

What Is SPF?

ǞǞǞ Sender Policy Framework (SPF), is a technical standard and 电子邮件认证 technique that helps protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.


The Sender Policy Framework (SPF), is a technical standard and email authentication technique that helps protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.



SPF establishes a method for receiving mail servers to verify that incoming email from a domain was sent from a host authorized by that domain’s administrators. It piggybacks on the well-established Domain Name System (DNS). In general terms, the process works like this:

  1. 一个域名管理员发布了定义邮件服务器的策略,这些服务器被授权从该域名发送电子邮件。这个策略被称为SPF记录,它被列为该域的整个DNS记录的一部分。

  2. 当一个入站的邮件服务器收到一封传入的邮件时,它在DNS中查找反弹(Return-Path)域的规则。然后,入站服务器将邮件发件人的IP地址与SPF记录中定义的授权IP地址相比较。

  3. 然后,接收邮件的服务器使用发送域的SPF记录中指定的规则来决定是否接受、拒绝或以其他方式标记该邮件。


SPF记录包含在企业的DNS数据库中。SPF记录是标准DNS TXT记录的特殊格式版本。SPF记录看起来像这样

mydomain.com   TXT   "v=spf1 include:myauthorizeddomain.com include:sparkpostmail.com ~all”

Reading left-to-right in plain 英语, this record is saying that any email that claims to be from “mydomain.com” should be validated with SPF (that’s the “v=spf1” prefix 到 record). It then specifies that the SPF records for “myauthorizeddomain.com” and “sparkpostmail.com” also should be included when validating email from mydomain.com (those are the parts labeled “include:”). In practical terms, that usually is done to indicate that the other domains authorized to send email on its behalf. Finally, the record concludes by stating that any other servers claiming to send mail should be flagged as questionable, and possibly failing, the SPF test (“~all”).




  • SPF允许发件人定义允许哪些IP地址为特定域发送邮件。

  • DKIM provides an encryption key and digital signature that verifies that an email message was not faked or altered.

  • DMARC unifies the SPF and DKIM authentication mechanisms into a common framework and allows domain owners to declare how they would like email from that domain to be handled if it fails an authorization test.


If you are a business sending commercial or transactional email, you definitely need to implement one or more forms of email authentication to verify that an email is actually from you or your business. Properly configuring email authentication standards like SPF is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your deliverability. However, SPF by itself only goes so far; SparkPost and other email experts recommend also implementing DKIM and DMARC to define a more complete email authentication policy.


Yes. SparkPost implements and adheres to email authentication standards including SPF. In fact, SparkPost handles the SPF part of that automatically, so all email from your account is already SPF-compliant.


SparkPost’s free email tools for developers make working with email authentication standards like SPF easy. Our SPF 检查员 lets you quickly check who’s authorized to send email for your domain. And our SPF建设者 is an easy way to create a working SPF record for your domain.


Learn more about SPF with these resources from SparkPost’s email experts and elsewhere on the web.

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