节日期间在 WhatsApp 上培养客户忠诚度的策略

节日期间在 WhatsApp 上培养客户忠诚度的策略

Strategies to Foster Customer Loyalty on WhatsApp During the Holiday Season

Unlock the potential of WhatsApp this holiday season with our comprehensive guide. Dive into proven strategies to boost customer loyalty, drive conversions, and maximize revenue through targeted messaging.



为什么说 WhatsApp 是假日宣传的完美选择?

If conversational marketing is the song of the season, then WhatsApp is the leading melody. With over 20 亿活跃用户 globally, WhatsApp isn’t just another messaging app; it’s where people connect with loved ones, make plans, and yes—engage with their favorite brands. 

Its intimate, user-friendly interface makes it the ideal platform for businesses to establish genuine connections with their customer base. Plus, businesses see 打开率超过 75 on WhatsApp, which blows other channels out of the water.

But you won't unlock WhatsApp’s full potential by blasting promotions or last-minute deals. Instead, you need to craft holiday campaigns and strategies that actively engage customers who choose to connect with you. 

3 种 WhatsApp 活动策略,让您找到受众、发展受众并取悦受众

时间在流逝,现在是解开 WhatsApp 节日营销成功秘诀的时候了。请继续阅读,了解如何开展精彩的 WhatsApp 节日营销活动,这不仅能提高销售额,还能加深您与受众之间的联系。

1. 不要放弃发展订阅者名单

随着假期的临近,您可能会认为在 WhatsApp 上扩大品牌影响力为时已晚。然而,一个人的最后期限就是另一个人的黄金机会之窗。


让我们研究一下在假期前提高 WhatsApp 用户数量的两种策略。

在正确的地方推广您的 WhatsApp

It’s not enough to create a WhatsApp and expect customers to come find you; you have to go out and find your customers where they already spend their time.  


Your website: 

没有比您自己的网站更适合让客户选择接收信息的地方了。无论是在主页、产品页面,还是在 "联系我们 "页面,只要是您的社交网站,都可以邀请客户通过 WhatsApp 进行联系。


您品牌的社交媒体平台是熙熙攘攘的参与中心。在 Facebook、Instagram 或 TikTok 上的生物链接、故事或专门帖子中推广您的 WhatsApp 频道。让您的追随者知道,他们可以通过 WhatsApp 进行更个人化、更直接的交流。


在您的时事通讯或促销邮件中,加入一个行动号召,敦促读者在 WhatsApp 上与您联系。一句强调 WhatsApp 独家优惠或更新的简短文字就能起到巨大的激励作用。


对于实体企业来说,销售点促销可以创造奇迹。在收银台的收据或传单上印上二维码,甚至在简单的标牌上呼吁顾客加入您的 WhatsApp,都能起到巨大的作用。





As soon as users opt into your WhatsApp channel, seize this opportunity to understand them better. Start with a friendly, quick survey, asking about your customer’s preferred: 

  • 兴趣爱好: Do they lean more towards certain types of products or services that you offer? This information can guide product recommendations during the holiday rush.

  • 更新频率: How often do they want to hear from you? Some people prefer monthly updates to weekly digests, while others would be open to daily flash deals.

  • 内容偏好: Are they only interested in discounts and promotional offers? Or would they like to receive other types of messages from you, such as tips, recipes, or even heartwarming holiday stories?

Collecting these preferences doesn't just personalize the interaction—it gives subscribers agency over how you communicate with them. Respecting their preferences is critical. You can most consistently respect your subscribers’ wishes by leaning on automation to make sure they only ever receive messages related to what they originally asked for. 

这里有一个重要说明: Be sure customers know if WhatsApp serves as a feedback channel as well. If it is, share how they can provide feedback to your brand or make direct inquiries with your support team.


2. 将 WhatsAppjourneys 整合到您的整个系统中。campaigns

Just because WhatsApp is a peer-to-peer platform doesn’t mean that you should write and send each message by hand. In fact, automation is the secret to making WhatsApp marketing campaigns at scale possible, especially during the holiday rush. Automation not only streamlines operations, but also ensures timely, relevant interactions. 



First impressions are everything. Start with a bang by deploying a welcome series themed around the holidays. Send a sequence of messages that introduce your brand, share your holiday offerings, and get them excited for the festive season. 



It's a common scenario: a customer adds items to their cart or browses through a collection, only to get distracted or decide not to purchase. Set up automated reminders that nudge these customers, emphasizing the limited time they have to place their order to receive it by key holiday milestones. 

一个简单的信息和图片,如 "还记得你喜欢的这双靴子吗?如果你想在圣诞节前穿上它大摇大摆地走在大街上,现在只剩几天时间订购了!"这样的信息和图片可以重新激发兴趣,促进转化。


Nothing says urgency like a low stock alert, especially for items on a subscriber's wishlist. Automate alerts that notify subscribers of stock levels for items they've shown interest in, increasing urgency. 

通过 "您浏览的玩具火车套装?库存仅剩 5 套!"或 "好消息!您喜爱的冬衣又有现货了。趁现在还没卖完,赶紧抢购吧!"


With the influx of orders during the holiday season, customers can grow anxious about whether they’ll receive their purchases on time. You can soothe these concerns with automated order tracking. 



Post-holiday returns and exchanges are inevitable. Rather than letting them become a point of frustration, use automation to transform returns and exchanges into a smooth experience for everyone. 


3.制作吸引眼球、令人愉悦的个人 WhatsApp 内容

Content is the beating heart of any successful marketing campaign. With the holiday season around the corner, you have a plethora of opportunities to send meaningful, engaging, and timely messages to your subscribers. 



