Emma 如何使用PowerMTA 高效增加电子邮件数量

How Emma uses PowerMTA to increase email volumes efficiently




Emma powers the emails of more than 45,000 organizations worldwide, including Mario Batali, Bridgestone, and Sylvan Learning Center. Headquartered in Nashville, Emma offers best-in-class email marketing software and services that help organizations of all sizes get more from their marketing dollars. Emma’s features include email automation, audience segmentation, and mobile email marketing – plus integration with CRM solutions, eCommerce platforms, and social networks.









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  • Over the past 4 years, email service provider Emma has experienced 35% annual growth rate in email messaging volume from its new and existing clients.

  • Emma 的服务包括电子邮件自动化、受众细分、移动email marketing 以及与 CRM 解决方案、电子商务平台和社交网络的整合。

  • Emma adopted the PowerMTA infrastructure to drive its digital messaging services to well over 45,000 customers in 51 countries.  Emma’s clients include Mario Batali, Bridgestone, and Sylvan Learning Center.

  • 爱玛的数字信息量目前平均每小时150万条,每天1200万条,每月3.75亿条,预计在相对近期内将翻一番,与行业预测一致。

Emma developed an innovative Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) that enables it to offer clients sophisticated messaging features – from data-driven insights, to email automation – rapidly and without service interruptions. ǞǞǞ EDA architecture gives marketers real-time insights, allowing them to personalize each customer’s experience across multiple channels.

A major obstacle that drove Emma to consider PowerMTA was an expected forthcoming collision between mail volumes that had risen to almost 400M messages/ month, and its decade-old, home-grown PHP-based system.  ǞǞǞ technology had reached it’s peak and did not have the ability to scale, being cumbersome to configure, and lacking innovative deployment features and sophisticated delivery controls.  Emma required a better solution to manage the growing volume, one that would include the capacity to add smarthooks at minimal cost.



在对其他商业级 MTA 进行评估和尽职调查后,Emma 现在使用PowerMTA 来有效管理其不断增长的邮件量,而且投资极少。PowerMTA的灵活性将使 Emma 能够成倍地扩展其业务,而不会出现瓶颈或不合理的开支。

Emma 的系统管理员看中了PowerMTA灵活的日志模式,以及易于配置的 VirtualMTA 池、配置重试和队列总时间的能力,以及使用适中硬件发送大量邮件的能力。

PowerMTA 最近发布了 v4.5。开发人员重点关注收件人的参与度,这是目前最大限度地向大型inbox 提供商发送邮件的关键要素,只有PowerMTA的 "预定发送控制"™ 才能让发件人真正利用基于时间的参与度指标,从而最大限度地提高发送率和整体活动效果。

与其他产品相比,选择PowerMTA 的一个主要因素是成本:


- 马克-鲍威尔,艾玛公司的基础设施负责人


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The right message ->right person ->right time.

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