

Omnichannel marketing: Everything you need to know

ǞǞǞ term “omnichannel marketing” is thrown around a lot though and can often be misunderstood. So, let’s take a deep dive into the concept and explore its fundamental components to help you get started.

We are so used to thinking of marketing as funnels and conversions. Yet the truth is that in reality the buying journey is all but linear and doesn’t take place in isolated interactions. 

从了解您的产品到购买,再到再次光顾,您的客户会经历不同的学习曲线、接触点和channels 。


全渠道营销是一种更具凝聚力的营销方式。它是一种考虑到历史互动、客户偏好以及在channels 上无缝编织体验的营销方式。


ǞǞǞ term “omnichannel marketing” is thrown around a lot though and can often be misunderstood.

So, let’s take a deep dive into the concept and explore its fundamental components to help you get started.



  • 一致性

  • 顺利

  • 个性化的

…from the first touchpoint till the last. 


全渠道营销通过整合来自不同channels 和工具的客户数据,提供简化的体验。整合后的数据可在任何地方为您的品牌打造统一的形象。


WhatsApp conversation to a recent laptop buyer promoting laptop insurance.




  • 渠道整合 — In multichannel marketing, all channels typically operate in their own silos and have their own strategies to engage the customers. With an omnichannel approach, all channels, along with your entire marketing tech stack, must be integrated. This interconnectivity creates an ecosystem of channels that puts the customer 在 center, allowing them to move seamlessly through the buyer’s journey.

  • 一致性 — The goal of a multichannel approach isn’t to offer a unified experience but to simply cast a wider net. As a result, the experience feels disjointed at times. Omnichannel marketing, however, focuses on delivering a uniform, consistent experience everywhere by leveraging customer data and following the same brand guidelines.

  • 优先事项 — Multichannel marketing seeks to maximize the number of channels that a business uses to market to its customers. Omnichannel marketing, by contrast, focuses on strategically using the channels that your customers prefer to maximize your return on investment. It makes your marketing efforts customer-centric by engaging them where they are.


Taking an omnichannel approach requires a lot of planning and internal alignment of the entire marketing team. But the returns are far greater than what any multichannel approach can offer in terms of user experience and engagement — all of which ultimately result in higher revenue. Here are a few interesting 全渠道营销统计 on how effective it is:

  • 广告影响 提高 35 当不同的营销channels 协同工作时. This is only possible with a true omnichannel approach built around integrations. The smooth journey, delivered end to end across different channels as a result of this interconnectivity, creates better omnichannel experiences, leading to higher conversions.

  • 全渠道客户 多花 10 倍 比纯数字客户. A digital-only approach to marketing — even in this modern day and age — won’t necessarily yield the highest ROI. The best approach is to strike the right balance between the traditional and digital avenues at your customers’ disposal.

  • 不向客户提供在任何地方购买其产品的灵活性的企业就会失败 10-30% 左右的销售额. You’ll see an immediate positive impact on your business bottom line by expanding the number of channels your customers can use to buy your products.

Infographic with 3 stats: 35% improved impact when multiple channels used, 10x omni customers spent more than digital customers, 10-30% business sales lost if flexibility isn't offered on purchasing.






首先,确定总体目标。例如,可以是增加营销合格线索,而现有的channels 无法实现这一目标。



问问自己:在哪个channels 上开展营销活动最好?请记住,这个问题的答案取决于客户的偏好,因为毕竟真正的全渠道方法是以客户为中心的。

挖掘现有的分析数据,使某些channels 比其他数据更受青睐。例如,您可能会发现 WhatsApp 的参与度远高于电子邮件,但您在每个国家看到的采用率却不尽相同。您还应该利用任何第三方市场调研数据来确定目标客户喜欢的channels 。最后,根据您的调查结果,创建一份在全渠道营销活动中使用的所有潜在channels 的列表。

Infographic showing marketing messages to customers on WhatsApp, SMS, email and messenger.


其次,确保您拥有有效创建和执行全渠道营销活动所需的所有工具。在不同的channels 上大规模手动运行营销活动是不现实的。为此,您的技术堆栈至少需要:

  • 一个客户数据平台,为你的活动赋能,创造个性化的体验

  • A marketing platform that helps you create and execute your omnichannel campaign across multiple integrated channels and tools 

  • 一个用于创建每个渠道的互动和丰富内容的工具。

  • 一个全方位的分析设置,允许你跟踪跨渠道的活动表现,并允许你将其与下漏斗转化率联系起来。

  • A 用户增长工具 to capture leads through ads, QR codes, and forms.

Infographic with icons for all messaging channels.



根据您的目标和筛选出的channels ,构建您的全渠道营销活动。要做到这一点,首先要绘制客户旅程图,即营销活动将把客户引向何处以及如何引向客户。将其分解为具体步骤,并描述每个客户接触点及其目的。

Next, prepare the content that you’re going to use to engage the customers with your omnichannel campaign. Make sure that every content asset adheres to your brand guidelines — irrespective of its type and the channel it’s going to be used on — to create a uniform experience. 

此外,切记要根据每个渠道量身定制品牌内容。这一额外步骤极为重要,因为它将确保您使用的channels 支持营销资料的格式、大小和尺寸。

Infographic of MessageBird engagement platform


全渠道营销分析是一种战略性方法,利用与营销活动绩效和客户行为相关的数据来改进您的全渠道计划。它涉及从各种来源获取数据,如客户关系管理(CRM)工具、销售点(POS)软件和 CDP,并对其进行分析,从而就campaigns 做出明智的决策。


  • 联系客户的最佳channels

  • 与客户互动的最佳内容类型

  • 重要的客户信息,以使他们的客户体验个性化

  • 导致转换的关键客户接触点

  • 表现最好的产品和服务

Infographic showing marketing messages to customers on WhatsApp, SMS, email and messenger.


