WhatsApp Marketing 基础知识:您需要知道的一切

WhatsApp Marketing 基础知识:您需要知道的一切

ǞǞǞ Basics of WhatsApp Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

Discover how to use WhatsApp to personalize your marketing efforts, including popular use cases for WhatsApp marketing features, how it stacks up against other marketing channels, and how to measure WhatsApp marketing ROI.


As the most popular mobile messenger app in the world—with 20 亿活跃用户 in 180 countries—this includes WhatsApp.

Forward-thinking businesses have already started to catch on. Indonesian retail platform Matahari achieved a MessageBird的WhatsApp商务平台阅读率高达98, and news organization Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency 通过 WhatsApp 自动解决了 20% 的请求。

WhatsApp 等消息应用程序正在成为当今首选的通信channels 。那么,如何使用 WhatsApp 进行个性化营销呢?我们将带您了解您需要知道的一切:


If your ads and social channels are the bait that lures customers in, conversations are how you convert those leads into long-term relationships with your business. Companies are already spending over 每年 2 480 亿美元 on digital ads, but they need a clear, efficient path to continue the relationship after the ‘click.’


  • 81% of buyers message businesses to ask about products or services. 

  • 74% message businesses to make a purchase. 

  • 75% message businesses to get support. 

Infographic showing pre-purchase, purchase and post purchase actions from a customer


WhatsApp marketing 最重要的七大功能

做好WhatsApp marketing 意味着它不仅仅是文字。利用图片、视频和音频共享等富媒体提升体验,让客户与企业保持互动。通过对话方式收集数据和偏好,建立更丰富的档案(当然要征得客户的同意),并利用这些信息创造更加个性化的客户体验。

以下是WhatsApp marketing 的七项功能,供您在提升信息档次时加以利用:



WhatsApp conversation from a customer asking what colours do a pair of trainers come in. Business replies that they are available in grey, malibu, white and frost.


Voice messages are the new text message, and WhatsApp is leading the pack, with an average of 每天发送 70 亿条语音信息. Now you can use the platform to communicate this way with your customers.

WhatsApp conversation where user asks for instructions to set up speaker. Business responds with an audio file with a voice recording of the instructions.



49% 的营销人员 say video helps them engage their audiences. With WhatsApp, you can send instructional videos, welcome videos, or feature showcases in an engaging and delightful way.

WhatsApp conversation from a business to a customer including a video and short message asking the customer if they haven't setup their laptop they can find more information by watching the video.





  • 行动召唤按钮: allow your customer to call a phone number or visit a website. 

  • 快速回复按钮: allow your customer to respond with a simple text message.

WhatsApp message where the user can select different options depending on what they need. In this case they are signing up to either get updates or no updates.


This dynamic, personalized feature lets your customers select from a list of up to 10 options. Is a prospect interested in buying a car? Provide a list of vehicle types to choose from. Are they looking to book an appointment? Show them the available reservation times. 

WhatsApp conversation where the user can select the type of vehicle they are interested in by clicking on a list of options.



Coffee company WhatsApp thread where the business replies to their coffee order with a coffee sticker.

WhatsApp marketing 如何工作?

WhatsApp marketing 最有价值的优势之一是,它可以帮助各种规模的企业与客户进行高效沟通。无论您是本地小店还是全球enterprise ,您都可以利用该平台实现流程自动化,创造量身定制的客户体验,而无需增加业务人员或使用更多工具来影响运营。


  • 预购: In this phase, awareness-stage friction is a big issue. Consumers may not know about the existence of certain products or feel overwhelmed by all the product options out there. Implement click-to-chat or conversation starter buttons to make it easy for customers to ask questions and get rapid answers.

  • 购买: In this phase, consumers are ready to buy but may need a little push. Avoid abandoned carts by addressing their pain points, such as unclear or expensive delivery options, with notifications that clarify information or offer discounted delivery. ǞǞǞ less friction customers have, the easier it will be for them to complete their purchase.

  • 购买后: In this phase, it’s important to support customers to help build loyalty and increase retention. Make it easy for customers to find important information about refunds, delivery updates, and warranties. This is also when you can notify them of shipping updates and allow them to schedule deliveries.

Pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase awareness stage infographic.



