转至Bird :无缝过渡您的SMS API ,实现最佳成本效益

转至Bird :无缝过渡您的SMS API ,实现最佳成本效益

Switching to Bird: Seamlessly Transition Your SMS API for Optimal Cost Efficiency

SMS API migration shouldn’t be expensive or overly complex. Bird 易于切换 providers and improve your SMS cost-efficiency.


当您转向Bird 时,一切皆有可能。从我们的开发人员资源到我们的沙盒测试环境,我们的平台可以帮助企业以低成本、高效率和信心实现过渡。

Read on to learn about Bird’s pain-free approach to 转换您的SMS API—and find out how this migration was a game-changer for two of Bird’s enterprise customers.


向新技术基础设施过渡总是存在一定的风险。即使现有的 SMS 提供商在性能和成本效益方面令人失望,现状也会带来短期的稳定和舒适。

但是,这种安逸是要付出长期代价的。面对将其SMS API 过渡到一个卓越平台的机会,许多enterprise 企业被以下问题所困扰:


无论企业从长远来看能节省多少资金,变革都需要前期投资。Enterprise IT 部门必须投入时间和资源来管理这一转换。您的短信策略可能会受到影响,迫使您暂停为企业创收的campaigns 。

ǞǞǞ growing pains of switching your API provider are only worth it if you’re moving to a competent, proven partner. Not only will you benefit from better long-term performance and ROI, but you’ll also enjoy a smoother transition thanks to your new partner’s built-in support and resources. 



许多更换 SMS 提供商的企业需要安排开发工作,以便将自己的技术与新的SMS API 完全集成。其中一些开发工作可能侧重于 API 连接,但其他开发工作可能侧重于与公司 CRM 和其他工具的集成。

然而,许多企业,即使是enterprise 级别的企业,可能也没有适当的开发资源来分配给这个项目。一些内部开发人员团队没有足够的带宽来承担 SMS 迁移工作。



Switching your SMS API can involve a lot of extra work ensuring compliance for your messaging strategy. Short codes must be migrated, and a growing number of countries require businesses to receive whitelist approval before they can send messages. 


满足特定国家的合规性要求需要花费大量的时间和精力,而您的短信campaigns 可能会陷入等待审批的困境。虽然美国等国家本身就有非常复杂的合规性要求,但在向全球发送短信时,在整个 API 过渡期间管理合规性的任务将不可避免地更加艰巨。

Bird makes it easy to switch


Change is uncomfortable. But it doesn’t have to be hard. 

这就是为什么Bird 要尽可能消除 API 迁移过程中的摩擦,减少采用更好的 SMS 方法所需的时间和资源。


与竞争对手的短信平台相比,Bird 的单条短信费用更低。尽管内置工具和功能繁多,但平台费用却很低。入站消息发送也是免费的,这一点并非所有 SMS 平台都能提供。

对于全球 SMS 短信而言,Bird 的成本效益更加明显。由于向不同国家发送短信的成本存在差异,Bird 允许您的企业创建一个优化的全球短信策略,以提高成本效益。Bird的路由引擎利用其庞大的运营商连接网络来优化信息发送,最大限度地降低处理成本。


If your business is switching your SMS API from one provider to another, Bird removes much of the complex development work often associated with API connectivity. Some Bird customers can set up their API in a matter of hours. 

Even when tackling development work beyond 应用程序接口, Bird offers comprehensive documentation and 官方 SDK for Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, and other popular languages. ǞǞǞ platform also offers a sandbox environment to test functions before taking them live.

为符合本地 SMS 要求提供可靠支持

作为一个直接面向运营商的 SMS 平台,Bird 为全球运营商提供 270 多个连接。这种全球连接由平台支持,符合当地的 SMS 法规。

Bird support experts are at your service to keep you informed on local SMS regulations—including as those regulations change over time. Stay on top of local compliance requirements to ensure uninterrupted message delivery and avoid steep penalties due to non-compliance. 


过渡SMS API 的风险很容易理解。而回报却难以确定。

有时,最有说服力的论据就是与您面临相同 SMS 挑战的其他企业的成功案例。在这方面,以下是Bird 的两个客户,他们更换 SMS 提供商后再未回头:

呼叫器职责 如何在 220 个全球运营商中扩展其实时消息传送功能

PagerDuty is a digital operations management platform that sends SMS notifications to alert customers of incidents or activities that may impact their business clients.

实时发送这些通知至关重要。哪怕是几秒钟的差别,都可能对客户造成重大影响。不过,为了确保向全球客户发送信息,PagerDuty 需要一个无论客户身在何处都能快速送达的信息解决方案。

By switching to Bird as its SMS API provider, PagerDuty enabled notification delivery across more than 220 global carriers, achieving faster and more cost-effective messaging to reinforce the value of its monitoring services. 

超级视窗 如何在不到 60 天的时间内将销售线索增加 200

不仅 SMS 容易切换,Email 也是如此。

As the first full-digital hybrid optical platform in Europe, SuperVista built its brand by offering more convenient, cost-effective options for ordering prescription eyewear. But rising customer expectations and operational challenges from COVID-19 forced the business to rethink its business model—including its strategies for customer engagement and outreach.

The organization realized it needed to rebuild its messaging infrastructure from scratch. Under pressure to implement changes quickly in response to fast-evolving business conditions, SuperVista moved its messaging to Bird thanks 到 platform’s minimal development requirements, ability to iterate on the fly, and its performance at scale. 

在与时间的赛跑中,SuperVista 向Bird 的过渡在头两个月内取得了令人难以置信的成果:打开率提高了 325%,潜在客户增加了 200%,预约数量增加了 300%。



如果您当前的 SMS 提供商无法提供您所需的成本效益,Bird平台将帮助您摆脱这种不良的合作关系。利用我们的最低开发要求、无缝集成选项、广泛的资源库和内置平台支持。

您的 SMS 策略在Bird 上更有价值。


Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.