WhatsApp Marketing 启动指南:开始与每月 20 亿用户交流

WhatsApp Marketing 启动指南:开始与每月 20 亿用户交流

WhatsApp Marketing Launch Guide: Start Talking to 2 Billion Monthly Users

Dive deep into actionable tactics for launching one of the fastest growing marketing channels available.

WhatsApp isn’t just another app on your phone. It's a communication giant with over 20 亿月活跃用户 worldwide. Born as a simple messaging platform, it's now a staple of daily life for many, seamlessly blending their personal and professional lives. And guess what? ǞǞǞ marketing world has taken note.

For some customers, traditional marketing avenues like email have lost their spark. With plummeting open rates and audiences increasingly wary of promotional bombardments, businesses are on the hunt for more intimate and effective ways to connect. 

作为一种营销渠道,WhatsApp 提供了这样的机会。该平台的平均打开率超过 75%,令其他平台望尘莫及。

With over 600 亿条信息 sent daily, WhatsApp is not just the next big thing; it's colossal. Its footprint spans continents, giving brands an unmatched opportunity to connect with global audiences. 

将 WhatsApp 作为营销渠道的分步指南

那么,您已经准备好进入WhatsApp marketing 了?与所有的努力一样,WhatsApp 的成功始于坚实的基础。这里有一份详细的指南,一步一步帮您打好基础。


Before you type out that first promotional message or offer, take a moment to address your goals. What do you aim to achieve? 

为 WhatsApp 制定明确、可衡量的关键绩效指标。例如,送达率和打开率可以证明您的客户是否参与了您的信息--健康、可实现的成功衡量标准可以是打开率超过 80%。同时,您可以通过将转化率直接归因于 WhatsApp 链接来跟踪 WhatsAppcampaigns 的投资回报率。

By setting benchmarks such as these, you can track, analyze, and optimize your strategies as you go. After all, knowing where you're heading makes the journey smoother. 

For a seamless experience tracking these KPIs, check out Bird Campaigns reporting, where you can easily access an overview of your progress.

2. Get granular about audience targeting 


您需要锁定那些最有可能在 WhatsApp 上与您互动的客户。这些人已经在使用 WhatsApp,并且对接收您的信息有合法的兴趣。最近访问过您的网站、购买过产品或留下过评论的客户都是很好的目标受众。

To simplify the task of finding your audience, Bird的联系人查询生成器 offers granular targeting options. For instance, you might target all customers who have made a purchase in the last three months, and offer a 10% discount code exclusively available to WhatsApp subscribers. 

Another option is to segment customers by the product listings they’ve viewed, and send them personalized offers about those products via WhatsApp. 

3.建立经过验证的 WhatsApp 企业账户

If you're serious about using WhatsApp for marketing, you need a verified WhatsApp Business Account. That little green verified badge tells your customers that they're interacting with a genuine brand, earning their trust right from the start. Verified accounts also earn increased visibility in WhatsApp’s directory, which can attract more customers to your business. 

Additionally, a verified WhatsApp Business account unlocks access 到 WhatsApp Business API and tools, with robust features like automated messages, quick replies, labels for organizing chats, messaging templates, notifications and more. These features make personalized conversational marketing at scale an absolute must have. 

And the best part? Setting up a Verified WhatsApp Business Account is easy, especially with platforms like Bird making the process straightforward, user-friendly, and 100% compliant with Meta’s policies.

设计优质 WhatsApp 模板的 3 个最佳实践

Messaging templates are the backbone of any successful WhatsApp marketing campaign. They keep your messaging consistent with your brand voice, save you time, and most importantly—they’re necessary. 

Every WhatsApp message must follow a pre-approved template. This is a Meta-enforced policy, to cut down on spam. As Anish Chadda, VP of Product at Bird, notes, quality templates are the key to unlocking the right to send more messages. 

"只要一个品牌注册了 WhatsApp,就会获得一个启动账户,通过该账户可以发送一定数量的信息。WhatsApp 会做的是,它实际上会监控该品牌的大量互联网信息的质量,"Anish 说。

Based on whether or not people actually engage with the content you send, WhatsApp may slowly increase the limit of messages you can send per day. 




To avoid any last-minute rush or confusion, always plan your templates in advance. WhatsApp has 严格准则 and stringent review processes in place—every message template must be approved by Meta before going out to customers. So, once you submit a template, it might be a bit before it’s approved. 

Make sure that everything is compliant from the start, from formatting to copy to design. This can make your review process that much simpler and faster. With Bird, it’s easy to design and edit templates that are completely WhatsApp-compliant.


对于模板来说,"只展示,不讲述 "同样适用。为了说明您的信息模板在使用时的效果,请提供样本,尤其是媒体信息模板。通过提供信息示例,可以大大增加提交信息的背景和清晰度。



With the global reach of WhatsApp, chances are you're catering to a diverse audience that speaks multiple languages. That means you need to make sure your templates resonate with everyone—crossing language barriers when necessary. 

When creating templates in different languages, maintain a consistent tone and ensure the translations are culturally sensitive and accurate. For a smoother experience, our multiple languages feature in Studio is a game-changer, making it easy to toggle between languages and speak to every audience effectively. 


谈到WhatsApp marketing ,您的选择加入策略就是您给人的第一印象--所以一定要让它发挥作用!关键是要透明、尊重他人并提供真正的价值。当你达到这种平衡时,你的受众不仅会选择加入,而且还会很高兴收到你的信息。

以下是如何创建一种选择加入策略,不仅能获得热情的 "是!",还能为与每位客户建立长期关系奠定基础。


Opt-ins are more than just a formality; they're a necessity. WhatsApp Business Policy mandates obtaining proper opt-ins before you start any promotional communication. By seeking explicit permission from users, you comply with this policy while also building trust with customers, showing respect for their privacy and data. 

Not adhering to opt-in guidelines can both negatively impact your quality ratings and damage the trust users place in your brand. 


建议channels 供客户选择加入


Your website isn't just a place to showcase products or services; it's a crucial channel for customer opt-ins. Offer opt-in opportunities during pivotal moments, such as at checkout or on campaign landing pages. This can capture interested users when their intent is highest. 

Make it even more seamless for your audience with our integrated live chat 弹出窗口.

WhatsApp 线程

现有的 WhatsApp 对话中蕴藏着潜在的金矿。与客户的持续对话是您请求更多选择加入的黄金时间。这是一个自然的过程--他们已经参与进来了,为什么不更进一步呢?

电话(IVR 流程)

ǞǞǞ next time a customer calls your service line, think of it as an opt-in opportunity knocking. During your IVR 流程, introduce an option for users to opt into WhatsApp notifications. It's an easy way to transition customers from a traditional communication method to a more interactive one.



继续在 WhatsApp 上建立真实的联系

WhatsApp is more than just a chat platform; it’s a dynamic, high-ROI marketing channel. Its rise to greatness as such is not just another trend, but a reflection of where our world is headed: more personalized, instantaneous, and centered on genuine human connections. 

从广阔的全球影响力到无与伦比的参与率,WhatsApp 为企业带来了传统营销channels 无法比拟的独特机遇。

It might seem daunting to get started with WhatsApp marketing, but there’s plenty of room to grow. Initiate, experiment, learn, and iterate. And as you expand, Bird will be right there to support your brand’s goals.

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The right message ->right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.