您的全球品牌是否在使用 SMS 批发商?小心隐性成本

您的全球品牌是否在使用 SMS 批发商?小心隐性成本

Is Your Global Brand Using SMS Wholesale Aggregators? Watch Out For Hidden Costs

Your SMS vendor might be costing you more than you think. Read on to see why.

对于enterprise 品牌来说,短信是最具投资回报率的营销策略之一。

So why are we discussing the high cost of SMS? Because whether you know it or not, you may be using wholesale aggregators to send your messages. 



Communication services like SMS account for 占全球 IT 支出的 31. When business leaders go on the hunt for expenses to cut, SMS often gets pulled under the microscope.




了解 SMS 批发商如何损害您的业务的真相--看看您能做些什么。


表面上看,对于需要短信群发服务的enterprise 品牌来说,短信批发商似乎是一个合理的供应商解决方案。这些批发商与第三方签订合同,代表贵公司发送短信,包括在批发商不在的全球市场。

但是,这种商业策略虽然降低了企业的每条信息成本,但也带来了一系列新的成本和问题,包括: 1:

  • 支付中间商的额外费用。 When aggregators contract out your messages to other vendors, they always take a cut. And if you are not paying that cost, it might just be that they are dropping messages to create margin.

  • 你的聚合器的聚合器可能也在做同样的事情。 This could take place six times, seven—and all the while, your business is footing the bill for vendor processing fees.

  • 链条上的任何一个环节出了问题,都可能导致灾难。 As messages are passed between aggregators, for example, things can go wrong. If even one vendor changes a sender ID, your messages could suddenly be classified as spam and ultimately not delivered.

  • 可见度低导致透明度低。 In the hands of unknown aggregators, your business is at greater risk of bad deliverability rates, impacting not only your campaign performance but your ability to evaluate your campaign’s results.

  • 增加信息延迟会降低投资回报率。 Exchanges between aggregators can increase the time it takes to send these messages out. One-time passwords and flash sales, for example, have a short life expectancy and need to be delivered immediately.

  • 遵守规定。 Messaging regulations vary by country, and not every SMS aggregator is going to follow the rules. A disregard for local regulations can expose your business to fines or other consequences.

  • 服务质量: Delivery rates, timing, and other variables affecting performance can be hard to track. In the worst-case scenario, certain aggregators may submit fake delivery receipts.



It’s tough to answer this because it requires you to know exactly how many messages are getting delivered. 

Unfortunately, delivery can’t be assumed with SMS wholesale aggregation. Since there’s a baseline cost for sending an SMS message, aggregators 在 bottom of the food chain might decide to drop a percentage of those planned messages, deliver the rest, and pocket the difference. 

假设每条信息的售价为 1 美分,但路由这些信息的成本为 1.1 美分。聚合商赚钱的唯一途径就是投放足够多的信息,从而创造利润空间。利润率可能是 20%,也可能更高。

Getting concrete numbers around deliverability is often difficult, and sometimes impossible. Some aggregators will submit fake receipts. Others may not report on deliverability at all. 








If your SMS message isn’t delivered, all the resources spent on campaign design, content creation, and platform costs are for naught. ǞǞǞ loss on your ROI here is nearly immeasurable because of its wide, rippling effects. This result is a broken customer journey that damages your reputation as a global brand and severs your connection to each customer’s brand experience.  


Messages sent through a wholesale aggregator are more likely to come under regulatory scrutiny due to altered sender IDs, unauthorized messaging practices, issues around opt-ins, and complaints from your target audience. 

ǞǞǞ fines for non-compliance can be crushing for any business. In the United States, for example, violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act can result in fines of $500 每条短信 On top of those material costs, a poor messaging experience can inflict lasting brand damage and break trust among your target consumers.



Even the world’s biggest brands are susceptible to this fraud: X, formerly Twitter, revealed earlier this year that it was losing as much as $60 million/year on 伪造双重授权 (2FA) messages.


An SMS wholesale aggregator can facilitate messaging to certain global audiences, but their overall value as a communications vendor is very limited when compared to alternatives. 

These aggregators offer limited geographic service, struggle to perform on the massive scale required by enterprise brands, and don’t offer support for WhatsApp, email, or other forms of messaging. Most importantly, they lack the quality of a direct-carrier relationship that 传递信息 and adapts routing to maximize messaging ROI.


Don't be lured in by low-cost SMS wholesale aggregators; the consequences for your ROI, brand reputation, and legal team simply aren’t worth it. Instead, connect your SMS spending directly to your business’s outcomes with a better solution. 

Bird is here to help: We’ll perform an analysis of your SMS spending and hop on a call with you to discuss the true costs of your current SMS strategy. Then we’ll demonstrate how our platform can help you optimize your messaging content, global engagement, compliance, and multi-channel strategy.



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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person -> at the right time.

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