
Genesys achieves 4x more work in just 90 days with an 电子邮件 Design System




Genesys scaled up their email production and accomplished four times the amount of work within the first 90 days of implementing Email Design System Studio.




Email Design System Studio


前 90 天的生产率





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每年,Genesys 为 100 多个国家的企业提供 700 多亿次卓越的客户体验。通过云和人工智能的力量,他们的技术在任何渠道的营销、销售和服务中将客户的每一时刻联系起来,同时改善员工体验。


Email is one of the top sources of attribution to Genesys, with everyone from designers, to marketers, copywriters, translators, and developers building email campaigns. This totals to roughly 100+ people working on email in a dozen different languages, so it was crucial to have a platform that could facilitate scalable email creation and delivery while maintaining brand consistency. 


  • 他们目前的流程技术性太强。 ǞǞǞ biggest bottleneck was that the QA teams were getting bogged down fixing HTML errors caused by WYSIWYG editors. Campaigns were slowed down because marketers were having to learn HTML coding instead of focusing on email campaigns.

  • 他们无法在电子邮件模板中锁定品牌。 Although Genesys could create specific branded templates for their ESP, they didn’t have the ability to lock down brand palettes or specific sections (e.g., footers) for teams. This meant there was a risk of emails going out off-brand. As they were limited in locking down fundamental design elements, it placed a lot of stress on their QA and deployment team.

  • 创建电子邮件是一个非常人工的过程。 With various different global teams and audiences, they sent between 10-15 different emails a week. For each email sent, 10 versions would need to be created and translated. This was a long and tiresome process for their translators.

  • There were delays in deploying automated emails.  Automated emails were hard. It took a lot of bandwidth to automate one regional nurture stream - around six months. This was a big challenge and hindered them from keeping up with their marketing and content goals.


ǞǞǞ marketing team at Genesys partnered closely with the Technical Success and Customer Sucess teams to gain all the support and expertise needed. They developed a customized Email Design System that required no-code, where users could build email using Bird’s intuitive editor - with the branding already locked down. 


Genesys implemented a customized Email Design System which gave the team complete control and confidence building email campaigns. The Email Design System locked down design and branding elements, ensuring consistency across the board. With the ability to make edits without adding code, the teams can go to market faster, because changes take significantly less time. Over 110 marketers at Genesys now use Bird to create email in one place.

“Bird's ability to lock down areas of our email design system has been invaluable to us. It has enabled consistency for every email we send. This has also freed up time from our QA process as we know every email going out the door will be on-brand, so we can concentrate on the content and design side.” 


Previously it would take a small team of 2-3 people 6 months to automate a single regional nurture stream. With Bird, the team are able to involve marketers from around the world to assist in building automations, making the process faster for everyone. Each email can be quickly and easily built in an intuitive drag-and-drop editor speeding up production globally. In 3 months, the team have accomplished 4 times the amount of work by allowing non-technical teams to produce email. 

"现在,有了Bird ,我们可以让全球更多的营销人员帮助我们建立自动化,加快每个人的流程。在 3 个月内,通过让技术含量较低的团队帮助制作电子邮件,我们已经完成了 4 倍的工作量。

塔米-圣安杰洛 Global Marketing Automation and Email Strategy


To enable global marketers to build their own email campaigns, Genesys leveraged Bird’s direct integration with their ESP, Eloqua. The integration allowed anyone to build and export emails with a few clicks, plus Bird doesn’t add additional code so campaigns only need one round of QAing. This has optimized the campaign creation process across timezones and reduced unnecessary meetings for executing campaigns. 

"Bird 能够支持与不同平台的集成,这对我们来说是一个巨大的优势。从移动 ESP 到迁移我们所有的数据,这意味着所有其他的小问题都可以在Bird 中得到解决。"

塔米-圣安杰洛 Global Marketing Automation and Email Strategy


Genesys 实施了Bird 的 "期望 "功能,该功能可提醒营销人员注意电子邮件创建过程中的错误。例如,图片未更新或缺少 CTA 链接。通过将这些规则纳入设计系统,在导出之前就能确保电子邮件的品牌和无差错。


Bird团队和项目结构允许 Genesys 设置权限,确保正确的团队可以访问相关项目。Bird 平台的团队功能促进了有效协作,而项目组则确保了适当的翻译、编辑和文案人员可以编辑Bird 中的相关项目。


Genesys 利用电子邮件设计系统对多种语言的支持,简化了翻译流程。营销人员只需在文档设置中启用语言功能,翻译人员就可以在模板中添加本地化副本。有了Bird 不同语言多版本的自动化功能,Genesys 可以大规模地创建电子邮件。

"Bird的实时预览工具对我们渲染检查电子邮件的外观至关重要,尤其是当我们的翻译人员在导出电子邮件后添加内容时。实时预览工具意味着您可以在桌面视图中创建电子邮件,但可以在编辑器中直接在移动和 iPad 视图之间切换,而无需导出电子邮件并发送测试给自己检查。像这样的小成功确实节省了我们团队的时间。

塔米-圣安杰洛 Global Marketing Automation and Email Strategy


在过去,Genesys 的小型技术团队很难满足自动化所需的带宽。实现一个地区培育流的自动化需要六个月的时间。现在,100 多人可以用十几种不同的语言处理电子邮件,从而可以大规模发送电子邮件。在实施Bird 的电子邮件设计工作室后,他们在短短 90 天内就减少了技术团队参与电子邮件制作的工作量,使工作量增加了 4 倍。通过让任何人都能使用电子邮件,他们能够在更短的时间内完成更多的工作。


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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.