SuperVista 如何通过以下方法将销售线索增加 200%,并提高客户参与度Bird

How SuperVista achieved 200% more leads and improved customer engagement with Bird


电子邮件 Analytics


Here's how SuperVista is using Bird to improve customer engagement, increase leads by 200%, and open rates by 325%.




Email Analytics







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SuperVista is revolutionizing the eyewear industry by combining in-person services with personalized digital experiences. As the first full-digital hybrid optical in Europe, SuperVista offers a more convenient and cost-effective way for customers to order prescription glasses. 

SuperVista supports over 1,300 independent opticians in Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Japan, and performs thousands of eye measurements every day. 

With new external pressure from COVID-19 and a growing customer base with increasingly high expectations, SuperVista was forced to rethink its entire business model to meet the changing needs of their customers. They decided to stay competitive and increase efficiency by fully embracing a digital transformation. 

首要任务之一是什么?改进他们的电子邮件程序,尤其是电子邮件的发送能力。SuperVista 在客户生命周期的关键时刻发送了数百万封电子邮件。即使在送达率方面稍有改进,也会对收入产生直接的短期影响。


Before landing on Bird, SuperVista had always taken a developer-first approach. But with engineering teams so focused on building a stand-out product, customer experience and communication improvements often ended up on the back burner.

This meant that every communication update had to be implemented by a technical engineer, slowing down the roll-out process to customers, preventing rapid iteration, and making it difficult to troubleshoot issues in an efficient way.

“Bird is unlike other companies. Usually, you only get fast responses before buying the tool. With Bird it has only gotten better after signing.” — Peter Wieczorek, Chief Technology Officer, SuperVista


SuperVista 的当务之急是电子邮件的可送达性,但他们的战略眼光已经延伸到了未来。他们根据以下标准对工具进行了评估。

  • 知识渊博的支持: Personal contact whenever needed. Not just to troubleshoot, but also to share best practices and help develop their digital strategy.

  • 无代码工具: Products that would enable the teams that own customer communication to make changes without having to wait for engineering resources.

  • 可靠的基础设施: A proven track record of handling very large volumes of traffic and email with the ability to scale up and down on command.

  • 快速迭代: SuperVista wanted to find a partner who could enable them to iterate quickly. Soon, they would need more channels of communication, use cases, and personalization—and needed a flexible provider who could keep up. 

After considering a number of different vendors, SuperVista got in touch with Bird and immediately realized the platform was a good fit. Bird met every one of the company’s criteria and particularly impressed SuperVista with its ability to move fast. 

"我们有同样的心态。有一家公司要求我们预测未来 6 个月的情况。这根本不可能。SuperVista 的首席技术官 Peter Wieczorek 说:"我们的发展太快了,我甚至不知道下周要做什么。"我需要一个能够处理不断变化的优先事项的合作伙伴。

An entire platform migration in two months 

像 SuperVista 这样大规模的迁移项目看似令人生畏,但通过适当的规划和让合适的人员尽早参与进来,最终实现了快速、低风险的过渡。

SuperVista gained access to a dedicated technical team of solutions engineers and technical account managers with deep country-specific email expertise. They provided detailed advice on topics such as sender reputation management and deliverability and analyzed each market’s challenges to develop an audience-specific optimization strategy. Each market would get time to warm up before scaling to full capacity which helps build a good delivery reputation. 


Within 36 days, Bird identified SuperVista’s problem, customized a solution, and finalized the contracting. Within 2 months, SuperVista increased their open rates by 325% and leads by up to 200%. 


Reliable email delivery translates into big wins  

Before Bird, SuperVista was running into 可送达性挑战 common to rapidly growing businesses, specifically, very high send volumes in a short time period. This creates a big problem: It’s hard to know if your email strategy is working if people aren’t receiving their messages. 

Emails stalled out instead of sliding into customers’ inboxes, and SuperVista couldn’t determine how to improve due to a lack of data visibility and analytics. ǞǞǞ solution? Bird Email Analytics. By monitoring send metrics and analytics, SuperVista could easily identify bottlenecks and improve deliverability. ǞǞǞ non-technical, no-code platform was proving successful. 