  • 寻找模式并形成假设 — Is there anything that keeps resurfacing when analyzing your data? For instance, there could be a specific channel that’s often attributed to customer engagement. Or you find that most of your customers typically convert after a certain number of touchpoints. Use these patterns to form your hypotheses for what works best for your customers.

  • 测试你的预感 — A/B test your campaigns to see if your initial hypothesis is true or not. That’s because the hypothesis formed from the initial analysis could be a result of outliers or special cases. Making any large-scale decisions without first actively testing them out could be detrimental 到 performance of your campaign.

  • 冲洗和重复 — Customer preferences and behaviors keep on changing. To that end, it’s vital to consistently look at your omnichannel marketing data to look for any patterns that you can leverage to make better decisions.


There are countless 全渠道营销实例 to try to emulate. The following case studies shed light on the endless possibilities of what you can achieve with the right creative approach:

1.     Amazon Prime Video

亚马逊 Prime Video 结合使用社交内容和 WhatsApp 来宣传《LOL.Last One Laughing》第三季:Last One Laughing》第三季。在 MessageBird 的帮助下,该公司建立了一个 WhatsApp 聊天机器人,通过编程让用户参与到与 LOL 相关的内容中。它的最终目标是什么?提高新一季节目的知名度,将用户转化为节目的观看者。节目社交媒体账户上的自定义点击聊天链接和二维码帮助将用户引向聊天机器人。

该节目打破了以往所有的收视记录,取得了巨大成功,这要归功于全渠道聊天机器人活动。取得巨大成功的原因不仅在于选择了channels ,还在于这些聊天机器人得到了充分整合。这有助于创造无缝体验,吸引了 7 万多人与聊天机器人互动。

个性化的 WhatsApp channel for LOL, promoting the Amazon Prime Video series.

2.     马塔赫里

Matahari, an Indonesian retail giant, expanded its channel mix by introducing WhatsApp — a platform used by 印度尼西亚有 7 800 多万人. The brand was initially struggling with low delivery rates on SMS and email and needed a new way to engage with its customers.

Matahari 使用 MessageBird 的WhatsApp API 运行促销campaigns ,获得了可观的回报。该品牌成功发送了 1,500 多万条信息,送达率高达 98%。因此,它的转化率高达 6.5%(比行业基准高出 2.5 倍)。主要启示:在客户所在的地方进行营销,其余的都会水到渠成!

WhatsApp message from Matahari promoting the opening of their new store with a promo code.

3.     Maud’s Coffee & Tea

Maud’s Coffee & Tea leveraged push notifications to create and maintain top-of-mind awareness for its brand. Its customers receive the latest product updates, promotional offers, and cart abandonment reminders through alerts from the Maud mobile app.

Maud combines these notifications with SMS and email to cast a wider net and maximize its ROI. Since the implementation of this strategy in 2016, Maud’s Coffee & Tea has received over 20,000 orders from push notifications alone. This case study is another lesson on why it’s important to meet the customers where they are — instead of luring them elsewhere.



1.     Say goodbye to third-party cookies

For years, businesses have been relying on third-party cookies to track the data of website visitors to improve the user experience and target them with personalized marketing messages. However, that’s about to change soon, as 谷歌准备扼杀第三方 cookie in Chrome.

一直依赖从第三方 cookie 收集到的数据来增强其营销能力的企业campaigns ,需要重新调整战略。虽然谷歌已将停止使用 cookie 的计划推迟到 2024 年,但营销人员现在就需要开始计划。这就需要创建收集第一方数据的流程,要求用户自己提供信息。

2.     More embedded experiences will be created on third-party apps

自有媒体channels 可增强您对营销活动的控制,但开发这些活动需要时间和资源。因此,越来越多的企业有望在成熟的第三方平台上创建嵌入式客户体验,主要是 OTT 消息应用程序和社交媒体channels 。

A number of businesses are already doing this. For example, Guzman y Gomez, a casual restaurant with over 150 locations across four countries, incorporated four different digital channels into its marketing communications strategy — all held together with 留言鸟Inbox.

Guzman y Gomez leveraging MessageBird's Inbox to reply to customers asking restaurant related questions like "do you have any vegetarian options?"

3.     Chatbots and AI will get smarter

Chatbots 传统上,人工智能一直被用于处理简单的任务,以及通过预先录制的常见问题答案进行基于规则的对话。不过,随着人工智能的不断发展,这种情况很快就会改变。

公司将很快开始采用这些先进的chatbots 来处理通常需要真人代理帮助才能完成的复杂任务和深度对话。开始利用这些先进的机器学习算法的营销人员将通过大规模地吸引更多客户来获得竞争优势。

 Chatbot infographic helping a user reschedule their flight.


将整个营销向全渠道方式过渡需要时间。但在此之前,您需要一个强大的全渠道营销平台来支持一切。该平台应能支持您的所有营销channels ,并能大规模处理您的campaigns 。为此,请确保该平台提供以下功能:

  • 整合能力 — The platform must integrate seamlessly with all of your channels and other marketing tools to create smooth campaigns.

  • 工作流程自动化 — There should be a way to automate the execution of your campaigns end to end. Ideally, you should be able to build custom automations based on your unique requirements and use case without any outside help.

  • 创建内容 — You should have an environment where you can create/design marketing content and use it across different channels with ease.

In addition, you’ll need a trusty partner who will help you create, implement, and optimize your entire omnichannel marketing strategy. At MessageBird, we live and breathe all things omnichannel. We’ve helped many brands like yours harness the potential of omnichannel marketing with our cutting-edge solutions and expertise. 

Ready to take the next step? 取得联系 with our team today!

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

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