使用经过验证的SMS Marketing 策略,最大限度地提高留存率和投资回报率

使用经过验证的SMS Marketing 策略,最大限度地提高留存率和投资回报率

Maximize Retention and ROI with Proven SMS Marketing Tactics

Increase customer retention and revenue for your business with advanced SMS strategies.


  • A five percent increase in customer retention can increase business revenue by more than 百分之二十五.

  • It costs 六至七倍, on average, to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.

  • Consumers are 82 more likely to make a repeat purchase or subscription renewal if they receive value from their interactions with the brand.

Consumers are 越来越不忠诚 to brands now than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. Brands that are successfully winning business from the competition are using loyalty programs, competitive pricing, and improved 客户成功支持. And they’re doing all of this through SMS.

Responsive messaging, personalized interactions, and timely automation are modern staples in mobile marketing. 


  • 深入参与短信服务的有效策略

  • 如何利用自动化提供个性化体验

  • 将 SMScampaigns 与电子邮件和社交策略联系起来的好处

以下方面的基本最佳做法SMS marketing

SMS 的成功始于建立坚实的战略基础,以支持您的信息发送campaigns 。即使是世界上最吸引人的短信,也无法克服您为执行、管理和优化 SMS 战略而建立的基础设施中存在的缺陷。




An opt-in is confirmation from the consumer that they have chosen to receive text messages from your business. These opt-ins can be gathered through multiple channels: many businesses will promote a number that consumers can text to enroll in SMS messaging, but opt-ins can also be secured through e-commerce checkout processes or other fillable forms featured on your website.

您的企业还可以执行 "双重选择进入",即发送初始短信,要求消费者确认同意。虽然这通常不是法律要求,但却是确认同意的好方法,而且可以验证消费者输入的号码是否正确。

Similarly, your business should make it easy for consumers to 退出短信campaigns whenever they want. ǞǞǞ most common approach is to auto-unsubscribe consumers who text a stop command, such as STOP or CANCEL, to your branded number. This automates your list management, keeps your messaging in compliance, and makes sure you’re only paying to deliver messages to interested consumers.


在您建立 SMS 短信列表时,将单个消费者划分为不同的受众群体将对您的策略大有裨益。这些细分可以根据许多数据点来创建,包括年龄、性别、地域、购买历史以及您认为与受众相关的其他数据点。

您甚至可以为特定campaigns 创建自定义受众细分。例如,如果您想重新吸引那些在过去 90 天内没有购买过产品的老客户,您可以创建一个自定义列表,然后发送促销代码或其他奖励,以鼓励他们购买新产品。

Audience segmentation goes hand-in-hand with personalized messaging. By tailoring the content of your messages to specific audiences, you can create a more personalized experience while using SMS marketing to support a wide range of marketing goals. 



短信批发聚合商因其低廉的广告费用而颇具吸引力。但是,pay :这些聚合商通过将您的短信卸载给其他更小的聚合商来获取利润,而这些聚合商有时会通过将这些短信再转给下线来获取利润。

这种情况可能会发生半打或更多次。每次交换,您的SMS marketing 都会受到影响:技术信息可能会出现乱码或丢失,从而影响您的信息发送,而聚合可能会导致您的信息发送更慢、更不及时。您的信息发送结果不可避免地会下降,但您评估结果的能力也会下降:可能难以获得发送收据,而且您的企业更容易受到潜在短信欺诈的影响。

A 直接运营商 eliminates these risk factors, improving your campaign results and your visibility into SMS performance. When you send messages through a direct-carrier, your business benefits from fast message delivery, reliable receipts and performance data, and cost-efficient routing across a global network of carrier connections. Your SMS marketing ROI is higher, global compliance is assured, and your messages reach the right consumers 在 right time.


短信发送速度快,打开率高,非常适合营销campaigns ,其目的是建立深厚的联系,这是客户忠诚度的基础。

As your business acquaints itself with the capabilities of SMS messaging, consider how the channel’s unique attributes could be used to facilitate experiences and marketing outcomes that aren’t as easily achieved through your other marketing campaigns. 

以下是一些先进的SMS marketing 战略,可能对您的企业有帮助:



电子商务品牌深知迫使消费者做出冲动决策的价值。闪购已成为一种流行的销售策略,因为它可以利用消费者的多种购买动机。低价促销的诱因显而易见。但是,如果消费者担心错过这笔交易,那么一天甚至几个小时的时间限制就会迫使他们匆忙做出决定--这种害怕错过的心理(孩子们称之为 FOMO)往往对卖家有利。

Similarly, the 产品受欢迎程度 can increase a consumer’s inclination to buy. New product releases, such as 掉鞋 and limited-run apparel, can influence some consumers even more than prices and product reviews. Businesses can experiment with VIP messaging experiences that give SMS subscribers early notice on new sales or product releases, reinforcing the value of receiving these messages and spurring a hasty purchase decision.


虽然 SMS 只支持基于文本的信息发送,但您的企业可能想尝试使用多媒体信息,它允许您的企业发送包含图片、视频、GIF 和音频文件的信息,以获得更吸引人的客户体验。


Currently, MMS messages can only be sent to consumers in the United States and Canada. But MMS content can still be 交付 to a global audience through WhatsApp, which boasts more than 2 billion active users around the world and a 75 percent open rate for business messages—meaning there’s no reason not to find out what multimedia can do for your messaging strategy.