Email is one of the top-performing channels for SuperVista when it comes to scheduling eye test appointments. These appointments are important milestones in the customer journey. Since most customers change their glasses every two years, an effective and timely retargeting strategy is vital to increasing retention and securing recurring revenue. 

Now with Bird, email marketing is SuperVista’s most effective way to stay top-of-mind when it’s time to grab some new lenses. 

With the no-code platform, SuperVista’s marketing team doesn’t need to rely on engineers to rapidly experiment with curated email offers and content in each country. Regional holidays, birthdays, and other offer opportunities drive local affinity and brand awareness. 

SuperVista 在加倍努力开展以客户为中心的交流后取得成功

对于企业来说,发送电子邮件和文本信息听起来似乎很简单。但如果这一核心功能没有得到优化,就会严重影响业绩,阻碍增长。对于像 SuperVista 这样的革命性企业来说,个性化、连贯一致的通信策略是其竞争优势的重要组成部分。

"我们的打开率提高了 325% 以上,我们从未从其他公司获得过这样的服务。

Now SuperVista is equipped with a full suite of communication tactics including email newsletters, transactional emails, shipping confirmations, and special offers—and they can analyze data from these messages to drive customer engagement even further. 

"我们选择Bird 的关键原因是什么?个人联系方式。大多数公司在签订合同前都会提供很好的服务,但随后就没了下文。在Bird ,优质服务在我们签约后仍在继续"。

SuperVista 将Bird 平台整合到其颠覆性的业务模式中后,效果立竿见影。自从与Bird 合作以来,SuperVista 取得了令人印象深刻的成果,包括在两个月内将电子邮件打开率提高了 325%,将潜在客户增加了 200%。

"事实证明,与 SuperVista 的合作是一个黄金标准的范例,它说明了当每个人都参与进来时,迁移工作可以做得多么好。在团队各个层面的帮助下,我们能够在不到两个月的时间内完成所有迁移工作,并帮助 SuperVista 团队迅速看到成果。-Bird

SuperVista 和Bird 的未来:新市场和新产品channels

The success of SuperVista’s partnership with Bird has set the stage for a whole new phase of progress. Now that email systems are functioning at a high level, SuperVista is aiming even higher.

With Bird’s Email Analytics, the company now has a better sense of who their customers are and what motivates them. For example, most customers are over 45 and they prefer SMS communication. 80% of customers use mobile devices to engage SuperVista. 

有了这些信息,新的channels 、接触点和机会就摆在了桌面上。这意味着,SuperVista 可以通过深入了解客户旅程的每个阶段来挖掘更多信息。SuperVista 确信,在他们提供卓越体验、推动增长和提供取悦客户的新方法的过程中,Bird 仍将是他们宝贵的合作伙伴。


SuperVista is a full digital hybrid optician operating online and through a network of over 1,300 independent opticians across Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They provide a seamless, convenient, and cost-effective way for customers to get their eyes measured and buy glasses. SuperVista aims to make digitalization their top priority and reach their customers while working on building their brand. They are committed to providing quality service and ensuring that their customers enjoy the process. 



我们的平台、应用程序和 API 可帮助企业通过客户首选的channels (如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信、语音、微信、Messenger 和 Instagram)简化对话,并构建强大而吸引人的体验。Bird我们的开箱即用功能和全渠道专业技术为知识工作者提供了有利条件,帮助他们立即提高工作效率,利用各种工具构建出色的营销campaigns 、客户服务体验或自动化业务流程。

Bird 总部位于阿姆斯特丹,为谷歌、Facebook 和 Uber 等 29K+ 客户处理超过 5 万亿条信息、电话和电子邮件,channels ,如 WhatsApp、电子邮件、短信等。公司成立于 2011 年,现已发展成为拥有 800 多名员工的强大团队,员工来自 55 个国家,我们为自己是一家完全远程管理的公司而感到自豪。


Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

The right message ->right person ->right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's 隐私声明.