

ǞǞǞ Email Playbook for Winning Back Abandoned Carts

Master cart recovery with this guide on email strategies, tools, and tactics to boost e-commerce sales.

Picture this: a customer wanders into your virtual store, picks up items they love, adds them to their cart, and then... Poof! Vanishes without a trace. This scenario, known as “cart abandonment,” is all too common in the e-commerce world: More than 70% of carts never complete checkout. 


With 每天发送超过 333 亿封电子邮件, you’ll need to do more than reach customers’ inboxes. You need to strike the right chord with recipients by delivering the right message 在 right time. And having the right tools in your arsenal—like MessageBird—can make all the difference in doing so.

有了Bird ,您就可以:

  • 整合 your e-commerce platform with your email system, so that you’re able to contact customers who’ve abandoned their carts

  • 工艺 compelling, personalized emails that resonate with your audience and nudge them toward completing their purchase 

  • Automate email campaigns at scale, keeping communication with customers timely, targeted, and relevant







It’s not just lost sales, but lost opportunities. 


Understanding why shoppers tend to get cold feet can help you plan your cart recovery tactics.  So, let’s take a walk in the average shopper’s shoes.


  • 意外费用: You’re deterred by additional charges like shipping, taxes, and fees that all add up.

  • 复杂的结账流程: Why are there so many steps? You’re frustrated by how lengthy and complicated the checkout process is.

  • 浏览行为: You’re just browsing, and bookmarking items with no immediate intent to buy. Simply put, you’re just curious.

  • 支付安全问题: This payment processor looks sketchy. You’re concerned about online fraud because you don’t trust the payment gateway with your credit card information.

  • 送货太慢: You need to buy a present for your daughter’s birthday next week, but it won’t arrive for two weeks. What’s the point?

  • 网站问题: ǞǞǞ website keeps glitching, loading too slowly, or isn’t mobile-friendly. Your shopping experience isn’t smooth.  

So now that you’ve walked a mile in their shoes, how do you fix this for your customers? 




Timing matters when sending cart recovery emails. If you send it too early, you might interrupt a customer who is still considering their purchase or simply navigating away from their cart for a second. Too late, and they might have already lost interest or found what they were looking for elsewhere. 

Allow some breathing room after the customer abandons their cart before sending the first email. The window of opportunity varies for each business, but a few hours is often effective in giving customers space while still keeping your brand and products fresh in their minds. 

If the first email doesn’t convert, plan a follow-up sequence. Time these subsequent emails based on customer behavior and typical buying cycles, with a tool like Flows. For example, you could send the second email a day later, and a final reminder three days later. 

利用电子商务平台和email analytics 中的数据,了解受众的最佳时机。根据客户行为调整发送电子邮件的时机,在及时性和耐心之间找到最佳平衡点,从而提高转化率。


Mobile devices comprise the largest share of email views, at 占所有电子邮件打开次数的 41, ahead of desktop at 39%. That said, neglecting to optimize for mobile devices is an easy mistake to make when designing cart recovery emails. 

When emails aren’t mobile-friendly, they suffer from formatting issues, difficult-to-read text, and unclickable links, leading to a poor customer experience. This can frustrate your mobile customers, leading them to churn from their carts again—or even unsubscribe from receiving your emails altogether. 

Instead, embrace mobile optimization for better communication with your customers. Design emails with a responsive layout, which means they’ll look good and be easy to navigate on screens of all sizes. Keep text concise and legible, with CTA buttons and links large enough to easily tappable on mobile devices. Compress images and size them properly for quick loading on mobile devices, and use alt text to convey the message even if the images don’t load. 



虽然电子邮件是购物车恢复的有力工具,但只使用电子邮件的方法可能无法接触到对其他沟通形式反应更积极的客户,如短信或 WhatsApp 等消息应用程序。

Incorporate text messages into your cart recovery strategy. SMS can be an immediate and direct way to reach customers. For instance, send a short text message reminding a customer of their abandoned cart, perhaps with a special offer, to prompt quick action. SMS is especially effective for time-sensitive offers or urgent communications, given that most people tend to read text messages more frequently and quickly than email. 

或者说,WhatsApp 拥有庞大的用户群和广泛的覆盖面,是发送个性化互动信息的绝佳平台。在欧洲和亚洲等 WhatsApp 使用率较高的地区,这种方式尤其有效。您可以发送有关放弃购物车的提醒,实时回答客户的询问,甚至使用表情符号、GIF 和视频等富媒体来增强您的信息。



Deciding whether to send a single email or a series should be based on unique performance metrics and customer behaviors. A single email may suffice for occasional abandoners or for products with a short decision-making process. In contrast, a series might be more effective for higher-value items or customers who frequently abandon carts. 



Cart recovery emails should be more convincing and strategic than just a blast of emails all at once. In Flows, you can automate a more effective email sequence where each email serves a clear purpose, moving the customer closer to completing their purchase. 

Start with a gentle reminder about the items left in the cart, then progress to offering incentives like discounts or free shipping. Incorporate product recommendations or reviews to further engage the customer. Tailoring these sequences to audience behavior – based on past purchase history or browsing patterns – can significantly increase their effectiveness. 