MessageBird offers a WhatsApp 业务 API, officially supported by WhatsApp, and built specifically to help you manage omnichannel conversations at scale. The WhatsApp API:

  • 与enterprise 技术堆栈(客户关系管理、网站、聊天机器人平台)集成,促进与消费者的对话

  • 将客户与公司的代理和机器人连接起来,以便在整个漏斗中与消费者互动

  • 将您与API所支持的数百万用户和设备连接起来,从而扩大和维持您的客户群

  • 允许您发送数百万条促销信息campaigns


营销应该是个人的、真诚的。这正是WhatsApp marketing 的优势所在,它提供了一条直接的沟通渠道,帮助您与客户建立真诚的关系。

Business-generated messages let you reach out to customers individually, helping them feel more connected to your brand, but WhatsApp also allows your customers to reach out to you. 

Infographic showing the difference between a user and business generated message. If a customer reaches out with a customer service querry, the business doesn't need prior optin. However, if the business reach out 到 customer they do require an opt-in and a pre-approved template.

  • 用户生成的信息: The customer sends a message to kickstart a conversation with a business. These messages don’t require them to opt-in, so customers never have any hesitation about reaching out.

  • 用户产生的信息 are perfect for return or refund requests, general inquiries, product availability requests, delivery inquiries, and statement requests. If you respond within a 24-hour window, you won't incur a fee per message.

  • 企业生成的信息: Companies can also initiate conversations with their customers by sending pre-approved message templates. To send these 商业信息, the customer must have already opted in. 

  • At one time, business-generated messages could only be transactional in nature—order confirmations, receipts, and delivery tracking were some of the most common notifications. Now, these messages can take conversations further, allowing brands to send personalized recommendations based on previous purchases, promotions, relevant offers, bulk messages, and several other marketing campaigns.



不确定您的信息被接收的情况如何?WhatsApp质量评级指标可以帮助您跟踪您的信息在过去24小时内的表现如何。确保您的信息是及时和相关的是很重要的,因为客户可以 "报告垃圾邮件 "或 "阻止 "一个号码,WhatsApp使用这些反馈来给电话号码分配三个质量等级之一--绿色(高质量),黄色(中等质量),和红色(低质量)。

Quality rating with a scoring line from high to low.

Your quality rating influences how many messages you can send. If you get to a red level, WhatsApp downgrades your 消息层. Alternatively, if you keep quality high, you can upgrade your messaging tiers and reach more unique users. 

  • 第 1 级: Send messages to 1K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period

  • 第 2 级: Send messages to 10K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period

  • 第 3 级: Send messages to 100K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period

Keep an eye on your quality rating indicator to avoid losing subscribers. Unexpected and impersonal messages feel intrusive to customers, and people will be quick to unsubscribe from businesses that don’t respect their privacy or specific needs. To fine-tune your strategy, keep the ETR framework (Expected, Timely, Relevant) 在 forefront of your message planning. 


  • 预期。 Expected messages are the ones customers know they will receive. Consumers either initiate a conversation or explicitly give businesses consent to send messages first (opt-in). 

  • 及时。 Timely messages are those sent at an opportune time. Each message must have a purpose for being sent at a specific moment. 

  • 相关。 Relevant messages are tailored to specific customers based on past purchases and conversations. Personalize interactions to strengthen relationships and build customer loyalty.





Infographic showing a customer conversation where the customer replies after 24 hours so the business can only reply with a pre-approved message.

WhatsApp 是否会取代其他营销channels ?

New technologies like machine learning, chatbots, and messaging are ushering in a new era of customer experience. 77% 的消费者 say they’re more likely to buy from a brand if they can browse products or get questions answered via messaging. For companies looking to create a customer-centric experience, buildingWhatsApp marketing into your omnichannel strategy is a no-brainer.

尽管如此,WhatsApp 应被视为一种额外的沟通渠道,而不是现有营销channels 的替代品。最好将其作为其他channels (如电子邮件、短信和社交媒体)的补充,以免听起来过于垃圾或具有侵扰性。


  • 提供关键的信息,如交货的最新情况

  • 直接与客户互动,从呼入式营销和故障排除的咨询中获取信息

  • 通过向上销售、交叉销售和重新激活,给低端客户以额外的推动力

  • 传递全球信息,同时保持合规

归根结底,WhatsApp Marketing 就是要了解您的客户是谁,以及如何最好地用相关内容吸引他们。如果使用得当,它可以帮助您与客户建立深厚的关系,提高转化率,促进销售,并降低入站营销的成本。

If you’re curious about how WhatsApp marketing can look like for your business, 在此查看我们的 WhatsApp 商务功能.

As always, 随时联系 if you have any questions or if you are looking for help setting up your use-case.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.

Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.