提升客户对品牌的 "忠诚度


But the ladder keeps growing from there—and if you’re serious about customer retention, your customer relationships should, too. 

忠诚度计划是客户转化后体验的一部分,可以加强客户对品牌的忠诚度,增加回头客的可能性。SMS marketing ,然后将这些信息用于忠诚度计划的传播,可以巩固和提高客户对您品牌的亲和力。随着时间的推移,该忠诚度计划将以折扣、奖励和其他优惠的形式带来价值,继续激发客户对您品牌的好感。


从忠诚度计划到转介,这些 SMS 通信在很大程度上都可以实现自动化,以支持大规模的客户参与,并确保没有客户从您的挽留工作中溜走。

Harness subscription data to improve customer success 

除了基于人口和位置的数据外,订阅型企业通常还拥有大量第一方客户数据,这些数据与在线浏览、查看、购买以及网站或移动应用程序跟踪的其他行为有关。SMS marketing 可以利用这些信息来提高信息的质量和相关性。


虽然这些策略并非订阅式体验所独有,但这些体验产生的大量数据为开发个性化 SMScampaigns 提供了更多可能性。


Using 基于触发器的自动化 to cultivate a more personal brand experience might sound counterintuitive—especially when you realize how little human labor is required to deliver these personalized messages. 


以下是自动化信息通过 1 对 1 交流创造价值的两种情况:


每个消费者都以自己的节奏通过销售漏斗。滴灌式campaigns 提供了一种自动化的、基于时间的方法,可根据客户自己的时间表来培养和引导潜在客户。

Like 电子邮件 drip campaigns, an SMS drip campaign can time message delivery based on when the campaign was initiated by a form submission, purchase, online sign-up, opt-in, or other trigger behavior. Drip messages can be scheduled in line with the typical buyer journey you see among your customers. 

For an e-commerce business, a full SMS drip campaign may unfold over a couple of weeks or less. For a B2B business, the drip campaign may stretch across months to account for the longer buying cycle. 




自动短信campaigns 可以向客户发送祝福短信,祝他们生日快乐,庆祝他们成为客户或订户的周年纪念日,祝贺他们达到新的忠诚会员级别,或表彰其他重要的里程碑。

These celebratory moments can also come with purchase incentives or other perks: birthdays, for example, are a great opportunity to share an exclusive promo code or discount that your customer can use to buy something special. 


您通过 SMS 短信收到的参与信息可生成数据和其他见解,从而提高campaigns 在其他营销channels 。

Whether tracking campaign performance through analytics or gathering customer feedback, your SMS strategy should share and receive insights with campaigns across email, social, WhatsApp, and other communication channels to optimize performance and ROI across your broader marketing strategy.


电子邮件、社交媒体、WhatsApp 和 SMS 都是企业自有媒体channels ,这意味着您的品牌可以完全控制这些channels 的管理方式。

自有媒体是企业的宝贵资产--随着订阅者名单和社交粉丝的增加,这些自有channels 的价值也将与日俱增。因此,您的企业应使用短信偶尔推荐订阅者通过电子邮件、社交媒体和 WhatsApp 进行联系,以增加客户接触点并加强品牌忠诚度。

确保这种推广方式是双向的:电子邮件和社交媒体可以帮助您推动短信campaigns 的选择注册,让您在付费营销和广告之外有更多方式接触客户channels 。


Use SMS to collect feedback from customers regarding recent purchases, customer service sessions, and other aspects of your brand experience. 

这种反馈可以通过简单的短信回复来实现:问题 "您对今天的体验满意吗?"可以促使消费者回复 "是 "或 "否"。另外,短信还可以将消费者引向一个网址,让他们填写有关其体验的快速调查表。


借助 MessageBird 发掘SMS marketing 的力量

Give your SMS strategy the tools it needs to soar. With pre-built integrations, platform-based analytics, global compliance safeguards, and near-limitless scale, MessageBird is a one-stop solution for planning, executing, and optimizing SMS campaigns that improve customer retention and elevate your marketing ROI.

Our platform also supports omnichannel campaigns across email, WhatsApp, and social media channels, integrating management and insights to deliver better outcomes while centralizing your messaging strategy. With built-in automation tools and an expansive 官方 SDK 库, MessageBird makes it easy to quickly build and iterate SMS campaigns that maximize the value of this investment.

MessageBird 如何提升您的短信性能

SMS marketing 使用MessageBird的好处首先是我们的全球基础设施能够快速、可靠地向您的目标受众发送信息。我们的一流平台提供以下功能:

  • 为许多国家的营销自动化客户提供 90% 的低价短信服务,因为短信服务已包含在平台套餐中

  • 270 多条直达世界各地航空公司的航线

  • 信息传递率中位数为 97.3

  • 改用 MessageBird 后,送达率平均提高了 18

  • 短信的全球平均发送速度低于 2.5 秒

全球合规控制、enterprise 级安全性和成本优化定价为这一业界领先的性能提供了支持,从而最大限度地扩大受众范围,提高您的投资回报。

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

ǞǞǞ right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.