最棒的是,Flows 可让您的电子邮件序列在后台自动运行,为您培养客户关系,无需动手。


The subject line is your first—and sometimes only—opportunity to grab the customer’s attention. It’s the crucial first impression that can make or break your cart recovery efforts. Here are some tips on how to catch your customers’ eyes at first glance: 

  • 个性化: Personalized subject lines, such as those that include the customer’s name or the specific items they left behind, can significantly increase open rates. It creates a connection and reminds the customer of their initial interest in the product.

Example:  “John, your dream jacket is still waiting for you!” 

  • 制造紧迫感和好奇心: Prompt immediate action or spark your recipient’s curiosity. By doing so, you pique the customer’s interest and entice them to revisit their cart now rather than later.

    Example: “Last chance!” “Hurry, your cart is about to expire!” or “Did you forget something?”

  • 简明扼要: Short and sweet is the name of the email subject line game. Lengthy subject lines both lose the reader’s interest quickly and risk being cut off in inboxes, especially on mobile devices. Aim for 50 to 60 characters to keep your subject line easily digestible and visible.

    Example: “Your cart misses you - Grab it before it’s gone!” (47 characters)


在通过电子邮件回收废弃购物车时,采用 "测试、学习和适应 "的方法是成功的关键。您的电子邮件campaigns 的有效性不仅仅在于一次就能制作出完美的信息,而在于根据实际绩效数据不断完善和优化您的策略。通过测试和迭代您的电子邮件,您可以准确了解哪些内容能引起客户的共鸣,从而提高打开率、点击率和转化率。

Use A/B testing to refine your approach, changing one variable at a time—the subject line, the email copy, the timing of the send, and the call to action. Experiment with varying degrees of personalization, email lengths, call-to-action formats, and more. Don’t hesitate to adjust your strategy based on what the data tells you. 



Use a tone and language that should be instantly recognizable to customers as unique yours, reflecting your brand’s personality. Remember, your brand voice is a tool for connecting with customers on an emotional level. Even in a cart recovery email, the way you communicate can evoke feelings of trust, excitement, or urgency in your customers. 

恢复电子邮件中使用的语音应与您在所有通信channels 中使用的品牌语音相一致,包括您的网站、社交媒体和客户服务。不一致的声音会让客户感到困惑,并削弱您的品牌形象。

You can use 自定义模板 Bird to infuse your brand voice in every email, applying a consistent style and tone to all your marketing materials. 

4 种先进的购物车恢复技术


Social proof is a powerful influencer in consumer decision-making. In fact, 66% of consumers said that positive user reviews are the most significant factor in moving them to make a purchase. Integrating social proof elements in your recovery emails can significantly boost trust and encourage customers to complete their purchases.


You can also include user-generated content (UGC) such as photos, videos and GIFs of other customers using the product, or posts shared on social media. This can create a sense of community and reliability, as UGC typically comes off as more genuine than statements directly from the brand itself. 


Incentives like discounts or free shipping can play a pivotal role in convincing customers to complete their purchases. These kinds of incentives increase the perceived value of your offerings, causing shoppers to give your business a second chance. 

虽然这两种激励措施都能减少结账时的经济障碍,但您必须在直接降价和免费送货等增值服务之间取得平衡。考虑每种优惠对利润率的影响,还要考虑顾客的偏好。有些客户可能认为免运费比折扣更有价值。而另一些顾客则可能倾向于通过降价来证明购买的合理性。使用 A/B 测试并分析您的电子邮件指标,以确定哪些优惠更有可能转化被放弃的购物车。

无论您提供什么激励措施,都要通过限时优惠来营造一种紧迫感,以吸引客户更快地点击 "结账 "按钮。


电子邮件中的 "行动呼吁"(CTA)不仅仅是一个按钮或一行文字,它还是引导潜在客户完成放弃购买的关键链接。以下是如何完善您的 CTA 以达到最大效果的方法:

  • 清晰度: Make it crystal clear what your customer should do, exactly, e.g. “Return to Cart” or “Complete Your Purchase”

  • 紧迫性: Give your customers a compelling reason to act soon with phrases like, “Don’t Lose Your 20% Discount” or “Your Cart Expires Soon!” that prompt immediate action.

  • 视觉对比: Your CTA should visually pop out from the rest of the email, whether by using contrasting colors or being a larger size. Your customers shouldn’t need to hunt to find the CTA.

  • 战略布局: Put your CTA in an eye-catching position, ideally, above the fold and again 在 end of the email for repeated exposure.

  • 贯彻始终: Whatever your CTA promises 到 customer, the landing page it links to should deliver—whether that’s applying a discount, or simply bringing up the items that were in their cart. 



By connecting your e-commerce storefront to your email list with Connectors, you can segment your audience based on behavior like purchase history, cart size, and product preferences. Tailoring your approach to each segment increases the relevance and effectiveness of your recovery efforts. For example, a high-value cart might warrant a more aggressive or strategic recovery strategy. 





Harness the innovative capabilities of Bird to craft a nuanced abandoned cart recovery strategy. Our platform is your ally in creating a seamless, engaging, and responsive experience that resonates with your customers at every step. 

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The right message ->right person -> at the right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.