conversions. In one campaign example offering sticker packs and Burger King coupons, 亚马逊总理视频实现了97%的点击率 across 70k engaged users.


超过一半的CMO invested in long-form digital efforts like SEO, influencer marketing, and content marketing. While these channels can lead to long-term positive results, they often take time to materialize. Shrinking budgets mean marketers will also have to run experiments that show impact 在短期内。

A big plus of conversational marketing is that building an MVP is straightforward. When you’ve come up with your idea, you can build out your first campaign in a couple of minutes. 

And the results come in fast. 


On top of that conversational channels like WhatsApp offer a very low barrier to entry which makes them very suited for low-risk experimentation. You pay as you go, and it does not require complex setups or budget commitments. 


如果您能估算出目标受众的规模,那么基于会话的定价将使campaigns 的成本非常容易预测。只需考虑以下几点。

ǞǞǞ first is whether your campaign starts inbound (through a user-generated message) or outbound (through a business-generated message). 

用户产生的信息 are initiated by the customer to kickstart a conversation with a business and don’t require the customer to opt-in. 


企业产生的信息 are initiated by businesses and directed 在 customer and require the end-user to opt-in.

企业发起的信息可能花费 as low as $0.015 in North America and as high as $0.14 in Western Europe. We recommend establishing a country-specific Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) to use as a benchmark for your conversational marketing campaigns.


  • 你的目标是多少人?

  • 你的转换率是多少?

  • 参与率是多少?

  • What is your click-through rate? 

  • 你的转换率是多少? 


  • 70% engagement rate 

  • 15%的点击率

  • 5%的转换率

有了这些指标,您就可以计算出WhatsApp marketing 的投资回报率:

  • 信息总量(x) 信息成本=总成本

  • 信息总数(x) 参与率(x) 转换率=总转换率

  • 总成本/总转换率=每个转换的成本

  • 总转化率(x) 每一转化的价值=活动价值

  • 活动价值/总成本=投资回报率

Here are a couple of examples for running the numbers on your WhatsApp investment: 


长话短说:WhatsApp 是一个尚未开发的渠道,对于新的参与者来说,只要把握得当,就有望获得新的覆盖面和具有成本效益的营销campaigns 。



当您读到文章末尾时,您可以看到许多影响 WhatsApp 潜在投资回报率的因素campaigns 。

If you are looking for some help navigating your ROI calculation or need inspiration on how to improve the quality of your campaigns, 请不要犹豫,联系我们, and we’d be happy to plan a working session where we can answer all your questions.

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