黑色星期五 "和 "网络星期一 "等重大购物活动的前几天是参与的金矿。利用这一点,批量发送campaigns ,突出与季节性节日相关的特别促销、折扣或独家产品。撰写引人注目、简明扼要的信息,营造一种紧迫感,推动订阅者进行购买。

示例: "Countdown to Black Friday! 🖤 Holiday deals dropping soon. Stay tuned to grab your holiday promo code!”



示例: "Struggling to come up with holiday gift ideas, [Name]? 🎁 Here's a curated list of five great gifts for the home chefs in your life."


每个人都喜欢特别的感觉。奖励您忠实的 WhatsApp 用户,让他们在销售、促销或新产品发布时抢占先机。这样既能激励他们购买,又能加强他们继续订阅 WhatsApp 的愿望,因为他们知道将来可能会获得更多的专属优惠。

示例: "Hello, VIP! 🌟 As a thank you for being a cherished member of our WhatsApp community, here's early access to our winter sale."



示例: "A New Year treat for our star shopper, [Name]! 🎉 Enjoy 15% off our fresh arrivals. Cheers to a stylish 2024!"


WhatsApp 擅长互动。让用户清楚地知道,沟通渠道是双向开放的。他们可以向您寻求产品建议、更多信息,甚至个性化建议。通过集成的 WhatsAppchatbots 和自动化功能,您可以即时提供量身定制的回复。

示例: "Got questions or need gift suggestions? 🤔 Drop us a message anytime, and let's chat! For quick answers, chat with our helper bot 24/7."

WhatsApp 节日活动的最后清单

As you gear up for the big holiday push, it's essential to ensure that all the pieces of your WhatsApp marketing puzzle are in place. Preparation is crucial to running a stress-free, seamless campaign that yields results. 


Proactively prepare your content assets

您的资产--您发送的信息和图片--是 WhatsApp 营销活动的核心。但您不能将其他channels 上的营销内容复制粘贴到信息应用程序中。WhatsApp 的品牌信息游戏规则与众不同。

这一点很重要: Every message you send via WhatsApp as a business that gives recipients the option to respond and start a conversation has to be pre-approved by WhatsApp, and you always have to use a template.

WhatsApp 有非常严格的合规标准,以避免垃圾信息。该应用程序会监控品牌信息的质量,并相应地停用您的账户或增加每日信息量。这意味着在 WhatsApp 上,内容质量比数量更重要--您要不惜一切代价避免垃圾信息,用真正有趣的内容吸引用户。

Here are some tools and strategies you can use to create high quality creative content assets: 

  • 创造: MessageBird is designed to facilitate seamless creation of message templates with an interactive user interface. Drag and drop blocks to create rich, interactive templates. You can even create multiple variations and run A/B tests.

  • 本地化: Remember, holidays are celebrated differently across the globe. Ensure your content resonates with each segment of your audience by localizing message variables to cater to specific cultures, geographies, traditions, and languages.

  • 个性化: Generic messages are easily forgotten. Make your subscribers feel special by personalizing your content instead of sending out the same message to your entire audience. Use customer’s names, past purchase history, and preferences to tailor your messages with dynamic variations.

  • 团队协作: Communication is crucial, especially during a high-volume holiday rush. Make sure your marketing, design, and sales teams are all on the same page. Use collaborative tools and regular sync-ups to ensure consistency and avoid last-minute hiccups.

Schedule messages and campaigns in advance

ǞǞǞ holiday season is chaotic and hectic. Get a head start by pre-scheduling as many messaging campaigns as possible. 

通过自动计划发送 WhatsApp 消息,您可以确保消息在最佳时间到达用户收件箱,不会出现任何延迟或重叠。它可以减轻最后一刻的压力,确保您的campaigns 像运转良好的机器一样运行。

Familiarize yourself with analytics

清楚地了解campaigns 的表现有助于您了解成功的样子。您可以确定哪些能引起受众的共鸣,哪些不能,从而改进您的信息传递策略。

  • 发射前: Get comfortable with your analytics tools. Know where to find crucial metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion percentages and what these mean for your campaign. You can track chatbot metrics, as well, like drop offs and conversions. 

  • 活动期间: Use these metrics to double down on what’s working, or pivot where things need to change. Tweak your templates or chatbot conversations accordingly. 

  • 运动后: Dedicate time to analyze your numbers, draw actionable insights, and refine your future strategies.


就像节日的原因一样,WhatsApp marketing ,一切都关乎心灵和人与人之间的联系。虽然转化率是衡量成功的一个有形指标,但它并不是衡量活动效果的唯一指标。作为一个平台,WhatsApp 的与众不同之处在于它能够促进真正的对话,在品牌与消费者之间架起桥梁。

由于 WhatsApp 仍是一个非常新的营销渠道,因此当其他品牌未能利用其个性化潜力时,品牌就有机会抢占先机,占据主导地位。

ǞǞǞ real beauty of WhatsApp comes through in its ability to orchestrate conversational marketing with customers that are actually interested in the experience because they’ve opted-in. These are customers who want to hear from you; they’re all either close to converting or have already converted. 

例如,当客户放弃购物车时,WhatsApp 可以自动进行处理:

  • 发送 10% 折扣

  • Answer any product questions a customer asks 

  • 提供类似建议

  • 检查库存等。

And you can keep everything within WhatsApp, so that customers don’t need to click on links to complete purchases. All of this drives more sales. 

You don’t have to pick between conversational or conversion-focused anymore. With Bird’s WhatsApp for Business, you can be both. 

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.